The first day Simone took possession of her new shop, the Charvez witches gathered in the space to bless and consecrate it. To protect it and make it hers. It was more than a matter of taking keys, it was about taking possession in a spiritual and magical way.
Lee drew a protective circle while Simone lit the brazier and tossed in the herbal mix her mother made as a hobby. Lou was a reader but she had a talent for healing herbs as well. The scent wafted through the air and a shaft of sunlight lit the patterns as the smoke trailed through the room.
Grand-mère laid out offerings in the four corners of the room. Some food, some herbs, crystals and a small glass of wine.
Returning to the circle, they all stepped inside. Lee closed it and the protective wall sealed them inside, safe. Their magic was contained and it felt like water at high tide. It swirled around them, their gifts mixing, weaving. Healer, reader, witch dreamer, empath—four Charvez women, three generations—the combination as much magical as the spell that Lee had written.
Simone stood in the circle, holding hands with Lee, her mother and her grandmother. They all spoke the words.
Powers of light, powers of love
Weave this place together with this witch.
Safe harbor be
From above and from below
From the west and south to the north and east
Air, fire, water and earth
Powers spark and unite
Powers protect and sustain.
Powers create harmony
As we will it, so mote it be.
Each word spoken pulled the magic tighter around them, created a stronger bond between Simone and the space. The spell was of the same type that bound Lee to her house and that was placed at The Grove. That it was something that was part of their history only made it stronger.
That circuit of protection and shelter, of love and connection, flowed for a moment in such a tangible way that it moved the material on the skirts the women were wearing and Simone felt it settle on her, around her and in her. The earth below, the sky above and the walls around embraced Simone and blessed her with their strength and she was thankful.
Before breaking the circle the four women murmured, “Blessed Be.”
As the last words were spoken, the room, the entire building, became hers. The building had been friendly to her before, but not hers. With the spell—with the Charvez magic and the spell that cleansed the negative energy and reined in the positive—Simone’s essence became bound, in a sense, with the building. It became an extension of her, a place that would shelter and harbor her, a place that she would in turn protect and create her living in.
Lee then went about warding the shop and then the apartment upstairs while Aidan and Alex came with the rest of the male relatives to help clean windows and paint. Once the paint dried they’d help her put up racks and mirrors. A contractor was building two changing rooms at the back. Instead of a large counter, Simone had found a massive antique desk that would take up a large part of the back of the place. She didn’t plan on being there much except for ringing up orders. The shop would be small and cater to a lot of contracted work as well as seasonal pieces. She’d make most of the stock herself, although her mother would help with the piecework. She might bring on help from time to time, but she liked the idea of keeping the business small and in the family.
She had a decent amount of stock built up. Summer dresses, a few party frocks, some matching handbags and some blouses and skirts. She was talking with a friend who owned a shoe store about carrying some of his shoes to go with the specialty outfits. Another friend made jewelry and Simone had arranged to trade stock with her. That friend had a small album of photographs of Simone’s clothing in her small shop near Jackson Square and often wore pieces Simone made just for her. When finished, the walls of the store were a deep wine red. There was a hint of blue in the red and it was decadent. It felt like you could walk into the color, made you want to reach out and run your fingers over it. It bore a high gloss and the cherrywood of the desk would work well together with it. After the paint dried, she’d stencil protective, restive and productive runes strategically near the doors and windows and around the workspace at the back where she had her equipment—all in silver. Tante Elise had left her some large Oriental rugs with some of the same colors and Simone had sanded, buffed and refinished the floors a few days prior. They had a pretty cherry stain and she’d put the rugs in some kind of pretty configuration after the walls and other construction was done. As it was now, there were protective drop cloths taped down everywhere to protect her hard work and keep the floors free of paint and scuffs.
The family had helped her move into the apartments upstairs three days before. She’d yet to spend the night there—tonight would be that night. Simone had spent the last several nights running around, finishing fittings, pulling things out of storage and helping at The Grove. Simone’s mother had insisted—and she’d gratefully agreed—on staying with her for a few days to make sure Simone ate and rested regularly. And quite honestly, Simone had to admit to herself that she hadn’t wanted to sleep there until Lee had warded the place. The feelings of dread and foreboding had taken hold and she had them far more often.
At the end of the day she looked around affectionately at her family, lying about her apartment eating pizza her oldest brother had brought back from Mama Rosa’s and drinking beer or sweet tea. So much love in the room. She grinned at her grand-mère, who gave her a saucy wink in return.
