Lily's POV.
A week has passed since I was brought here, feeling more like one month.
If I stay indoors for one more day, I swear I would lose my sanity but I had no choice. I didn't realize the amount of people living here until I walked into the living room one morning only to find more than thirty hot muscular men having a meeting with their boss. I discreetly walked into the kitchen not wanting to interrupt their conversation.
At first I didn't want to believe that my ex-boyfriend was a Mafia boss. But with the amount of guns and security around here, I think reality has finally hit me, hard.
I still don't know how I feel about being around dangerous men and weapons every single day.
Speaking of dangerous men, Vincenzo has been avoiding me like the plague for the past five days after our not so pleasant conversation and it's really frustrating because he was the one that brought me here in the first place, I hardly see him and when I do he just nods in my direction and walks the other way.
It feels weird having no one to talk to all day, I didn't really want to make friends with people who always wear scowls on their face. Matteo is a really great company but he has a job to do and he didn't have time to hang out.
Snapping back to reality, I sat cross-legged on the bed, after finding a comfortable position, I picked up my phone hovering over penny's number. I still didn't have the courage to lie to her and my family but I know I have to or they would start getting suspicious.
Knowing Penny, she would start suspecting that something was wrong. I hesitantly dialed her number and put the phone in my ear.
She finally answered after three rings and screamed her lungs out in making me cringe.
"Lillian Stewart! You've got some explaining to do! Why didn't you tell me you have been seeing Mr hotshot again?! You are such a bad bad girl Lilly. " She purred her last statement in a seductive tone making me cringe internally.
I rubbed my baby bump, Since my belly started showing I realized I did that a lot a lot when I'm nervous, trying to find comfort in my baby.
I finally found my voice.
"I-um, I guess I never got over him. We've been talking for a while and he uhm- asked me to move in with him and I couldn't refuse him." I said.
"I knew you never got over him! I mean who would? He's so hot and I'm sure you couldn't give up on a good dick! I'm so happy for you, Lilly." She said her voice softening.
"You were never the same without him, it was like after he left, he took a part of you with him. I'm so glad you guys are back together." She added making me consumed by guilt.
I hated that I had to lie to her but I had no choice, I don't want her involved in a dangerous world, one of us is enough as it is.
"I know, Penny. I'm happy too." I said, feeling the exact opposite.
"So, how is my favorite nephew doing? Still playing soccer in your belly?" She asked her voice turning playful. I laughed at her words.
"Being pregnant sucks! Sometimes I feel like he's about to pop out with the amount of force he kicks with. I can't wait for him to come out already." I complained, glad for the change of topic.
"In less than three months, you'll be pushing a water melon sized baby out of your vagina!" She burst out laughing like a maniac.
"Please don't remind me. I already have a hard time picturing it." I groaned out, I always grew antsy when I think about it."
I heard a male voice in the background, the voice sounded familiar
" Penny? Are you with some-"
"I'll call you back, I'm really busy right now. Talk to you later. Bye!" She hung up before I could even utter a reply. I stared at my phone in shock, wondering who the person was and why his voice sounded familiar.
What was she hiding from me?
I slipped from my bedroom and carefully walk down the step towards the kitchen. The house was strangely quiet and empty today. I wasn't complaining though.
After getting my cookies I went to the living room and sat down on the comfy couch. I turned on the TV. Netflix would do.
I ate my cookies, while watching my favorite movie, twilight.
Too focused on the movie, I almost didn't here the sound of the door slamming shut.
I glanced up and saw the dark brown haired guy that came in with Vincenzo five days ago.
He approached me with a smile that didn't seem to leave his handsome face. All the men I've met so far since I came here are all hot and handsome. Vincenzo is still the hottest man alive though. My subconscious added. Shut up!
He smirked at me, and I felt my face heat up at the realization that I had been staring at his face for a while.
I cleared my throat before speaking up.
His smile seemed to widen. Does his face not hurt from smiling too much?
"Hi yourself. What is a sexy woman like you doing sitting alone?" He said wiggling his eyebrow suggestively.
I snorted unattractively. "More like whale." I said while he looked genuinely confused.
"Why would you-Oh." He cut himself off only now noticing my very visible bump. I didn't blame him though, I was wearing a very big tank top the night we first met, so he didn't notice.
His never ending smile returned back to his face. "Hi I'm Nicolas, Vince's best friend, even if he'll never admit it." He winked at me. I smiled at him. Vincenzo never mentioned his name when we were together. I didn't even know he had a best friend.
"I'm Lillian." I replied not really knowing what else to say.
"Sorry if this question sounds weird but is it Vincenzo's?" He asked pointing at my belly.
