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Chapter 4

Ash watched her hungrily as she made her way across the courtyard from the outbuildings to the house. He loved the mystery of the way she walked: graceful, filled with an innate sensuality, and yet, as he looked on, he saw the strength beneath the skin. Intriguing.

He let himself think back to the last time he’d seen her. He’d known for months he’d have to marry Kira. There wasn’t any way around it. His heart ached every night as Sera had returned home. In the back of his mind he knew there was no way to work things through, but he couldn’t admit defeat.

Trying to salvage it the only way he could, he planned to have her as his mistress. He bought her a lavish flat near what would be his home with Kira. He’d have his life with Sera. She was his life. They’d have children and a family. She’d be the wife of his heart. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the only thing he could do. But he hadn’t had the first idea how to break it to her. So he’d said nothing.

Eventually, the news of the upcoming nuptials leaked to the media, and it had been all over the vids. He’d rushed home and found her there, weeping, her heart broken. He’d tried to explain why he hadn’t said anything. Told her he’d been trying to find a way around it, a way out of it, but the bare fact was he’d have to marry or shame his entire family.

He remembered the look of utter betrayal on her face when he’d told her he’d purchased a home for her and had the papers for her to be his mistress. Remembered trying to manipulate her, knowing how weak she was.

He’d have done just about anything to keep her. He adored Sera Ayers with all that he was, and if it had been just him, even just his immediate family, he’d have thrown convention in their faces and taken her as his wife.

But there were literally tens of thousands of people depending on him and his decisions: his Family, the people whose livelihoods depended on them.

Entire universes’ worth of economic systems relied on the Walker Family.

The marriage of his Family to the Pelas was something way beyond what mattered to just him.

She’d wavered that night. He’d held her tenderly, and she’d looked up into his face, tears shining in her eyes as he made love to her. From the 32

questions she’d asked, he was sure she’d agree to be his mistress. Not the best situation, but he’d have lived with her, had children with her and kept care of her.

He left for work the next morning and had come back to find her things gone except for her collar and a letter telling him she loved him, but she deserved to be his wife, not his mistress. She’d been right, of course. But he couldn’t give her what she wanted—what she deserved—and he’d let her go.

After the wedding, he’d thrown himself into his new marriage. He tried like crazy to make Kira happy. Yes, he loved another woman, but there was no sense in punishing Kira for what she was powerless to change, either.

Sadly, they were ill-suited from the start. Kira was a woman who didn’t know what it meant not to be the center of all things at all times. She was spoiled and selfish and had no room in her life for anyone but herself.

The sex had been awful, and there’d been no way he could even suggest anything rough. Hells, she’d probably have run screaming from the room if he’d pulled out the cat-o’-nine that had lovingly bitten and kissed Sera’s skin.

In the end, it was Kira’s own selfishness that had freed him. She’d found someone else, and his little brother married one of Brandt and Kira’s cousins. She sought a dissolution, and he’d made no issue of it as long as the contracts still stood uniting their families.

He’d taken on more responsibility in his job and eventually began working covert with Brandt. He’d put his all into the military corps. He believed in what he did and, in a sense, it filled the giant gap in his life. The more it bothered him that the perceptions of him as empty and shallow rose, the harder he worked until he shut out everything but his job and his few friends who knew the real Ash Walker.

For seven years he’d considered finding Sera, but he didn’t know how to get her back. Knew he didn’t deserve her. He’d figured she’d found someone else. But after they’d pulled her name as a new member of their team, he had her background checked. She’d taken other lovers but hadn’t had a long-term relationship since she’d left him.

And now she was there, and he still loved her. He loved her more at that moment than he had when she’d walked out ten years before. He wanted her back, and he planned to move entire universes to make it happen. More than that, he wanted Brandt, too, and the idea of the three of 33

them together teased his fevered brain. Ash Walker had been successful at everything he’d ever tried in his life, and he didn’t plan to let her walk out of his life ever again. Sera Ayers was meant to be his woman. He would make it happen one way or another.

* * *

Sera knew Ash stood watching her through the window at the back of the house. She’d always known when his eyes were on her. At one time in her life, that regard had meant everything to her. There was still a gap in her heart where the pleasure at being first and foremost in his attentions used to live.

