Manik had been sitting and watching over Nandani and Aadhya, while they were sleeping. But the moment she went to sleep, the little one woke up, screaming loudly, that was loud enough to wake up the dead, Manik thought, and it made him think of mortar attacks.
Nandani fussed over Aadhya while checking over her diapers, trying to nurse her, and then burped her. But no matter what she did, the baby would not be soothed.
Nandani's face had all sorts of emotion, from exhaustion to desperation, and then embarrassment. She then tried talking to her saying, "Come, darling, we will walk around again." But her words ended in a whimper.
Manik felt that he could not sit idly anymore. He went to Nandani and asked "May I" and when she nodded, he carried Aadhya for a walk. He snuggled the baby against his throat and started to walk with her. The little one cried a sound as if having some pain. Manik tried talking to Aadhya and said "Right here, sweetheart, we are not going anywhere, we'll take a small walk" he kept assuring her.
Aadhya's cries grew weaker. She probably liked the sound of Manik's voice. He then said, "Hey sweet girl, want me to tell you a story?"
Aadhya, but again started crying, Manik felt that his voice was also not helping in soothing her.
Nandani advised him "Pat her back, while you walk." He responded with a "Yes Ma'am."
Manik found it awkward to hold Aadhya and simultaneously patting her back, but he then somehow managed. The baby then after little whimpers stopped crying. He then told Nandani, "See you knew exactly what to do, Mom."
Nandani's cheeks were flushed with a pink color, while her eyes were shining. She then said that "If I had known what to do, you wouldn't have to hold her."
But then Manik laughingly said that "I indeed have more experience than you." He then went for a longer walk, while Nandani also joined him.
Nandani then asked Manik "Do tell me all about your experience with babies?"
"When my niece 'Tanya' that is Cabir's daughter was small, and her mother had run off, and Cabir was handling the business, of whatever remained, I had helped raise her whenever I used to be home." Manik was laughing while sharing that "Cabir also used to stay away because he was afraid of shitty diapers. I don't blame him. But personally taking care of a baby helped prepare me for the Army. There was nothing they could ask me to do, that was worse than being simultaneously covered in vomit and shit." He then continued that Tanya had food allergies, but she was seven years now, and things were under control.
Nandani teasingly told him "Wow you have always been a 'Messiah' rescuing people, haven't you?"
Manik smilingly replied that he liked helping people, and never thought of it as something he had to do.
Nandani lovingly stroked Aadhya's cheeks and found that she had gone to sleep.
Manik asked Nandani, her daughter's age.
She replied that Aadhya was just two months old.
Manik then felt that no fucking wonder it was that Nandani looked so exhausted. She had practically just given birth. He asked her "Where is Aadhya's Dad?"
Nandani looked away and said that he was no more in the picture.
Manik asked her, "When did he leave? I know that it is not my business, but I need to know these things. Honestly speaking, I feel a need to help people. It is in my DNA. I cannot help it."
Nandani then smiled bitterly and said that "As soon as I shared the good news, about my pregnancy, my ex-husband gave me the cash and told me to get rid of the baby. He did not want the child. When I refused he kicked me out of his place. I eventually ended up in a women's shelter." She let out a shuddering breath. "When I broke up with him, nobody would hire me. I had no means of transportation, an apartment, or food. I started staying with friends, and then my pregnancy was visible. Somehow I pulled on for so many days. I called up my Aunt in the U.S, but she too said that I deserved everything, for having broken up with Harshad."
Manik then said, "It means going back to your Aunt, isn't going to be a pleasant thing?"
"No, they are not going to throw a party for me, if that is what you mean," Nandani said.
Manik said that it was damn shameful, for them to behave in that manner.
Nandani asked him for how long he will be posted in Afghanistan?
Manik replied that he would be gone for six months. But he said he was planning to set up a home after that, as he was fucking tired of the war's and peacekeeping duty, his nightmares of the unending missions, and his inability to form roots, not sure what is next in-store.
Nandani then asked Manik, "You would settle down at the San Juan Islands, isn't it?"
Manik's face had a worried look, on that question.
Nandani asked him, whether he had bad memories about his hometown.
Manik said both good and bad, depending on what she wanted to hear.
Nandani replied that the bad is always with us. At least we should remember the good.
