I smiled as I opened the door of my room and almost gasped as I was exposed to a large room, as in too big! Living room, kitchen Then there are two more hallways. It's a house and not a room.
The interior theme is black and the furniture theme is white. Paintings are hanging on the wall.
"Roommate." I looked at the one who was speaking. I saw the woman leaning against a wall where I could pass.
Long black hair that I think is knee-length, black lipstick, black eyeliner, black nails, and is wearing a black t-shirt and black pants.
She looks like a bad girl when you look at her because there is chewing gum with matching leaning on the wall and cross arms.
"Welcome roommate! I'm Lit Tallulah Fuertez, and I'm your beautiful vampire roommate!" She said enthusiastically and transformed into a bat then flew closer to me and returned to her previous form.
Now she is in front of me. I almost swallowed when I saw her two fangs that were so shiny and sharp.
"Ugh ... Can you speak? Hello? Can you see me?" She asked so I blinked.
"Hi?" I felt awkward so she smiled.
"Did I scare you hihi sorry?" She said and smiled. "Don't worry, I don't drink people's blood. I drink the pure blood of animals." She said then laughed another laugh.
"Ugh ... Do you have a name? If you don't have any, I have a name for you." She said so I laughed.
"I'm Clementine," I said and smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Tine!" She said cheerfully and took my hand.
"Let's go! I'll tour you here in our big room!" She said enthusiastically and I was suspicious so I let go of what I was carrying. We first went to a road where she had turned us earlier.
"This is my room." She said and opened the black door. I was almost amazed at the theme of her room. Witch theme and there are voodoo dolls on her table side.
"I'll forget, I'm a fan of Witch so please don't think that I have a witch race because I'm a pure vampire." She laughed and said then I was suspiciously going to a hallway opposite where we went.
"And this is your room!" She said cheerfully and opened the black door and exposed me to the black room that was not yet very decorated.
"There is no room decor yet so this is the aura but I'm sure if you put decor on it, it will be nice. Do you want me to help you?" She asked me so I shook my head and laughed.
"Hihi doesn't be, I'm embarrassed," I said.
"Okay. We'll help." She says. Looks like I can't do anything.
She walked me around our room and only now did I realize that our comfort room had a swimming pool. Okay, so this school is amazing. Complete with appliances
And you know what's cool? There is a big TV in our rooms, the size of a movie screen.
"I'll help you fix Tine, later we'll go to the dining hall to eat." She said and suspected my bag was one.
"How long have you been here?" I ask.
"Just yesterday hahaha that side was so quiet." She said then pointed to the side of my room. "But I'm studying here, I just moved room because my old room will be removed and turned into a room by the Vaughns. Quarter like that." She told a story.
"Vaughn?" I ask.
"Hihi soon you'll meet those Vaughn. I'll tell you later in the dining hall because there's a chance we'll see those." She said so I nodded.
Lit and I stopped when we felt an earthquake.
Earthquake? Soon after, that also ended, back to being hyper again Lit.
"Earthquake, is the weather bad?" I will ask.
"Hahaha it's not nature who did that, the youngest of the Vaughns did it." She said so I wrinkled my forehead.
"Yes, Fin Flynn Vaughn did it so you have to get used to it. That's it." She said so I was even more curious about the Vaughns.