Upon reaching Rahama's house, Mansir repairs his kaftan before getting out of his car. He look remarkable perfect,if that was the right word. He is very passionate about his sense of fashion . He majestically walks to the gate and knock on it. The gateman rush to the door upon hearing the sound.
The gateman peep through the peephole " Sannu oga( well-done oga) . Who are you looking for ?" asked the gate man
" your madam "
The gateman was confused, he remember that young madam told him to open the door for a particular young man around 2pm, which he has already done. She never made mentioned that two men will come over. Now I'm confused ,thought the gateman. Maybe I should just ask him his name, since madam already told him the name.
" waitin be your name, oga? " ask the gateman
Mansir couldn't comprehend if this particular question the gateman asked was a joke or not. Didn't Rahama said she already told the gateman to open the door once he get here.? Then why is he still hesitant on opening ?
Mansir breath in to calm his anger
" Mansir"
At this, the gateman eyes open in realisation that he has allowed the wrong man to enter when in actual sense, this was the man madam was waiting for. Na shiga ukwu
He quickly open the gate wide " am beri sori oga, sori oga( am very sorry oga). I no no say na you madam say make I open door for, sori oga"
Mansir shot him a death glare " you better not repeat that next time, if not, you will lose your job"
Upon hearing this , the gateman quickly went down on his knees " forgive me oga, I no go do am again. No tell madam, please no vex"
" stupid old fool" muttered mansir. " Get up and show me the way"
The gateman did as he was told. Scared of facing madam, he only pointed where Mansir should follow and ran back to his duty post. The latter could only shake his head at the gateman stupidity. He kept thinking at the fact that, if the gate man was working for him, he would have fired him already. He should better thank his lucky stars .
He calmly walk towards the door step full of thoughts. When he was 6 feet away from the door, he stopped on his track at the two voice arguing with one another.
It was Rahama and a man. He could only see the man's back since that was what was facing him. He wanted interfering but decided against it, in other to know what it is they were arguing about.
" what? You mean little girl? "
" you know what I meant. Just get out of my house "
" what if I don't, will you carry me out? " the man arguing with Rahama retort
" you're unbelievable " Rahama reply
" why, thank you " the man bow
" I wasn't complimenting " said Rahama
" who cares if you are or not"
Mansir couldn't pinpoint what the whole quarrel was all about. To him, they both look like two couples fighting over silly things. He just couldn't help this burning feeling in him, so he interfere.
" just get out of m.....
The two paused.
Rahama quickly came out to the opening to met Mansir's gaze. " you're here already " she said with a bright smile. She had expecting him to return her smile and compliment her dress but he didn't.
she couldn't pinpoint whether he was angry or jealous . He stood stagnant waiting for her to explain. Sadiq hasn't yet turn to face Mansir ,he was trying to remember Who the owner of that voice was. It sounds so much like Mansir's
" I just asked a question that needs an answer " said Mansir. He eyes were fixed at sadiq's back. Who is this man, wondered Mansir. Why does he still have his back turn at me
Slowly,sadiq turn to face the two . His subconscious was right after all. Standing before him was his swore nemesis, Mansir.
" Well well well, look who we have here" sadiq sarcastically let out with a mischievous look.
The other brother could only glare, masking his surprise of seeing sadiq here. He couldn't believe that sadiq was here. Is he planning to hinder my plans, wondered Mansir . At the glare of Mansir, sadiq wasn't going to let him have the end of it so he also match Mansir's hard glare. Two can play the game. Both shooting daggers with there eyes at each other . Jaw clenching.
Rahama was speechless at this. She wonders if they knew each other from somewhere or something . They really are already scaring her with the way they are glaring. If look could kill the two would have killed each other with their eyes.
She decide to interfere after coming back to her senses " can you two please stop glaring at each other.
" what the hell is he doing here? " asked Mansir with his eyes still fixated on sadiq.
She look from one brother to another before sighing " that is what I was also trying to find out. I don't know what he is doing here" she answer
" from what I just witnessed, it looks like you two already met somewhere " said Mansir,trying to calm himself.
" yeah, he is a mechanic. He once repair my car, that's all" she said with a wave of hand, like it was nothing serious
" I see. He is just a mechanic " Mansir stressed the word 'mechanic '.He Looked at Sadiq like he was a worthless piece of shit, a nobody .
All Mansir's attempt to make sadiq feel useless was in vain. Sadiq looks at him with a smirk .
" it a surprise that we have to see each other again,dear brother " sadiq tutted.
Rahama was confused " brother? Is he your brother? " she asked Mansir.
Mansir scoff, " no, he is not. I have never seen him before . Don't you think If he was my brother, would I have allowed him to work as a mechanic?"
" yes you're right" she said thoughtfully
Sadiq snickered at the two " birds of the same feathers, I see"
" shut up" gritted out Mansir
"yes shut your mouth. I don't even know what you're still doing here" Rahama exclaimed
They waited for Sadiq to say something but it seems he wasn't ready to say any thing.
" I think we need to call the police on you since you won't say what brought you to my fiancee's house "
" fiancee? " a surprise sadiq ask
" yes, fiancee" answered Mansir with a smirk and held Rahama's hand
" wow, so the rumor was true after all. What surprises me more is that it had to be the spoilt brat . Come to think of it, I was already pitying the lady who you were about to marry. But now I guess you two are a fine match" spoilt and rude
" yes we are" retort Rahama " now get out"
" don't get ahead of yourself. Am not here to see you "
" then who are you here to see? "
" that's non of your concern "
" of course it is, since this is my house "
" your father's house,Precisely "
" same thing, it's still mine"
" Don't you get tired of arguing "
" I should ask you samet__
" ENOUGH, JUST SHUT UP. You two are insufferable " yelled out Mansir.
