After the party yesterday night. I've never see her again. I don't know where she went right after she had kissed me. Absentmindedly i caressed my lips. I couldn't describe what im feeling right now, but it i guess it is a good thing though. It wasn't my first kiss but that one was so fantastic, I'm lost with her eyes, as if she could see what i see, she feels what i feel.
I touched my lips. God! i really liked it. No! i love it! i don't know what happen to me. but it makes me feel sad that i don't have a chance to getting to know her more. She's mysterious. God that girl really something. But i really want to forget her especially the way she kissed me. Oh please god. Help me!
But it made me more upset is when she said sorry? what? sorry for kissing me?
In the CLUB
' Parteyyyyy!!! ' Brea shout as she sways her hips. Wow my best friend getting wild now i think she needs to stop.
'' BITCH '' i shouted and laughed at her weirdness.
'' Hey don't kill this moment celine '' Jue warned . I rolled my eyes and laughed.
Okay! I think this gonna be a Wild and Free night for us. forget anything and dance.
I lost my self
Wow! Im so messed up!
I can't stood still and walked straight. My knees are weak. My vision is kinda blur it is like a slow motion and the things around me like are moving slowly. I went to the rest room shrugged people out of my way.
'' Get out of my way bitches! '' i hissed.
Then someone bumped me and turned my head to my back.
'' Bit.. Ch .. '' i almost lost my words when i saw someone stood up firmly in front of me even though i can't see vividly my vision i know it's her.
'' Ce.. Celine? ''
My eyes flicker. Am i dreaming? Or hallucination?
'' You're drunk! '' She said.
I looked away i dont want her to see me like this mess up. So i turned around and step foward. Before i step another she grips my wrist.
'' Where do you think youre going? '' wow her voice was shaking.
'' None of your business '' i said and pull my wrist away to her hand.
I stayed a long while inside the cubicle. I dont wanna see her.
I dont know why i am acting like this! Bullshit!
Knock! Knock!
" Celine? Are you there? " brea knocked on
" Ye.. Yeahh! " i stutter
" You were 30 minutes in there, what happened? "
I opened the door
" What happened? " her voice is full of concern
" Nothing im just too messed up " i lied
" c'mon lets go home "
And we went out of the club
" So are you fine now? " Jue asked me
I smiled and i nodded
" Hey is that Aden? " Brea asked me and point her fingers to the left direction
I saw Aden approaching us. His to die for smiled really something.
" Hey girls. Your seems enjoying the party? " he asked us.
" Yeah but Celine wasn't feel better so we decided to go home now! " Jue answered
Aden nodded
" You want me to bring you home celine? So your friends continue their dates inside! " he stated
" Nah! We bring her home! " Brea and Jue unison
And they guided me to car.
" Be careful to him celine " Brea reminded me.
" Thank you girls! "