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Chapter 4

“I’d say ‘excuse me’ but I think that’s your line.” Uncharacteristic irritation licked at Jacks. “Is taking over your host’s bedroom some kind of L.A. thing?”

Jacks said it to be a shit. Having lived on the West Coast for nearly seven years, he knew full well manners would have applied in this case.

Hands dropping down, eyes snapping up, Danny shook his head. “No, I didn’t...I just came to the first bathroom I found and took a shower. I should have waited and asked, but I was feeling disgusting after being on stage all day and… I’m sorry.”

The remorseful dip to Danny’s lips, the way his gaze lowered as if he expected the chastisement to continue well past his apology, forced a small sigh to Jacks’ lips. He pushed his hands through his own hair. “No. I’m sorry. I don’t normally yell at guests. It was a natural mistake.” He stepped back, hooking a thumb toward the hallway. “I’ll be—” God, he did not want to wait in his own living room with Trevor. “In Shea’s room.”

“I won’t be long.” Danny stumbled into the bedroom, eyes widening with horror like he’d just walked in to find a mutilated body lying there. “Oh, God, I… Trevor was finding me something to wear. He gets distracted and I think his manager’s been...yeah, I’ll clean this up. Then I’ll be right out.”

Surveying the wreckage again, Jacks shook his head. “You don’t look big enough for half these clothes. Did the two of you pack your entire closets?”

“I…” Danny’s face went red. “No, I didn’t get a chance to pack anything. I’m borrowing something of Trevor’s. I promise I won’t humiliate you by looking ridiculous.”

Two thoughts vied for attention. “No. You won’t. Because you’ll wear whatever it is you wore here unless it’s made of studs and leather.” And… “You touch this mess and you’ll be in trouble before you even set foot over The Asylum’s threshold.”

Smiling his ‘you’re welcome’, Jack strode out of the room. Door closed behind him, he went to the living room, where Trevor still had his phone glued to his ear.

Jacks snapped his fingers at the younger man. “Off.”

Frown lines that would have the man running to the nearest Botox clinic in a few years appeared across Trevor’s brow. “Yeah. I gotta go. We’ll talk tomorrow.” He lowered the phone, expression morphing to one of quiet concern. “Thanks so much for letting us stay with you. This project is important to all of us. It’ll be great for Jamie and Danny to reconnect. And…” He canted his head. “Is there something wrong?”

“We’re happy to have you, but I thought we agreed you’d call before you arrived.” Jacks started off with the saner version of himself. No sense scaring the wits out of two pop stars in one evening. If he could manage to run into Jamie tonight, maybe there was a cereal box prize for collecting them all?

Trevor made an irritated sound. “Jesus. I’m so sorry. My manager is going senile, I swear. He didn’t call you?”

“No…” Palm to the back of his neck, Jacks looked around the living room. The white shag that Shea hated, but tolerated because he was barely ever there, the light grays and suedes, textured pillows, and soft lighting. Everything was in place, as always, so it wasn’t like they’d had to clean up for company. “It’s all right. I’d have liked to make sure you felt welcome. We wouldn’t have gone out if he’d gotten us the message.”

Smile flashing, Trevor clasped Jacks’ hand, patting him on the shoulder. Voice lowered, he looked toward the hall. “It’s fine. I wanted to get Danny here to see The Asylum tonight anyway. He’s been so excited, I didn’t want to disappoint him.”

“That’s okay. It’s not far. I think Lawson is still around to talk to him before I show him around.” Clasping Trevor’s hand, suddenly Jacks couldn’t remember why he didn’t like the guy. “We’ll be out late though. You sure you won’t be bored?”

Lips curving into an accommodating frown, Trevor shook his head. “Nah. I’ve got a ton of work to do on the new album for Glam. Jamie and Danny have been so busy lately, and I want to help them out by doing some of the heavy lifting. It’ll all come out in the wash on the tour. Things like that always do.”

Down the hall, the door swung open, Danny grabbing it, wincing, then easing it shut quietly behind him. He trotted toward them, hands in the pockets of his faded gray hoodie, white socked feet barely visible under the bottom of his baggy blue jeans. “Sorry I took so long. I’m ready.”

“Dude—” Trevor’s mouth fell open as he took in Danny. “That’s… You can’t wear that. It’s a club.”

Chewing his bottom lip, Danny glanced over at Jacks, then back to Trevor. “He said to wear what I came in. It’s...clean.”

Humor glittering in his eyes, Trevor nodded slowly. “Guess the clothes won’t exactly stay on long.”

Crimson crawled up the back of Danny’s neck to his cheeks. For a moment, he looked like he might consider disappearing into his hoodie as he blew out a shaky breath. “I’m going to check things out. And try not to get...you know. Punished. So...yeah.” He swallowed, going to the doorway and grabbing a pair of sneakers to pull them on.

Jacks considered reassuring Danny, but newbie subs often managed to run headlong into trouble with The Asylum’s brand of protocol on their first night. No sense setting him up with false expectations. Ushering Danny out, he called for Trevor to help himself to whatever was in the fridge. Not until they were in the garage did Jacks remember that he’d meant to order Trevor to clean up the mess in the bedroom and move himself and Danny to the guest room.

Which reminded him of Danny’s wardrobe worries.

That, at least, I can help him with.

“You’re more Jamie’s size, anyway. I’ll have him grab you something to wear that you’ll be comfortable in.” Pulling out his phone, Jacks texted, speaking as he typed. “Bring down a pair of skinny jeans and one of your tops. Belt and shoes.” He looked at Danny’s ears. “Maybe one of your studs.”