Instead of looking up, she moved into the house. Once inside, out of his view, she stood a moment, back against the door. Quietly, she tried to get hold of her rampant emotions. She was better than this, a professional. There was a lot to do before they left the next day, and she could not let him get between her and her job. If she focused on that, she’d make it through.

She was strong, and she believed in their cause. She made a fine weapon against their enemies. Her mother often spoke about destiny, and part of Sera couldn’t help but think she was meant to be there. Meant to make a difference.

Checking her watch, she noted there was an hour and a half until their meeting. Decisively, she headed out, leaving a note in the house computer notifying them she’d be back in time for the briefing. They said she could come and go as she needed. They said she was a full team member. She’d see if they really meant it.

* * *

Not twenty minutes later, Ash stormed into Brandt’s office. “She’s gone!”

“Not for good. She’ll be back for the meeting.” Brandt didn’t even look up from his screen.

“How do you know?”

Brandt’s eyes found Ash’s. “Because she said she would be.” 34

Ash took a deep breath and sat down. “Okay. If she’s run off, I’m going to hunt that pretty ass down and bring her back, kicking and screaming. She’s run from me for the last time.”

“Stop making this about you. You’re going to be all right with this, aren’t you?” Brandt’s voice held warning.

“With what? And in case you’ve forgotten, I’m the ranking officer here.” Ash snorted.

Brandt ignored the dig. “You know she’ll have to do more than pose as my concubine. I’ll be sleeping with her on the transport. I’ll be touching her all the time on Nondal. And more.”

“And you do know that as your best friend, they’ll expect her to be shared with me on occasion.”

“Don’t push her too far, Ash. We need her in one piece. You can’t break her down, not on this mission. It could get us all killed.” Ash’s mouth flattened into a harsh line. “I will do my job. But I’ll get her back.”

“Just be sure you keep the two separate. Know your role here.” Brandt shrugged and went back to his screen.

* * *

Just shy of the time for the meeting, they heard Sera come in downstairs and got up to greet her, only to stare dumbfounded at her as she walked into the situation room. She stood there, her short curls now so long they hung to her ass. Her eyes bore the makeup common to most concubines, and the beauty mark was there just to the right of her eye.

“What the hell?” Ash breathed out, but there was a weight on his chest at the sight of her. A glimpse of the old Sera. Just a small flicker of his woman, soft, made-up, but still ready for action if need be.

Sera shrugged as she grabbed a glass of juice. “Concubines have long hair. I went and had extensions put in. She’d—a concubine—never be seen without her face made up, so the eyes and lips are long-lasting. I don’t know how long we’ll be there, so it’ll remain on for thirty days or until I remove it.”


Both men continued to stare at her, speechless. Her eyes, lined with dark kohl, were exotic and sexy. Her already beautiful lips were even more so with the shiny treatment. Not red, more like the flesh of a pomegranate, that succulent jewel brought from another ’Verse millennia ago. Her hair was thick and lush before, but now it hung in curls covering her back and arms. In short, she was luscious, beautiful and damned sexy. Still in cargo pants and boots and yet utterly delicious.

The smile on her lips told Brandt she knew the effect of her transformation. “What? Don’t worry; I went through secure channels to have it done.”

Brandt shook off his stunned surprise and moved into the room to the table and sat down, hoping she wouldn’t notice the state of his cock. “Of course. It looks great. You look great. I like the attention to detail.”

“You look more than great, Sera.” Brandt glanced up at Ash sharply at his words but was relieved the other man stopped at that and sat.

Sera pulled out two folders and put them on the table before the men.

“Okay, I took the liberty of checking into some side channels regarding Giles Stander. He appears to have more credits in the last nine months than he’s had before. He’s always been on a tight leash and had a regular stipend from his Family. But he used to spend it within days of the first of the month. Apparently he’s making it to the last week of the month now. He’s even paid down some of his debt.”

“Debt? What are you talking about? We’ve thoroughly checked his finances, and he seems moderately solvent. And what do you mean, side channels?” Brandt narrowed his eyes at the papers in front of him, showing the data to back up what she’d been saying.

“Coming from an unranked family and working with the lower classes has its value. I know people who don’t operate on the standard channels, let’s put it that way. Anyway, it appears that Stander has a problem with the tables. He’s got a wife, three declared mistresses and a concubine as well.