I shifted uncomfortably wondering where he was going with these.
"Yes. Why?" His expression seem to change after my reply. His jaw clenched and unclenched before his familiar smile appeared again. Making me think I was imagining things.
"Uh right. Nothing. Congratulations Lillian, Vince is a lucky man, how do you keep up with his grumpy ass?" He asked with a laugh but it seemed forced.
"Uhm we aren't together anymore." His eyes widened and he looked apologetic.
"Oh I'm sorry if my question made you uncomfortable." He said with an apologetic smile, I smiled back at him.
"No. It's fine." I said.
"Right. Vince asked me to get him some files. I'll just go get it and allow you enjoy your movie." I nodded my head and he dashed out towards the direction of Vincenzo's office.
I heard the sound of my ring tone, I picked it up and went inside my bedroom before answering the phone.
"Oh Lillian honey! I've been trying your number these past few days." The familiar soft and sweet sound of my mother's voiced flowed through the line.
"Mom? H-how did you get this number? I was planning on calling you soon." I said I really wasn't ready to have this conversation with her. I guess it was inevitable now.
"Well, I guess your soon is now over young lady. Your dad and I have been worried sick! I had to collect this number from your friend, perry. We thought something has happened to you and our grandchild." She said all in one breathe.
"It's Penny mom. I'm sorry for making you worried. I'm okay and the baby is fine too. There's something I wanted to tell you and dad, can you put him on the line?" I asked nervously.
"Hold on a sec, dear. Let me call your dad." I heard shuffling on the other line. "David! Get over here, it's our daughter!"
I heard sounds of footsteps on the other line before my dad's deep voice spoke on the phone.
"Lillian dear, how are you and my grandchild? You got your mother and I worried when you weren't answering our calls." I sighed feeling guilty all over again, I hated this feeling.
"We are fine dad, I'm sorry for making you worried. I found out the gender of the baby the other's a boy." I heard squeals of delight from my mom while my dad laughed heartily bringing a smile to my face.
"Congratulations Lilly! We are so happy for you!" My mother's cheery voice squealed.
I cleared my throat. "Actually that's not the only thing I wanted to talk to you guys about." I said biting my lip almost drawing blood. I was more scared of what my father's reaction would be. Let's just say he wasn't really a fan of Vincenzo.
"Vincenzo and I are kinda back together." I said.
"What?! You went back to that bastard? After all he did to you?! Are you crazy?! Just wait till I get my hands on that son of a bitch! I don't know what you were thinking going back to him." My dad's deep voice boomed through the line making me shudder, I was thankful I wasn't seeing him right now.
"David! Let the poor girl be, you know she is pregnant and doesn't need to be stressed out!" I heard a door slam shut notifying me that my dad had just walked out.
I felt tears well up in my eyes running down my cheeks. I hated lying to them, but I knew I had to, at least for their safety.
My voice cracks as I spoke up." M-mom p-please talk to dad, make him understand. V-vincenzo is the father of my child and he wants to be present in our lives." I held back a sob threatening to escape from my mouth.
"I know honey, your dad will come around don't worry about him. I hope you aren't going back to that boy because of the baby, if he is threatening you, you have to tell us so we can deal with him." My mom had always been the most understanding one between my parents.
"No no. Vincenzo is not threatening me. I-I love him, mom." I felt the need to add to make it seem believable I told myself.
"If you say so honey, We won't stop you from following your heart. I will talk to your dad and make him understand, okay?" My mom said soothingly as if speaking to a child.
"Thank you mom, you know...for always being there for me whenever dad gets upset with me. I love you mom. Tell dad I love him too." I said my voice thick with emotions.
I heard sniffles on the other line. "We love you too honey and we miss you. The house is not the same without you."
"I'll come see you both soon." I said, I didn't know how soon it would be, seeing as I could not go anywhere for now.
"Alright. I'll talk to you later. Bye honey."
"Bye mom." I said and she hung up. I sighed sitting down on the couch near the window, loving the feeling of the evening fresh air coming from outside.
The conversation went a little better that I expected which I was really grateful for.
I felt nausea and fatigue hit me, I scrambled out of the couch and ran into the bathroom to puke my guts out. After flushing the toilet I washed my hands and face and drying it with clean towel.
I walked tiredlessly into the room, I rarely did anything in this house but I always felt like I had cleaned the whole rooms in this mansion.
The baby is growing bigger and bigger everyday making it hard to stand or walk for too long.
I climbed the bed and snuggled into the soft pillows, I placed the longer pillow between my thigh to make me more comfortable. I covered my self with the soft blanket.
I drifted off to sleep with the thoughts of a particular handsome dark haired man who managed to steal my breathe away even in my dreams.