He blew out a breath " Dear, we should leave this dumb ass and leave for our date. We are already running late" Mansir calmly said.
Sadiq scoffed from where he was standing . Before Mansir knew it, he felt a punch on his face and staggered back" who do you think is a dumb ass now? You liar"
" what the hell is wrong with you" Rahama shouted at sadiq. She held Mansir face to see if there was any damage . Thanks goodness there was non.
The elder brother was seething and doesn't want to loose his cool in front of Rahama coz of the gentleman act is was pulling. He took a deep breath " let's just go to our date"
" are you sure you don't need any ice for your eyes" she asked, concerned.
" no, let it be"
She angrily turn to sadiq " you should better be grateful he didn't call the police on you."
" it would have been more interesting if he did" sadiq retort
" why are you so arrogant ?"
" and why are you such a spoilt brat? "
" for goodness sake, you two should stop this nonsense. Let get going " said Mansir. He held rahama's hand and practically drag her to start moving. He doesn't think he can put up with their constant argument.
" wait Mansir, I don't think it safe to leave him here" she pointed at sadiq.
" don't worry, if anything goes missing we will call the police on him" answered Mansir. She gave sadiq one last look and turn to walk out of the gate with Mansir.
I will deal with the gateman when I get back, she thought
Sadiq finally blew out a breath.Atlast, some silence . He couldn't believe the fact that Rahama was Mansir's fiancee ,it so surprising. That isn't the least of his surprise, the worst of all is that she is the step daughter of Aunty yasira. This is getting so interesting
He Press on the door bell again since Rahama lock it with her key. He knew Aunty yasira must be at home.
He heard a faint " coming "
He waited for the door to open and when it did open__
" ahhhhhhhhhhhhh " aunty yasira screamed in surprise and went forward to pull sadiq in for a hug
" I can't believe it's you, Sadiq. "
He chuckled at her surprised face " ofcourse it's me in the flesh. Surprisingly "
" wow!! come in, come in" she open the door wide open for him to enter. They walk to the living room. She took her seat and Sadiq also did same.
" look at you, you're all grown up. "
" look who is talking, aren't you also grown up already. You're already a mother of two kids. Where are they? "
She wave her her hand,dismissively " they are in school. The driver went to pick them up"
" oh"
She excused herself to bring some refreshments for him.
She later came back with a glass of orange juice. She served him and sat in the couch facing sadiq.
" Manage the drink before the food gets done"
He took a sip of the orange juice " i have all the time"
" yeye boy kawai"
" am no more a boy. Didn't you see all this, it call muscle. I'm a man" he arrogantly said while flexing his muscles
" as arrogant as always, I see"She couldn't help but stare at him
" you're already scaring me with the way you're looking at me like this " he jokingly said.
" I just can't believe that you are now a grown man. Last time I saw you,you were still in secondary school . You've changed alot"
" well, people change. I change, you change. "
" but your witty remark hasn't change at all. You are still witty as always "
He laughed loudly " haba, how can you say that. Am always gentle"
" for where"
He became serious now " so how have you been? I hope your step daughter isn't giving you much trouble? "
" she isn't I promise. Did you see her on your way in? " asked aunty yasira
He scoff remembering the event that just happened outside " yes, with her supposed fiancee "
" Mansir was here? "
" yes. Why didn't you tell me all along that Mansir's wife to be was your step daughter ?" asked sadiq with raised brow
" I also found out about it this morning. I never knew about it " she defend.
He sigh " I wish I smacked his face harder "
Aunty yasira look at him with wide eyes " don't tell me you both ended up fighting outside? "
" it's nothing you should worry about " he chuckled
" don't tell me not to worry, I need to worry. I don't like seeing you like this, sadiq"
" Don't worry about it. In fact I have gist for you "
She quickly sat upright at this " tell me, what this gist is all about "
" it about your step daughter "
She squint her eyes " what is it about her? "
" if I should tell you that we've met before, would you believe me? "
" it a lie " she said in bewilderment " please tell me how it all happened. "
He started by telling her about the first time they met. He made sure to tell her everything.
Her smile never seems to waver . She was too surprise at the story coz it so much sounds same as the mechanic man Rahama once told her about.
" she once told me about you. Are you the mechanic man who threw torn pieces of paper on her ? "
He chuckled " of course it's me"
Aunty yasira burst into series of laughter
" you should have seen her face that day.Didn't you tell her who you are? Does she know you're the second son of Alhaji Ringim ?"
" of course not, I didn't. I don't care about that name. He has disowned me,already "
" what?!!, when did all this happened? " asked a shocked aunty yasira.
" Mansir came to my work place to relay his message"
Aunty yasira hit him on the head " and you believed him?
" ouch, why wouldn't I. He is father's favourite after all"
" please stop talking like this" a concerned aunty yasira said
" I have told you to stop worrying about me, I'm doing alright "
" but _
" don't worry yourself, please "
She sigh " OK, if you say so"
" I'm famished already, go check on the food . It ought to be ready by now " he rub his flat stomach
She shook her head at him " always a foodie "
She stood up to go check on the food