Clapping her hands to get their attention, she smiled at all of them. “Thank you, everyone, so very much, for helping me this last week. The moving and the painting, the blessings and the warding, the hanging of curtains and doing of floors—well, I’ve always known how lucky I was to grow up in this family and you’ve all proven it once again. I love you.”
Lou stood up and hugged her only daughter. When she had met Nikolaus at twenty-two, she’d never imagined that her children could mean so much to her. But Niko came from a large family as well and he loved kids. Because they were in New Orleans instead of back in his native country of Greece, they’d started building a family of their own.
She’d nearly given up on the idea of bringing another generation of Charvez witches into the world when Simone finally came along. And her daughter had been making her proud ever since. An empath, she still lived open to friends and family alike. So many people wrote her beautiful daughter off as a piece of fluff only to turn around and admit they underestimated her. But Simone made use of that, smart woman that she was. A Charvez through and through.
Still holding Simone’s hand, Lou raised her glass in a toast. “Bébé, you deserve this. You’ve worked hard and earned it. We are all very proud of you and your daddy would have been over the moon at you having your own place.”
Everyone raised their bottles and glasses and toasted her and she sat, grin on her face, surrounded by the people who meant the most to her in the universe. There were small aches, she missed Em and she wanted a man. But those aches could be dealt with.
* * * * *
Anton glided into the main room of the large house, where the rest of the group was waiting. Some of them might not like human gadgets but his laptop and the Internet had given them many valuable tips in the past—today as well. He stood at nearly seven feet tall, his hair a shade of red that brought to mind cherries or a fine merlot. He had a feral intensity that charmed people, despite his size,
despite the aura of danger that emanated from him. It was his greatest weapon and he’d used it for centuries. His eyes were a deep green and they glittered with an edge of madness that people didn’t usually catch until it was too late. They didn’t live in graveyards like some of the other Oathbreaker bands. He loathed those poseurs. There was no need to wallow in the dirt like animals. Far from it, Anton’s nests were always furnished at the height of luxury. The mansion they inhabited at the moment had twenty rooms and was furnished with the most expensive and lavish items. Only the best linens on the bed. His rooms had high-tech electronics, his closets bulged with designer clothing. The rest of his followers all lived in similar luxury.
After they’d hunted, they took hot showers in the outdoor bathing area near the pool, the water running red then pink and at last clear. Two females attended him at all times. He drove a Bentley and had lived in this grand style since he’d become an Oathbreaker six hundred years before. He most certainly appreciated the modern luxuries life offered. A Bentley was far preferable to a horse-drawn carriage. Everyone looked up and slightly stiffened as he entered the room, waiting to hear what he’d say.
“All but two of the Charvez witches are in residence in the city,” he said as he came and sat on the long chaise, stretching his legs out. One of the females sat at his feet and turned, running her hands up his legs and over the erection in his pants.
“They’re real then?” one of the others said excitedly. Anton narrowed his eyes and his lip curled. “I told you they were real last month when we decided to head up from Mexico. Didn’t I?” It wasn’t a real question, there was menace in the voice and his eyes were getting that otherworldly glow that made everyone in the room go very still. When Anton Purdue got this way, it was best to hope he didn’t notice you.
The offending vampire kept his eyes down and tried not to be too fearful and yet fearful enough. Too much fear and he risked exciting Anton’s bloodlust, not enough and he risked offending him into doing something rash, like ripping his head off and taking his spine with it.
The moment slowly passed and Anton’s eyes slid away from him and back to the female who was once again rubbing his cock through his pants. Her incisors were out, eyes aglow. He raised an eyebrow, imperiously waiting for her to continue, and watched her pale hand unzip his pants. Greedy eyes locked with his as she pulled his cock out and licked her lips before taking him into her mouth. The sight of those painted red lips wrapped around his cock pleased him mightily.
“We’ll head into New Orleans tomorrow night and see what quarry we can beat from the bushes,” he said with a hiss of pleasure.
Simone sat up in her bed. A cold sweat broke over her skin and she shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. Something very wrong was happening. The evil that touched the edge of her perception so recently had suddenly become so real and so close that she could physically feel it. The touch of it made her nauseated and she had to fight back a gag. She knew it wasn’t there physically, the apartment over the shop was safe and warded. But the ominous fingers of what was coming their way gripped her. Whatever it was, it was nearby. Not in New Orleans just yet, but very close. The sweat on her skin felt clammy and she shivered as she reached over to call her mother. Before she could pick up the phone, she looked up to find Em and Con shimmering into the room. Once solid, Con rushed into the rest of the apartment while Em came over and embraced her cousin. The two of them connected, creating a circuit of feeling—comforting and seeking comfort all at once. It was a joyous thing to have someone who knew what you went through, who fit you in a way that no one else did. Em and Simone had always been close for that reason, and a whole host of others.
