My grandmother has calmed down and the strange girl continues to serve us food...
A few moments later, the girls came down from the room. They were surprised by the reaction of grandmother who wanted to whip them with a stick.
MaMi Caroline: I'm going to take you all with me to the village. If you don't want to hang out anymore, stop sleeping in the men's room and return to the village. You find good boys there or even have to work. There are a lot to do there than to sleep men here for a littlemoney.
_Grandmother!! I'm sorry but you can't talk to these girls like that. They are my friends.
I defend them.
All three of them were hidden behind me. They were whining like first graders.
MaMi Caroline:Have you already informed your friends that you were going to get married today?
Girls: What??
_This wedding you were telling me about is taking place today??
MaMi: Surprise!!
_Grandma, I thought you were going to at least give me time to think about this for at least two weeks.
MaMi Caroline: Why two weeks!! So that you still have a little time to sleep with these naughty, unimportant girls? I'm not that old or crazy to let that happen.
MaMi Caroline: Make them understand things clearly. Because today was your last day as a single person and also your bachelor party day.
_ My bachelor party... What!!
MaMi Caroline: Oh yeah!! I know how to talk like them too.
_Grandmother avoid this language a little, let's talk seriously.
MaMi Caroline:Today was the last time you slept with those girls Ahmed.
She gets straight to the point.
If this happens again, Hanna will be forced to sue you for infidelity and you will be severely punished by the laws of our country.
_What??What is this nonsense again, grandmother. Should I remind you that this is an arranged marriage that you spoke to me about and that I haven't signed anything yet??
MaMi Caroline: Um...!!
_ Do you know that I can still cancel everything, grandma??
MaMi Caroline: Should I remind you that if you refuse to marry this girl in your living room, I will be forced to leave you and never see you again, son??
Do you not know that I am a woman of my word Ahmed and that if I made this decision neither you, nor your uncle and even less the devil will be able to persuade me to still accept you as my grandson whatever happens??
Humm!! On this one, my grandmother knows very well what to defend. She knows how to pin me to the wall and make me helpless whatever I do.
I shut up and look at her in silence.
A few seconds later, my uncle arrived accompanied by two men. An adult that I assume he is the mayor given his clothing and an old man that I deduce is the grandfather of my future wife.
Uncle Ali:Hello Ahmed!!Who are our guests today??They are very cute.
I was nervous, upset about what was happening in my house. I couldn't answer him.
The girls felt embarrassed so they wanted to leave...
MaMi Caroline: No, you can't leave like that. It will be rude of you not to attend the wedding ceremony of your friend girls. You stay..
Said my grandmother.
She offers them places at the table...I clench my jaw in anger and frustration.
Uncle Ali: My boy, come we must talk in private.
I follow him silently into the kitchen...
_Why me?? I question him without us having reached the kitchen.
Uncle Ali: The request came to us and we had no other option than to think of you because you remain the only single man in the Ahmed family.
Your cousins are all engaged men. Making such a request would have been a provocation for their wives.
Explain my uncle.
Ok!! I admit that he got me and that he is probably right about that.
_So my only crime would have been not having a woman in my house to have to marry one of the village girls who could be my little sister for I don't yet know what reason?
I question him.
Uncle Ali: She needs you Ahmed. Just like you will need her.
_ It is clear that grandmother told me that her grandfather would have left a will which includes hectares of land worth millions and that her uncles would like to seize it by force saying that it should be minors to manage such wealth and that marrying a mature man like me couldhelp him keep this heritage.
She's the one who needs me there.
But for my part, what will I need from this little girl, Uncle Ali??
I question him.
Uncle Ali: She will give you children and make you a complete man Ahmed.
MaMi Caroline: Thank you Ali, About fifteen minutes ago, I told him the same thing.
Said my grandmother as she entered the kitchen..
I didn't tell you that I need both children now. I'm young and I still have plenty of time, let's see.
Uncle Ali: You can't play with life all the time Ahmed. There is an age for everything, old man. You are thirty years old today and no children. Wake up a little!!
When are you really planning to have children, huh? At the age of 35 or 45 or even 65? Tell us? You will tell us that you are always young. But it is at 30 that a man should normally organized your life. After this age you forget. Okay you forget!!
Uncle Ali: Ahmed son, playing with women as you do is a game that often ends badly. You may play life but you will never find a real wife among your mistresses.
And in the end, none of them will be responsible for giving you a child that will last. If you marry a mistress, she will tell you that you are the author of her pregnancy.
But fifteen years later when you are in old age. She will spit in your face that these children that you cherish so much are not yours. What will you do??
