You felt his naked body pressed against yours, his breath warm on the nape of your neck, your legs tangled from what turned out to be quite a long nap.
What time is it? You can't tell, the blinds are always down and the curtains closed so as to not let even a single ray of sunshine in. None of you wanted to risk contact with the sun, considering that the results would be horrendous.
Slipping away from him as silently as possible you got up and went for the door, but you're not even halfway there when his voice permeates every corner of the room.
"Why are you getting up?" he demands, not a trace of sleepiness in his tone.
"My limbs are all sore, I need to move a little bit," you sigh, "I'll be back soon so you can go back to sleep," you say but find yourself unable to take another step forward.
You know he's standing behind you before he even speaks.
"There's no need for you to leave this room in order to move your body," he whispers and you can feel chills running down your spine even though he hasn't touched you yet.
He puts his hand around your waist and turns you around, grinning widely when he sees that you've turned bright red all the way up to your ears. After taking your expression in, he cups your face, like he had done many times before, planting kisses along the outline of your jawline while his fingers travel south to meet your lower lips.
No matter how much you wanted to restrain yourself from giving in, it always proved to be useless, and this time wasn't any different. His thumb brushed over your clit, causing you to inhale sharply as you turned your head away from him.
It didn't made a difference though, since he already knelt down, pushed your thighs apart and bit your skin lightly. Of course bites like those never remained light and soon his teeth sunk into the softest part of your leg.
His lips felt soft on you as he sucked your blood. If you were a human that would have been a problem but being a vampire just opened more paths for you and so you're able to give him what he needed without worry.
Droplets of deep red fell to the floor but he ignored them, instead he turned his attention to the wetness between your legs, kissing you softly at first, yet it's not long until his tongue was running over your pussy again and again, nails digging into your flesh as he grabbed you by your ass.
By now your moans are loud enough to be heard outside the bedroom and you know that they're only going to get louder, after all you'd learned that it was no use trying to hide your pleasure.
It had become pretty obvious that knowing he could bring you to a state where you could no longer control your own actions gave him enormous satisfaction and it was impossible to deprive him of it, so you caved in.
You have to admit that the way he draws his lips back to reveal his fangs when he's pleased is more than appealing too.
That's the exact look he has when he pulls away, just so he can push you back onto the bed, climbing on top of you.
"You said I could move my body by staying in here but I still haven't moved an inch. So, among other things, you're a liar too," you grin in return and watch his eyes flare up.
You were more than willing to give him all the satisfaction he wanted but that wouldn't keep you from making your usual sarcastic remarks.
"You'll regret those words soon enough," he hissed.
With that he kissed the side of your breast tenderly, taking you by surprise when he pierced your skin with his teeth for a second time.
You closed your eyes and drove your nails into the mattress.
"I'll get back at him soon," you thought and felt your pulse increasing at the mere thought of his taste.
He licked the blood that's smeared on the side of his mouth and pressed his lips against yours. You ran your fingers through his hair and wrapped your legs around him while he pinched your nipples, kneading your breasts as his tongue meets yours.
His fingertips grazed the side of your torso, causing your hair to stand on end, only to make their way back between your legs.
He caressed your outer lips until he found you're wet enough and slipped two fingers into you, moving his hand back and forth. You know he's holding back in order to make you apologize, something you have no intention of doing, but you're not satisfied, you can practically hear your body begging for more.
"More," you moaned without thinking.
He heeds your request and pops another finger into you, his lips never parting from yours.
"Deeper," you whimper, driving your hips forward.
You heard him chuckle briefly, but you let it pass though as soon as it's over his fingers curl into you, although it's hardly enough to fulfill your desires.
Reaching out, you take his hand in yours, positioning it in a way that would allow him to go deeper, your pleads for something greater mixed with cries of pleasure.
His thumb puts more pressure on your clit.
It would only be a few more seconds until you climaxed and the thought hasn't even crossed your mind when he pulls his fingers out, leaving you looking at him with eyes filled with contempt.
"I told you you'd regret it," the huge smirk on his face simply serves to annoy you more and you attempt getting up from the bed to leave the room but he pulls you back below him, pinning your shoulders down with ease.
"You're the worst," you exhale as you push him away, in order to switch places and bring yourself on top.
His eyes travel over your body, lingering on the places he knew you loved being touched most. He's in a submissive stance but he looks at you in the same manner as if you were the one on the bottom. You were aware that it was almost impossible to change that, you still wanted to try.
You planted kisses on his neck, moving down to his collarbones, pausing merely for a second before you reached his abdomen.
You lifted your head a bit, stroked the base of his cock, feeling him twitch under your touch.
You can't help but sneer, it was unusual for him to react that way, which makes you anticipate what's to come even more. His cock is already hard as you take him in your hand and start pumping.
Your pace increased sooner than it did in past times, you were so excited that you could barely desist. Bending down you licked his tip, taking him in your mouth little at a time.
You're greedy, and the difference in his breathing only served to make you more so, resulting in you leaving behind all signs of restraint, moving even lower until his balls nearly came in contact with your lips.
He's close to finishing and you pull away slowly, ensuring that your tongue slides along the whole length of his cock while doing so. When you're sat up again you congratulate yourself on making him draw short, sharp breaths. Toying with a strand of hair that had fallen in your face, you lean into his ear.
"What's wrong? You wanted more?" you whispered, his body tensed under yours, "Don't worry, I'm not done yet."
You tugged at his left earlobe and proceed to sink your fangs in the crook of his neck, welcoming the warm savour of his blood in your mouth. His taste never ceased to exhilarate you, the mere idea that this man was willing to let you have your share of him brought you to a near-ecstatic state.
After you're finished you sit up slightly in order to lower yourself down onto him until he's finally inside you. Soft moans escape your lips as he enters you and you wrap your arms around his neck to regain your balance, beginning to move your hips in fluid motions on his lap.
His hands roamed your body, caressing your tits and tracing the outline of your spine. He lifted your chin up and kissed you, it's a rushed kiss, his tongue running over your teeth momentarily before he gets deeper into it, holding you close to him all the while.
"I assume your limbs are not that sore anymore, why don't you just lay back and relax?" he may sound sympathetic, yet you knew that his actions are far from it.
You nodded and got up, turned around to lie on your back, grateful for the cold sheets beneath you. Seeing him stretch his arms above his head and hearing him crack his neck, you became awfully aware of how motionless you were so you sat back up but he pinned you back down, with little to no effort.
"I thought I told you to relax," he growled.
You opened your mouth to protest but he silenced you by pressing his lips harshly against yours.
Speechless, your gaze was on him as he climbed on top of you, yanked your thighs apart. Without the slightest sign of hesitation he pushed into you, initially his movements were slow but not lacking impact, as you moaned his name and the occasional "Harder" or"Faster" which he conveniently choosed to ignore.
You realized that he had been waiting for his turn so he's bound to take his sweet time with you and you would probably let him have it even if you weren't so worn out. It's not long however until his hips thrust into you faster, his cock so deep inside your pussy that your bodies feel like they are one, and you arch your back, your orgasm quick but drawn out.
Still, he didn't stop and you saw drops of sweat forming on his brow while his speed increased.
You clung onto him rocking back and forth in perfect sync, lusting for more even if you've already came.
He propels himself forward one last time, wanting to get as deep within you as possible and you welcomed his cum when it filled you at last.
His sticky cum ran down your ass before he even pulled out.