Years were passing by and Hoorain’s feelings for Zain were increasing uncontrollably, she could no longer hold her posture when he was in front of her and her heart fluttered whenever her eyes fell upon him.
Shall I call it my zeal or a prolonged infatuation? She thought, sitting on the grass with her eyes affixed on Zain talking to his students. A smile adorned her lips, unable to impede the rhythm arising in her heart.
“That’s enough staring for one day, Hoorain.” Her Best Friend Haziqa Hassan, the only person who is aware of her untold arrest snapped her fingers, chuckling at her daze. “What the hell, Haziqa?” Hoorain frowned, finally parting her gaze and turning to her.
“If you want to be seen as an obsessive freak then tell me I will hold the honor of spreading rumors.” She smirked, folding her arm. “Am I?” She gasped, almost startled at the title, “Well, if you stare constantly at someone, then you will.” She hummed, sitting on the grass beside her. "A clear pry on his very soul by your piercing gaze." She chuckled, pinching her nerves by her comments.
“What can I do? It’s not that I could stop it. I.. never meant to.” Hoorain mumbled with a sigh of disappointment, "Doesn’t his oblivion hurt you?" She asked cooly, using her phone, "What can I do? His ignorance is favorable, losing him would be a dear price." She responded, dejected to think about rejection.
She looked up again but he was gone, wiping her feeble smile. “But don’t make it obvious too, he is not your Brother’s best friend here. He is our soon-to-be professor.” Haziqa told her nonchalantly but smirked teasingly at the last sentence.
“I can’t believe it.” Hoorain breathed out, not believing starting from next year Zain would be her teacher, the thought alone made her heart race unruly.
“Time passes in a blink of an eye, don’t you think?” Hoorain asked, turning to her, she hummed in response, still using her phone. “What are you going to do after?” Haziqa asked, not looking up. “What else? Join the hotel he would.” She shrugged, leaning back on the tree.
“You are a stalker.” She mocked, a fading smile from her, “What do you mean?”
“I mean just say it to his face rather than doing creepy stuff like following his trails like a dog. Sounds harsh? Sorry girl, but that's what it is." She smiled jeeringly, placing harsh reality she turned blind to. "You are ruining your life by running after him like this, disregarding the outcome which will leave you all alone in the end.” She stated the bitter fact Hoorain was not ready to accept. “Nothing of this sort is happening, you are going too far.” She muttered, not even bothering to pay heed, hugging her knees, digging her nails to neglect her advice.
“I am warning you already, Hoorain, don’t ruin your life for someone who is not yours.” Haziqa told her sternly. Hoorain opened her mouth to argue but no words came out as Haziqa got up taking her stuff and leaving for her class.
But, she did ruin her life for someone who was not meant to be.
“My life is not running away, what’s wrong if I spend some moments with his thoughts?” She mumbled to herself before outrageously grabbing her stuff and leaving for her class as well.
Meanwhile Zain left the staff room after helping a girl of his class with some doubts. Zain, being the youngest and most handsome teacher in class, was always surrounded by girls but to him, his ambition matters the most, only focusing on his job.
“You sure are popular, Mr Bukhari.” Anaya, his fellow worker smirked, teasing him. “Ah, don’t mention it please, Mrs Singh.” He chuckled. “Why? All of them lined up for you.” She joked.
“Do you want to get me fired?” He asked, turning to her. “Just kidding, your world revolves around work all the time, doesn’t your mind wander sometimes?” She asked with a shrug.
“I don’t think I need anything at work, I have a life outside of it, No need to keep it here.” He replied nonchalantly. “Yeah, Yeah.” She hummed, putting her hand in the air in defeat.
“By the way, how’s your culinary school?” She asked, Zain finally started his dream school, it would be a matter of time when he will fulfill his dream. “Great. Just call it the first step.” He grinned, telling her about it as soon as time passed and he left for his class.
Later Hoorain's test results came, stating she was not doing that well. Well, what can she do when someone can’t leave her mind and rendering her unable to do anything else?
"Wow, just look at her grades!" Hoor scoffed as everyone was present, displeased with her grades. "So what? She passed, what more do you need?" Emraz tried to defend her as she stood beside him, frowning deeply, holding his sleeves.
"Emraz bhai stop defending this midget. She got into that school with such persistence and if she can’t even maintain a good grade then what’s the point of it?" Rayan said strictly, rebuking her but Emraz kept defending her.
"Yeah, exactly! If you are doing what you love, your grades shouldn’t be like that." Hoor added, as the pair berated her and the parents sighed, not knowing what they should say, “Will you leave something for us to say?” Rehman asked, "Because last time I checked, I was the Man of this house and her Father." Rehman said, pouting childishly.
"I will try harder next time…" Hoorain mumbled, hiding behind Emraz's back, holding his shirt but he smiled and put his hand on her shoulder, giving her a side hug, "See, she is saying she will try harder, don't be so harsh on her." He said cheerfully but Hania said strictly, "And you stop being so soft on her."
"But, Mama-" He tried to reason but she cut him off, "Hush, Emraz. She did this course herself, at least she should put more effort doing what she wanted.” Hania chided too, giving her a glare which shut her mouth, making an apologetic face.
“Yeah, Hania is right. We didn’t force you, you are doing what you wanted but at least show us some results, I don’t even think you wanted to do this course.” Rehman said softly, trying to make her understand to work hard to gain what she loves but how can she tell them about the real reason why she joined this course.
“I will try.” She said feebly, looking down, "She will, don’t you, Hoorain?" Emraz smiled, putting his hand over her head causing her eyes to glimmer with a grin, "Of course bhai!" She beamed, nodding vigorously as they eldery couple smiled, knowing only Emraz could make their girl listen.
"See. If she is having difficulties then how about we find her a tutor?" Emraz suggested happily. Hoorain’s heart fluttered in a beat in blissful anticipation that it could be Zain. "I think Emraz is right." Rehman agreed. "Rayan, what about Zain? Can’t he teach her?" Emraz asked.
"Yeah!" Hoorain said immediately in utter glee but after realizing what she did, she shut her mouth, taking a step back. "Zain has more things to do other than teaching this blind brain. He has college in the morning and culinary class in the evening. He doesn’t have time for this brat." Rayan shrugged, narrowing his eyes at Hoorain who's happiness faltered the instant it crept upon her face.
"It's okay, I will find you a tutor, okay?" Emraz offered, turning to Hoorain who came back to her world. If it's not him then I don't want anyone. She thought and argued, "No, No, No. It’s okay, Bhai. I will study harder next time. I don't want a tutor." She said hurried, put her hands in the air, shaking her head in denial,
Oblivious of her behavior, he shrugged this thought off and agreed, “Well, if you say so. But if your grades won't improve, you will have to get one, okay?" He said with a gentle smile, patting her head. "Okay." She grinned and nodded firmly.
"Good. Now, go to your room." Rehman smiled and with a chuckle and sticking her tongue at her other two siblings she ran to her room, "Okay!"