Interesting, no? Certainly taxing on his income. Up until not too very long ago, he only had a wife and a mistress, and now suddenly he’s got multiple women. It’s the kind of thing that might lead a man whose Family has a lot of contact with the Interior to see what he can sell off for more credits to keep his women in expensive jewelry and the hired thugs off his back.” 36

“You can’t just use the criminal element for this kind of thing, Sera!

You could have very well compromised this mission!” Brandt stood, and she did as well.

“In the first place, PC Pela, I am not stupid. You recruited me to this team because I have certain talents. My contacts are impeccable, and while less than wholesome, they would not betray me. I did not break protocol in my research. If you’d like to see my work and the steps I took, they’re all there in front of you in that folder.” Her eyes were cold and her voice flat.

He looked down and carefully read over the papers she’d indicated.

Slumping back into his chair, he nodded at her to do the same. And she did, only slowly. “Your brother?”

“Yes. My brother runs off-world gaming and money lending. He’s not the criminal element. In fact, both your Family and Ash’s have used him in the past. Made quite a profit, according to him. I suppose that such dirty money is distasteful, but it doesn’t stop you from taking it. And while those of us from unranked families aren’t good enough to marry, we can actually conduct ourselves according to the rules.” The entire speech was delivered in an impersonal, clipped manner. Every word beat at him.

“I apologize for underestimating you, Sera. This is excellent information and certainly another indicator that Stander is behind the leaks to the Imperialists. For the record, I don’t think you’re stupid or that simply because you come from an unranked family you’re not as good as we are.” Brandt felt like shit for yelling at her.

“In any case,” she said, not acknowledging his apology, “Stander certainly has a basket of financial problems. That, coupled with his Family connection, seems to indicate that he’s a likely suspect. Add it to the other things in the file you’d already put together, and he’s head and shoulders above the other suspects in motive and opportunity.”

“It would certainly appear that way. I had my suspicions before, but he had no financial motive that we could see.” Ash looked through the data.

“That he has a whole series of out-of-system financial dealings isn’t so suspicious. I’m willing to bet many people with great deals of money do the same thing. It’s the ebb and flow of the credits that’s the key here.” She held up a sheet of paper, and both men looked down until they found their copy.

“This is a rough time line of the attacks and big payouts into Stander’s accounts. My brother couldn’t be totally precise—the system exists to be 37

imprecise and to hide transactions—but he was able to give a basic estimate.”

“This is really impressive work, Sera. Did you even sleep last night to put all this together?” Ash asked, looking up at her, loving that her hair was long again, the way it was when they were together.

“I get by.”

Brandt sighed, and Ash felt sorry for him. He’d hurt Sera’s feelings, and Ash sure as hells knew what that felt like. “So I think we should focus on him, then. Of course keep an eye on the others, but let’s stick close to Stander when we get to Nondal. Our intel says he’ll be there in five turns for a general meeting of their trade company. They do big business on the rim.

We leave before first light and should arrive the day before he does.” Sera nodded, gathering up her papers. “Is there anything else?” Brandt reached out and took her hand. “I am sorry. I’ve offended you. I didn’t mean to. I know you’ve had a lot to deal with in the last day, and my attitude didn’t help. I want this to work, and I’m asking for more than is fair, I know, but I’d like to move past this.”

She sighed and pulled her hand back. “Fine.”

“There’s the issue of you being my concubine and also the implantation of the communication chip.”

“Communication chip?” Her voice rose a bit.

Brandt explained, “You know what the situation on Nondal will be like. Total surveillance in some instances. We can’t speak openly, but it’s necessary that we have the ability to communicate. Ash and I have chips implanted, coded to each other. Experimental, but they work. They operate on a special frequency. Ash will need to implant yours.” Her eyes widened with undisguised interest. “Hells. I heard about these things, but I thought it was all silly stories. It’s like what, telepathy?”

“Of a sort.” Ash held up a small glass tube with a silver cylinder inside.

“It’s undetectable in almost all cases because it mimics bone. I’ll place it against the back of your skull, near your spine. It will establish a neural pathway and connect with ours on the frequency each communicator is set to.”


“You can hear my thoughts? I’ll have no privacy at all?” How the hells would she survive that?

