They drove in silence until they got into the city.
"Drop me at work!" Taylor finally broke the silence.
Briefly looking at her, he sighed and did as he was told.
"You know, you could stay home the rest of your life and wouldn't have any worries right?" He said still driving.
"You mean you think I wouldn't have any worries.." She said as he put the car to a stop.
"I'll come to pick you up by 5, mom wants to see you!" He said looking into her eyes.
"I close at 6!" She said in a firm tone.
Not wanting to argue here, he pressed his lips and blurted: "Fine! I'll pick you up by 6, " and drove off.
Frowning, she watched his car leave with Bella barking in his trunk.
A worker behind the counter smiled excitedly at Taylor as soon as she walked in: "Taylor, you are finally here! Thank you so much for working some extra hours yesterday, if it weren't for you, Ulia wouldn't have given birth to those adorable puppies or worse, she'd have..."
Exhaling heavily not wanting to complete her sentence she quickly added "I hope Mark wasn't too angry?" She went on to ask seeing her expression.
"It's fine." Taylor smiled back at her as she walked to her station to get changed and begin her work.
Taylor had a soft spot for those who had like passion for animals. Working was the best part of her life, cause she got to see people who cared so much for their pets that they'd do anything to see that they were alright. The joy on their faces, when these animals were treated, was more rewarding than any pay would get her.
"Who's our delivery girl!" Hannah announced as Taylor stepped in.
With a smile, Taylor greeted, "Hi, Hannah"
"Quick, get her a soda!" Hannah said noticing that Taylor seemed a bit off.
"Are you okay?" She asked as she walked closer with a dog in her hand.
"I'm fine, Han, " she replied still trying to keep up her smile.
"Where's everyone else?" Taylor asked looking around.
"Oh, today's take excuse from work day. Lola went to visit her grandma and Jake... he too went to visit his grandma." Hannah announced.
Before Taylor could say a word, Hannah cut in, "You know that's a lie right?"
Raising a brow, Taylor looked at Hannah suspiciously. "Come on, girl, haven't you been seeing the chemistry between them? Only a dog and Mrs. Humphrey would miss such an explosion!"
"Then I guess I am the dog, " Taylor said and they both broke into laughter.
"I miss you, girl, " Hannah said as she laid the dog in her hand on a bed.
"What's wrong with him?" Taylor walked over to them.
"Someone found him wandering on the street nearby and decided to bring him here." She said patting the dog's head.
"I've checked him, and he doesn't seem to have anything wrong with him, so I'm surprised anyone would let a dog this adorable roam around, " Hannah raised him high shaking him like a baby, emphasizing "adorable!"
"Wow... glad he was found..." Taylor said as her mind wandered off to the dog they hit last night.
"Taylor!" Hannah snapped her finger in front of her face bringing her back into consciousness, "Where'd you wander off to?"
"Sorry!" Taylor finally spoke.
"I was asking about the plan you brought to get a line we should distribute in case of other cuties like this one who'd lost their owners or were found injured or in difficult situations." Hannah said looking at Taylor who seemed lost again, muttering the word "injured..."
"Are you alright, girl?" Hannah immediately held Taylor by her arm.
"Ouch!" Taylor exclaimed; Hannah had just held the exact spot Mark held earlier while pulling her into the car.
"Sorry!" Hannah instinctively retracted her hand.
"Woah!" Hannah exclaimed on seeing the fingerprint imprinted on Taylor's skin.
"What's that?" She asked looking up at Taylor's face. "It's nothing Taylor quickly concealed it with her hand.
"Taylor, what's going on?" Hannah tried to get in front of Taylor.
"I don't want to talk about it, Hannah!" Taylor stormed and walked towards her desk to see what task was assigned to her.
They worked in silence, with Hannah occasionally throwing worried glances at Taylor, and Taylor working with guilt etched deep in her heart.
"I'm going to get something, Tay, you want anything?" Hannah asked.
Now realizing she hadn't eaten anything since the previous day's evening, she looked up at Hannah and smiled gently, "Yeah!"
Hannah's face immediately lit up. "Treats on me!" She said, waiting for Taylor to get up, so they changed their clothes and left the shop.
In a restaurant just opposite the vet shop, the two girls sat quietly, each having a burger in front of them.
"Thank you, Hannah, " Taylor said as she picked the burger for a bite.
"Anytime, Sis" Hannah stared at Taylor hungrily devouring the burger in hand.
Worried, Hannah couldn't put herself to eat well in front of Taylor.
After Taylor had finished, she noticed Hannah staring at her, her burger barely eaten.
Chewing the last chunk of burger in her mouth, Taylor tried to compose herself.
"I am pregnant, " Taylor announced.
Widening her eyes in shock, Hannah stared at Taylor. Soon a smile creeped up her face followed by watery eyes.
"Oh my God! I am so happy for you, girl!" Hannah screamed and suddenly noticed the eyes staring at her.
"Sorry, sorry" she shrugged as she sank into her chair in embarrassment. Quickly turning to Taylor, she asked: "When did you find out?"
"A couple of weeks" Taylor replied.
"When were you planning to tell me?" Hannah said trying to mask her smile with a frown.
Taylor remained silent, not smiling like Hannah expected she'd be.
"Why aren't you happy then? Isn't the child Mark's?" Hannah asked trying to get Taylor's eyes.
"I wish it wasn't..." Taylor replied as she stared at the man in uniform who stepped in.
On seeing her expression, Hannah subconsciously followed her gaze.
The man seemed quite stressed and dirty. Ignoring the stares, he walked towards the counter and made his request, then walked and sat directly behind Taylor; back faced back. Due to how the chairs were arranged, Hannah was in a better position to see his back.
Clearing her throat, Hannah looked at Taylor: "Well?"
For some reason, the sight of the cop had taken her mind back to the injured animal from yesterday.
"Could we go for a drive after work?" Taylor asked.
"Uh?" Hannah raised a brow, "Why? Where?"
"I'll explain everything then," Taylor explained.
"Yeah, I was there, " The man behind Taylor began to speak on the phone.
"Yes, one confirmed..." he lowered his voice and continued: "..dead."
Although his voice was lowered, Taylor was closer to him so she could hear him.
Her eyes widened, but she quickly calmed down when she saw Hannah's expression.
"Finish up, let's get back to work." Taylor forced a smile.
Hannah stared at Taylor for a while, and just decided to continue digging in her burger, hoping that their evening drive would give her all the answers she sought.
"Just his head was found." The cop continued to speak silently.
Taylor whimpered unable to hold it back anymore.
The man immediately noticed and stood up. "I'm so sorry, Ma'am!"
"I'll call you back, Sir," He said into the phone, walked to the counter, took his order and left