“Oh, I’m so glad to see you! Is everything all right? You two are okay?” Simone asked as Em sat on the bed. Con strolled back into the room and kissed the top of Simone’s head and went to stand behind Em, his body tensed and ready for action.
“I felt it all the way in Tir na nOg. It just rolled over me and made me sick. We went to Grand-mère’s and she told me what’s been happening. We came straight here.”
“This now?” Simone asked, meaning the wave of evil that had rocked her out of a deep sleep. “Or the last few weeks?”
“Right now, but in retrospect I’ve been feeling on edge over the last week or so and I suppose that’s related.” Em lowered her voice, “I thought it was my mother-in-law for a while.” Con chuckled and Simone grinned. Em rolled her eyes and Simone knew that she’d get the whole story later on. “Anyway, I just prayed I’d get back here before whatever is going to happen actually did happen.”
Simone told them both about what she’d been feeling. The sun was starting to rise and there was no way she’d get back to sleep after that horrible wave of evil, so she invited them to stay for breakfast. Knowing what a good cook she was, they both accepted the invitation right away.
* * * * *
Lee lay on their bed watching Aidan and Alex. Nothing in the world was sexier than the two of them together, Aidan’s honeyed head bent over Alex’s ebony one, their hands on each other. It made her wet to see the way they rolled their hips, bringing the length of their cocks into sliding contact. Even in the low light she could see a bead of semen on the fat head of Alex’s cock.
Her lips curved up as she watched Aidan’s lips travel down the muscular column of Alex’s neck and across his collarbone. His nipples were hard and Lee and Alex both let out a gasp of pleasure as Aidan’s teeth dragged across that sensitive flesh.
Aidan’s tightly muscled body moved against Alex’s broader, more bulked-up frame. Alex wrapped his hand around Aidan’s cock and Aidan jerked forward, thrusting into Alex’s fist. Aidan looked down, licking his lips, and Alex quirked up the corner of his mouth in sensual invitation.
“I think you should help me,” Aidan murmured, turning to look over his shoulder at her.
No need to ask her twice! She came to her knees and slowly crawled toward them both, slowly and sensuously moving her body, giving them a show like they’d done for her. When she got to them, she slid one hand up Alex’s thigh and the other up Aidan’s. Each of them had a fist wrapped around the other’s cock and she moved up and ran her tongue over Aidan’s and then Alex’s, smiling inwardly as they both moaned. She kissed a trail up Aidan’s stomach as her hand moved to cup Alex’s balls. Lee knelt then, face to face with Aidan. Reaching out, he cupped the back of her neck and pulled her mouth to his. His lips touched hers and the fire of her desire and love for both her mates rushed across her skin, flooding her pussy with moisture. Aidan sipped at her, tasted her like she was a fine wine. She felt treasured and cherished. She could feel the heat of Alex’s body against her side and she mewled in delight when he pinched her nipple. Alex moved his hand to wrap her hair around his fist, pulling her head back so that he could deliver a kiss that devastated her senses and pulled her under the maelstrom of his powerful sexuality. Aidan’s mouth moved to her nipples, abrading each one with the sharp edge of his teeth. Each one of her breathy moans was pulled into Alex’s mouth greedily. Alex broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, her head still tipped back, breasts offered up to Aidan’s questing tongue and lips. Alex’s leafy green eyes darkened, the pupils huge. “Suck. My. Cock,” he ordered in a dark whisper and Lee couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped her. His roughness always turned her on, especially because she knew how much he loved her, how much he valued her and their marriage. She touched Aidan’s head, sifting the silky golden hair though her fingers, and he looked up at her with that wicked smile that always made her knees buckle. They turned as one and pushed Alex back onto the mattress.
In tandem, Lee and Aidan kissed and licked a trail down Alex’s chest, stopping to give his sensitive nipples some attention. Lee left Aidan at Alex’s bellybutton and kissed up the inside of a muscled thigh. Her eyes were locked on Alex’s as she did it, watching his face as he received love and pleasure.
Aidan moved down as she moved up until their lips met at Alex’s cock. Alex gasped out a ragged moan as she lowered her mouth on him while Aidan moved between his thighs and tongued his balls and licked along the sensitive crease where thigh met groin.
Soon, Lee backed off and watched as Aidan took over, his mouth closing over Alex as he rose and fell, cheeks hollowing as he pulled up.