Relief filled Danny’s eyes. “Thanks, man. You just saved my life. Again.”

Backing out of his parking space, Jacks slanted a smile at his passenger. “Pleasure.” The guy was sweet. You’d never know he was an internationally famous artist unless you’d seen his face plastered on billboards all over L.A. for the last ten years. Which Jacks had, both before he’d met Jamie and after. “A few things before we get there. Um, sorry to have to ask this, but...can you read?”

Danny blinked at him. “Yes… Is there going to be a test? That’s a different matter entirely, but I can memorize scripts quickly. And songs, but that’s obvious.”

“Oh, good.” Jacks pulled them out onto the avenue, turning left toward the warren of streets that led to The Asylum. “I got into a bit of trouble with the owners when I vouched for Jamie and he hadn’t read the contract. I thought Noah was going to bust my left nut.”

“There’s a contract?” Danny stared at him. “Should I have my agent read it over? How long does the contract last for?”

Jacks laughed. “I can guarantee you your agent would tell you not to sign it, and then sign you up for therapy.”

Rubbing his hands on his thighs, Danny nodded slowly. “Well, Jamie’s still there, so it can’t be anything too terrible. Aside from agreeing to get in the ring or something and getting beaten within an inch of my life. I guess I’ve signed worse contracts than that.”

“You know…” Running his hands along the steering wheel, Jacks shook his head, rueful. “I think I have too. At least with The Asylum’s contract, you have a chance of getting screwed in more pleasant ways.”

“Oh…” Danny blushed, ducking his head. “So it’s just… Umm… Okay. I guess it’s like that place where we went that had the orgy when we were eighteen. Me and Jamie didn’t do...well, you know. We just had to agree not to take pictures or anything. And...we weren’t allowed clothes, so this is already a step up. That was...awkward.”

Headlights cut across Jacks’ vision as he waited at the light to turn onto the long road that led to the wrong side of town. He flipped on his blinker, studying the pink of Danny’s cheeks in the beams. “You sure you want to do this? I mean, I’ve never known a sub to last long before some Dom has at his ass when he’s club virgin meat.”

Hell, I hadn’t even known the man was gay before tonight.

And here he was, ferrying Danny to The Asylum, discussing ‘Hollywood parties’ while contemplating whether the tempting little package he’d already gotten a nice preview of might be a good substitute for his sub-du-jour, what’s-his-name.

There was no possible way Danny could get any redder. He lifted his hands and pulled his hood over his head. “Yep. I’m good. Can’t wait to get beaten on. Sounds like fun.”

Jacks snorted. “That doesn’t sound terribly convincing, my boy.” He wasn’t sure if he should be beaten for agreeing to bring his second newbie sub—so green he could smell the fresh cut grass around his feet—into The Asylum. He only hoped Danny’s introduction was milder than Jamie’s had been. “Jamie got spanked by his now-husband within five or ten minutes of walking in the door. Let’s see if you can last at least the night.”

Hood shadowing his face, Danny glanced up at him. “There’s a way to avoid it? I kinda thought… Like, that just happened.”

“Nope. He disobeyed an order.” Frowning, Jacks unrolled his window to access The Asylum’s security gates. “Or two...maybe three. But—” the gates rolled open and he drove through, “—don’t swear. At all. At anyone. Don’t speak to Doms disrespectfully. Don’t interrupt a scene. And if you’re unsure about something, come ask me.” Circling the parking lot, he looked for an empty spot and finally found one to wedge his car into at the back.

Inhaling slowly, Danny nodded. “That I can do. Thank you, Jacks.” He wrinkled his nose. “What about fighting? Do I have to fight, because I need serious choreography for something like that and I haven’t had any time to prep.”

Jacks’ bark of laughter cut across the lot as he exited the car. “You don’t have to accept a challenge. If you do accept it, then you follow through. No matter what.”

“That sounds fair. It would be unsportsmanlike to walk out on a fight before it’s over.” Danny slipped his hands into his hoodie again, steps quick as he came to Jacks’ side. “But I think I’ll save stuff like that for some other night. Maybe.” Gaze going over Jacks, he sucked in a breath. “If everyone’s as big as you? Never.”

Hugging an arm around Danny’s shoulders, Jacks squeezed, jostling him a little. “I promise it’ll be as fun as you hoped. I know you’re excited for this. Don’t let your nerves get to you. You’ve got a safeword for play, and any punishment won’t kill you.”

Danny relaxed a bit against his side, tipping his head back, lips curving slightly. “You promise?”

Flipping Danny’s hood up on his head, Jacks winked, then bent low. “Get on my back.”

A surprised laugh escaped Danny’s lips. He stepped behind Jacks, putting his arms around Jacks’ neck. Arms looped under Danny’s knees, Jacks straightened and buzzed the door.

The electric sound released the catch. Jacks pulled the door open, heat and noise rushing out. The crack of pool balls, the thud of darts on the board, voices, and music a familiar comfort.

Swinging by the bar, Jacks called Curtis to him, glancing down at the leather cuff on the man’s right wrist. “Get me a temporary collar from the bin, please.”

Curtis nodded. “Yes, sir.”

After a bit of digging around, Curtis came up with a strip of leather dyed the same brilliant blue as Danny’s eyes. Thanking him, Jacks palmed the collar, then wove through the crowd to the office. He gave Danny’s thigh a bracing squeezed before he knocked.

Soft voices quieted, Lawson calling out, “Come in.”

Jacks shouldered through the door, closing it before he bent his legs to let Danny slide down. “I captured one. What should I do with him?”

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