Ash shook his head. “No, no. I’ll give you a bit of instruction, but it’s rather simple. You just open a neural doorway to speak and close it when you’re done. We can’t hear your thoughts unless you want us to.” Sera knew they were right. They’d be watched and listened to almost constantly on Nondal, but the idea of some creepy little brain comm unit was seriously disturbing.

But unavoidable.

“Okay. Put it in.”

“Sit there. I’m going to put it in with a needle. I’ll have to touch you.” Ash phrased it like a request.

She appreciated that he actually asked, and nodded her assent as she sat and pulled her hair away.

Brandt knelt beside her and held her hand. “It’s going to be fine. It feels . . . odd until you get used to it, but it doesn’t hurt, and it’s saved my life more than once. We’ll be able to hear you within a twelve-klick radius.” Ash’s fingers were warm and sure at the back of her neck. She felt the cool swipe of antiseptic and then the prick of a needle slowly entering her skin. It went deep, and then a strange, metallic taste filled her senses as her spine stiffened and her teeth clenched.

Brandt murmured softly, brushing his hand up and down her arm while holding her hand.

Ash moved away and put her hair back in place.

“It’ll take a few hours for the pathway to establish itself and for your frequency to key into ours. Do you feel all right?” Ash helped her to stand.

Sera thought for a bit and nodded. “Now, what was that other bit about me being your concubine?” She looked to Brandt, wanting to focus on anything but the weirdness of what had just happened.


“You need to be used to my touch, Sera. Gentled to my presence.

That’s not something you can just will yourself to do. You jump when I touch you or when Ash comes into the room. And I know,” he spoke a little louder to stop her from interrupting, “this is hard for you, but as a concubine, you’ll need to be very sexual with me. I’ll need to kiss you and touch you. All over. And more. You know that.”

“I do know that, but I can’t just be accustomed to a stranger’s touch overnight.”

“Which is why I think we should start now. We should sleep together on the transport. I’d like to work on small touches and build up from there starting now.”

“Build up to fucking.” She said it with a subtle raise of her eyebrow.

“Yes, or a very good approximation of it at least. I wish it didn’t have to be this way.” Brandt shrugged.

Ash snorted, and Brandt turned to him with a glare.

“You mean to tell me you can look at her and not want her?” Brandt’s hands flew up angrily. “I said I wish it didn’t have to be this way. I’m not saying it’ll be a chore to have her in my bed. But I prefer my bedmates to come to me willingly and not as an assignment. And it would be less of one if you weren’t trying to goad her every five minutes!”

“Me? You’re the one who insulted her, and now you’re trying to maneuver her into your bed!” Ash tossed back.

“Jealous?” Brandt taunted.

“Yes! Gods damned! I am. I want her so much my teeth hurt, and she’ll be next to you, naked and willing, and I hate that.”

“Not everything is about you, Ash. Have you thought about how hard this is for Sera? For even just a moment?”

“As if either of you actually remember I’m in the damned room.” Sera leaned her fists against the tabletop. “If I am to be a member of this team, you’ll both address me. Stop speaking around me like I’m not here. This is a job. It’s better than sitting in a muddy hole in the driving rain, trying not to shiver from the cold. I get why it’s important, and okay, fine. But I’m not a 40

thing. I am not even a woman Ash used to fuck. I’m the third member of this team, and you will treat me as such. You need me, damn you both.”

“I’m better than sitting in a muddy hole?” Brandt tried not to laugh.

“Marginally so.”

Ash snorted laughter but then sobered. “You’re right. I apologize. You are the third member of this team, and we do need you. But you’re wrong on one thing. You were—are—a lot more to me than the woman I used to fuck.

I’m not proud of having to let you go, but it was what I had to do. It wasn’t that I didn’t love you.”

“I don’t want to discuss it. I’m well aware as Brandt’s best friend, you’ll be allowed to show me sexual attention in Nondal. I will tell you right now to keep it to a minimum, or you’ll be drawing back a bloody stump.

Don’t use this to manipulate me.”

“Okay, so let’s move on as long as we all understand each other.” Brandt looked to both, waiting for them to acknowledge what he’d said.

Getting it, he nodded and pushed his chair out. “Evening meal back here in two hours. It’s time we worked on some team building.” Sera nodded shortly and left the room, needing to get away from them both for a while before she exploded.


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