You will only have your eyes to cry and the guilt will cause you to have a heart attack then it's a stroke. And there you will be able to tell God about your wealth and your fortunes since you will never see them again Ahmed.
Son, think a little about this great opportunity that life is offering you, you have a lot to gain by engaging in this relationship more than just a plot of land.
This girl will give you lots of children who will be yours. And you will never hear outside that these children are someone else's.
Ahmed, if you refuse this opportunity you will suffer and alone without children. And guess what, it will be too late for you to build a real family.
MaMi Caroline: (crying) And I will never know the happiness of having great-grandsons.
Uncle Ali: (crying) Ahmed knows what needs to be done, mom. You would know this happiness. Stop crying.
I was very moved to see them so devastated that I didn't think for two seconds before saying, crying too:
_Let's sign this paper and let me know my wife.
Uncle Ali and grandmother happily ran into the living room...
Mr. Mayor: “We are here to celebrate the marriage between our two children, daughter and son.
Ahmad Silvain Ahmed.He is calling me.
_ Present, Mr. Mayor.
I answer.
Hanna Mveng.He calls my future wife.
She didn't answer and my grandmother had to whisper something in her ear.
Hanna Mveng. Calling again Mr. Mayor.
_ Present.
She answers.
He begins the ceremony and explains everything to us properly. I decided to sign the monogamy regime. Was it really important??
I don't know. I just did it to make my family happy. That was important.
We did it and here I am engaged. She put the wedding ring on my finger without me having to see her face.
Would I really want to see that face? I don't think it matters.
If my family is happy then I will respect this marriage contract until its end without wanting to look at this face. I am not interested in it.
Mr. Mayor: May the husband kiss the wife.
I feel my heart tear into a thousand pieces and my hands start to shake on their own. I don't think I could do it.
I turn around looking at my uncle. I was sweating profusely there.
Uncle Ali: No, no, no, Mr. Mayor. You will spare us from this phase today. Thank you!!
I prefer that. I tell myself internally.
Mr. Mayor: But I want to see the face of the bride. Insists the man. On the marriage certificate there is no photo of the two.
MaMi Caroline: Stop insisting you are not her husband. I will bring you photos as soon as possible.
She gets up and pulls him by the arm towards the exit door. She says: You have finished your work over here come on (Oust) you can dispose of it.
One of my personal guards kicks him out following my grandmother's request.
MaMi Caroline: (addressing the girls) And what are you still waiting for? Don't you see that there is already a new wife around here?
Go get out (Oust) go look elsewhere and never put your beautiful legs around here again.
The girls run out of the house. We stay with family and my step-grandfather says to me:
“I am very grateful to you son. You will not regret doing me this favor.
I will take you to my land when you come to marry my granddaughter in front of all the villagers.
I would be happy if you would visit us very soon.”
My uncle holds his hand after his speech, they say goodbye to me. My grandmother advises my fiancée not to clear a plate from the table. She says I would love to clear what's on there .
She obeys and runs after them...
MaMi Caroline: You can go back to sleep peacefully in your bed Ahmed.
she shouts before leaving.
_Yes, grandmother.
I answer.
My head was spinning as I took the stairs...
At 1 p.m. when I woke up, everything was blurry. Had I dreamed? Is it true that I married a village girl today??
I wake up when I hear the last sentence from the mayor: You can kiss your wife.
I jump out of bed and sit up. I clean my eyes and look at my finger. Amazing, I had a diamond lamb around my ring finger.
I look for the girls on the bed then in the bathroom. They were no longer there. But it was not their habit to leave without saying goodbye.
I immediately went down to look in the living room. Everything was well organized but only the plate that I remember that grandmother had asked this girl to leave was still on my table.
I move at a snail's pace towards it as if afraid that someone will notice me. I open it with a single touch without first looking inside.
I check if I'm being spied on by someone and when I look back at the plate...
I was filled with fear that I let the lid I was holding fall heavily to the ground.
I exclaim, falling on my butt...
My personal guard comes running...
Joël: What's happening to you boss? Why are you crying like a child.
_It's snake on the menu.
I repeat myself.
Joël: (whining) But boss, stop crying, it's just a snake in tomato sauce and what's more, he's dead.
Said Joël, looking at the plate. He wanted to come and introduce it to me.
I scream and get up. Don't come near me with that plate..
Joël: But boss, I like to eat black snake in tomatoes...
_ So get rid of it in that case. I scream and run back to my room.
If this girl should make me this kind of menu. Ah it's certain, I'm going to divorce before the end of the contract.