Manik replied that "Well the good part is that I miss the ocean, the sand, the beautiful sunrise and sunset, the wind over the sand dunes, watching the sea turtle move back to the ocean, the food, and of course the family."
Nandani then said, "You are strange Manik, but very loving deep within, saying this she bumped his hips with hers and smiled lovingly at him." She then replied, someday she wished to come to see his place and meet his family.
Manik felt as if her smile lighted up the airport terminal. He wondered, how she made him laugh so easily, that for the time being he had forgotten that his brother Dhruv was missing, as well as he forgot that he was going to the war front.
He then confirmed from Nandani whether the little one was fast asleep, and then they sat down on their vacant seats. Manik lay Aadhya gently on her pile of blankets, while Nandani kept on whispering, "Please keep sleeping, please keep sleeping."
When the baby did not wake up, they both did a high five. Nandani then slid her fingers gently between his, and said that "Thank You Manik for all that you have done for me."
The heat generated between them, and he acutely felt that something was building up between them. Manik was acutely aware, of the way she smelled, the way she smiled, as if lightning up his whole world, the way she fit so perfectly with him. He then gently squeezed her fingers and then let go. Because he could not allow himself to think, that this chance meeting, was anything more than that. She had said that she was not looking for a relationship, and well he had nothing to offer right. He was after all going to the war front.
Manik said that he would watch out for Nandani and Aadhya, while they slept.
Nandani then said, that probably the temperature has dropped. She was shivering, which Manik observed. She was wearing a full-sleeved T-shirt, but the material was so thin, that the golden color of her skin was revealed.
Manik said that it was indeed getting colder, as there was an ice storm. He then asked her, "Want to borrow my sweatshirt?" He then fished it out of his rucksack, before she could say no, and handed it to her.
Nandani pulled it over her head, the sheer size of it engulfed her. But it helped her, and she felt warm. While she yawned, she said, "I feel, I haven't slept for years."
Manik had a look at her, wanting to see how she looked in his sweatshirt. He said, "You are still looking damn good."
Nandani blushed and said that "Every new mom needs to hear that at least three times a day."
Manik joked that he would again repeat that to her at dinner, and he said that with a wink.
"Dinner, huh?" she questioned him with a raised brow.
Manik shrugged and said, "I figure we will be here at least that long."
Panic flared in Nandani's eyes. She said "I hope not... I am not prepared for --I.." She then kept checking her handbag, and said in a very low voice, so low that if they were not sitting close, Manik could not have heard her, when she said "This is all we have."
Manik said, "I can..."
But Nandani did not let him continue and said, "I don't want you to do anything. You have done more than any person in their right mind would do for a stranger."
Manik answered that "Don't consider me in my right mind."
She sighed and said "I am not joking Manik. You have done enough."
Manik asked her "Why don't you let me be the judge of that?"
Exhausted with the argument she said "Fine. Spend your last dollar on me." She then continued "But don't say I did not tell you to stop."
He smilingly replied, "I have never been good at following directions."
She smiled and said "Good for you to have joined the Army then."
Manik told her that "I am happy to be stranded at the airport with you. I mean it. I truly mean it."
Nandani burst out laughing, saying "I can't even stay mad at you."
Manik replied "Good." He then made a move to grab her, which she didn't protest. He said that she had to lean on him and go to sleep, and that is an order.
"Aye, aye Captain" she replied.
Not Captain, its Brigadier General, Manik corrected.
She lay her head on his shoulder and said, "Whatever."
While Nandani had been dozing, Manik found that the airport lounge was getting more fuller. Manik said to Nandani, "Let me get Aadhya out of the way." Nandani nodded sleepily.
Manik lifted the child up. He wrapped his arms around her and soothed her, as she was disturbed from her sleep. Manik suddenly noticed that two of his buddies were recording him on their phones, and grinning back at him. Manik wondered what they were planning to do with the video. Manik knew that he could imagine what a picture-perfect scene it was, they must be thinking. Nandani and he looked all cozied up, her head on his shoulder, while he held Aadhya. The two of them were asleep, while he was half asleep. Manik threatened them to delete, or else...
One of his friends replied, "Don't worry, Big Papa. We will share this only on Facebook."
Manik told them not to be stupid. But his friends said that "We will text you the video and pics."
Nandani, asked him whether he was upset about that?
Manik replied "No."
They then dozed off for some time.