“Oh god, that feels so fucking good,” Alex gasped out, drowning in the sensation of two mouths on his cock, of the difference between how Aidan pleasured him and how Lee did it. Aidan was surer, stronger, he took more into his mouth than Lee could. Lee used her tongue more, kept him wetter. The combination of them both was intoxicating. Lee’s auburn curls tickled over the flesh of his lower abdomen and groin and he could smell the essential oil that she wore, frangipani. Beneath that, he could smell her desire rising from her body, smell her pussy as it readied for them. Lee moved and she and Aidan both swirled their tongues up and down the shaft of Alex’s cock, taking care to give extra attention to the ridge of the crown where he was most sensitive.
Suddenly Lee found herself on her back, Alex kneeling between her thighs, pressing his cock deep into the slickness of her cunt. Automatically, her legs wrapped around his waist and she opened to him.
Arcs of electric pleasure shot up her spine at the entrance of his body into hers. She arched her back and watched as Alex and Aidan kissed passionately above her. Aidan moved down and traded Alex’s taste with Lee, kissing her gently and then with more feral intensity as Lee and Alex joined their hands on his cock. They intertwined fingers and took him in that grasp and he lazily thrust into their grip, watching Alex fuck Lee so hard her breasts moved with each thrust. Alex gave out first, coming with a long hard groan of release, and then Lee’s thighs were untangled and spread as both men brought mouth and tongue to her pussy. When Aidan’s teeth dragged across the flesh at her groin, orgasm exploded through her and her back arched as she grabbed the sheets in her fists. Suddenly a waking dream hit and her scream of pleasure became a scream of terror and both men pulled back, thinking it was something they’d done.
Blood! Oh god the blood. Had to get away, had to escape. WHAT was it? She panicked as the thing with the sharp teeth moved toward her. Its eyes were glowing. No, this wasn’t real. Couldn’t be real. Monsters weren’t real…
“LEE! Damn it, Lee, wake up,” Alex ordered into her ear as he held her, rocking her.
Her eyes locked with Aidan’s and they cleared. “He’s coming,” was all she said before she passed out.
* * * * *
Despite her concern for her cousin, Simone couldn’t help but be amused and touched by the concern Alex and Aidan showed Lee. Simone, Em and Con had shimmered there immediately when they’d felt Alex and Aidan’s terror. Lee had her hands full trying to get Aidan to rest. A vampire in full adrenaline-dripping protection mode wasn’t easy to manage.
“I’m all right! Damn it, Aidan, you shouldn’t be up like this, it’s not good for your system. I’m fine. Go to bed. Alex is here, Con is here, Em and Simone are here, my mother and father are on their way at, I’m sure, breakneck speeds.” Lee pointed a very tired and pale Aidan in the direction of the bedroom.
“You think I would leave you to the protection of others?” Aidan fumed. The strain was evident in his voice but Simone could feel his fear, his frustration at being unable to protect her when he had to sleep.
“I’m here, Aidan. She’s safe in this house. She’s safe with all of us here,” Alex said calmly, putting a hand on Aidan’s arm and squeezing.
“She’s never had this strong a reaction to a dream before! We don’t know what this is! Simone and Em felt her, they can’t feel her normally!” The strain at staying awake in the full daylight was evident in his voice. He was riding the adrenaline and there were lines next to his eyes and his mouth was tight.
Simone walked to Aidan and put her arms around him, hugging him tight. “We felt you and Alex, I think. Your fear for her safety. But we came right here. Shimmered here in moments.” And that had been an interesting sight, showing up in their bedroom with the three of them naked, the scent of sex on the air, Lee saying over and over, “He’s coming!” as she rocked in Alex’s arms.
“Aidan, she’s family. We’ll protect her while you rest. You can’t protect her if you let the adrenaline ride you like this. If this guy is an Oathbreaker, he’s even more tied to the daylight than you are. He can’t get to her,” Con reassured him. Aidan slumped a bit and Lee held out a hand and he took it. “Go on. Sleep. I’ll see you at sunset. I won’t even leave the house today.”
Aidan kissed her fingertips and nodded, forcing Lee to promise that she wouldn’t leave two more times before he finally went to bed.
Lee looked to them all and slumped on the couch. Simone stood up. “Nope. I didn’t want to say this in front of Aidan and worry him more but you need rest too. I can see it in your face and I can feel it in Alex as well. Go to sleep. You’re safe in this house.”
Alex sighed. “We really should talk about what’s coming.”
“Do you know what’s coming, Alex? We don’t. We just know it’s bad and on the way. Lee has told us the dream several times. Em and I feel it too. But there’s nothing to be gained by you staying awake right now. I have a feeling we’re going to need rest before this big bad vamp gets here.”