She was doing her routine like always before going to work. While she was eating her breakfast, watching movies on her laptop, someone called her. Without breaking her eyes on a laptop, she picks it up.
"Hey, Alora." Matthew's voice makes her snap out from her focus on the movie.
"Matthew? Why do you call me?" She asks.
"I...uh...I just want to say sorry for yesterday. My wife is kinda..not in a good mood." He apologized and explains. "She shouldn't behave like that."
"Ah? I don't care actually. It suits her." Alora said as she put away her dishes.
"I know you are angry. I'm sorry for cheat-"
"I'm not mad for that. Like I said, cheater stays cheater. Don't repeat what you did to me toward her, Mat. You gonna regret it." Before let him reply, she hangs up.
What a great morning she had. She puts her hands on the sink and sighs heavily. Alora knows Matthew regret left her. But that's gonna buy her to return to him.
"He's married or not, I'm done with his shit!!" She slams the sink and walks away after grabbing her stuff.
Alex opens the door and saw her twin typing something on her laptop. He closes the door and leans on the wall. His stare makes Alora uncomfortable and distracting her.
"What do you want, crackhead?" She asks without looking at him.
"I can't forget the scene you pull last night." He teases her.
"Ughh, please don't make my day even worst." Alora groaning and puts her head on the table.
Alex walks toward her and sits on the chair. "Why? He calls you this morning?"
"How you know?" She furrows her eyebrows.
"From your expression, I can guess." Alex chuckles. He crosses his arms, "Do you want me to handle him?"
"I think...just let him be. He will stop sooner or later." Alora shrugs her shoulder and rests her back on the chair. "Anyway, I have something to tell you." Her expression changed into excitement.
"I found...FOUR HYBRIDS!!!" She yells happily.
"Really!? From the shelter?" Alex asks in surprise.
"Nope. I found them accidentally. Sadly, they're homeless." Alora sighs and is sad when remembering them again.
"You adopt them already?" He asks. She shakes her head.
"They seem scared of me. Maybe they were being abused before or something. So I decided to take it slow." Alora pouting while playing with her finger.
"Can I meet them?" Alex asks with a big smile on his face.
"It's not that I don't want to but they still get to know me," Alora said in guilty.
He just shrugs his shoulder to sign it was fine. "I'm glad you found them."
"Yeah. Anyway, I finish my work. I'm going out to visit them." She states while gets up.
"Okay. Tell them I say hello." Alex pats her shoulder.
Alora just nods with a smile and grabs her bag before going out. She finishes all her work before going out that's why Alex didn't care about it. Alora never takes advantage of it even her twin is the CEO.
Alora walking on the same street where she meets Jackson at that time. She walks slowly while looks around, to find Jackson. She hoping that he waits for her.
"I hope he was here. I want to give him food." She mumbles to herself. If she follows her heart, she wants to go to their treehouse but she couldn't remember the way.
Out of a sudden, someone taps her shoulder. It makes Alora flinches.
"I-I'm sorry!! Did I scare you?" A familiar voice. Alora turned around and saw Jackson with a hoodie, hiding his fox ears. He wears a coat outside hoodie, hiding his tail.
"Jackson!! I thought you wouldn't try to meet me again." Alora exclaims. "And no. You didn't scare me. I'm just shocked." She giggles.
"Oh. I...I want to say thank you for the money. I bought this coat to hide myself and thanks to you, I can go anywhere without hiding." Jackson said with a smile.
"Nahh~It's fine. Here. I bought you guys some food." She hands him the plastic bag.
"Food?" Jackson frowns.
"Yup. I bought it on my way here." Alora reply.
Jackson took it. Honestly, he felt touch and happy, there's someone who loves them and takes care of them. A small smile appeared on his face.
"I don't know what is your favorite food, so I just bought something." Alora pouts.
He chuckles, "It's fine. Hey, you want to hang out at our treehouse?"
"I can!!- I mean. Your brothers seem like don't like me." Alora lowers her gaze.
"They just not used to a nice girl like you," Jackson said.
Before let her finish, Jackson drags her along with him.
They finally arrive and like usually, Alora's pants are dirty because of the mud. She doesn't care at all.
"I'm home!!" Jackson yells as he opens the door.
"Jack!! Noah is biting my hand!!" Isaac whines like a baby.
"Noah!! Stop!!" He rushes toward them.
Alora looks around and notices the chaos. She chuckles. Then, her eyes landed on the tiger, Damien, sitting there with a cold face. He just watching them.
"I'm hungry..." Noah pouted, his bunny ears down.
"I bought food. Here." Jackson said.
They gasp in happyness and Jackson has given them the food that Alora bought.
"Thank goodness, I bought the right one," Alora mutters.
"There's no carrots?" Noah asked.
"I'm sorry but Alora who's the one who bought this. Just eat, okay?" Jackson sternly said.
Soon he said her name, they move their eyes toward her. Alora awkwardly waving her hands. Noah pouts and looks at her with his doe eyes.
"Noah, don't give her that eyes. You being a burden-" She cuts Jackson's sentence.
"What he wants anyway?" Alora asks.
"Huh? Uhh..." Jackson hesitated to say. "He wants carrots."
"If that so, I will go buy it." She said with a smile.
"No!! It okay!! We don't want to be a burden!!" He insisted.
"Who said? I don't care. It's my fault anyway. I forgot that rabbits eat carrots." Alora gives him a reassuring smile.
The siblings were shocked by her actions. "Is there anything you want?"
Isaac raises his hand excitedly. Before Jackson stops him, he already talking. "Me! I want tuna!!!"
"That's so expensive, Isaac!!" Jackson scolds him. He pouting.
"It's fine. I can buy it." Alora said. "Anything else?" She offers again.
Jackson already has his food, so he didn't care. But Alora's eyes landed on Damien, the tiger. He just glares at her. She gained her courage and ask him.
"H-How about you?" Alora shuttering. He just looks away and didn't answer her.
"Um...okay. I will go now." Alora said and going down on the ladder.
She knows Damien wants meat since she didn't buy it just now.
"Just hoping that he wouldn't eat me in the future."