Fortunately, her new role has given her some new weapons and she intends to use whatever is available to her.
"Oh, hello. You must be Mr. Mason. I'm your new secretary, Erin Taylor," she replied with a well-reheard smile and weak handshake. She merely mumbled as a comment to her enormous effort. her to prove her stupidity and lack of morals Apparently blondes weren't her favorite, she thought wryly I wonder what would happen if she decided going to pounce on him? She guessed there was a 50% chance he would jump up and run away from the scene after a few seconds if that was what his bitter expression was.
H'mmn, maybe not a bad idea, she thought seriously. Then she'll have the file to herself, find the evidence, and will be out of there in a few hours. It seems like a good plan. Especially if he was the culprit as Warren predicted. The grimace was still evident on her face, and it grew sharper as she studied it.
Then he suddenly popped out, "Are you the secretary Warren wants to lend me? It's like a parade of monsters trying to ruin my rug," he said. .
"Oh, that. Well, I'm thinking of something very important," she explained slowly so the fool could follow suit.
"Like what? Like an alien invasion of earth?" he said his outfit looked revealing, as if to indicate that he had included her in this group.
"No, not at all. It's so much more important. See, I'm wondering if I should use foundation before or after concealer. A hugely important question I think, and I'm actually trying to remember what Vogue wrote about it in their last issue," she continued, giving him a big smile so he could understand what she really was.
Then she waited for an explosion. After half a minute he was still staring at her, strange, she thought, he must be a control freak. Now any normal person can kick her out. She almost wished that he would throw her out. She is then able to return to civilization and tell Warren that she tried her best but was conquered by a wild earth monster dressed in Armani. Yes, that would certainly convince Warren, she thought wryly.
"So why did Warren fire you?" the earth monster asked chatty as he seemed to have calmed down to return to his normal icy appearance.
"Oh no, he promoted me," she said in the high-pitched voice she'd practiced so much over the past two days. The practice paid off when she saw Cade Mason wince clearly as she reached the higher tones and she immediately took advantage of the effect and continued with the same hiss. "He said I needed a change of scenery, and he moved me here."
At the beginning of it all was a good laugh, and she noticed that he winced once more before returning to his icy composure. The man was too controlling for his own good. A real control freak and that means he'll be harder to expose. She needed to be wary of him if she wanted to succeed in this mission. But how did she get there?
"What is Warren thinking?" I really don't need another secretary. I will have another discussion with Warren. In the meantime, you can make yourself useful and make coffee for the morning meeting.
"Warren," Cade shouted into the phone. "Why did you throw that stupid secretary on my desk?" Can't you fire her? She couldn't even make a decent cup of coffee. How the hell am I going to use it? As decoration? He could hear laughter coming from the other side.
“Oh, she'll be fine. I just took it off for a while. A married man is a bit distracting so I think you need a new secretary for a while,” Warren replied. “Moreover, she is a definite asset. Wait and you will see. "" Thanks, I noticed those properties when you called them, along with the rest of my crew. She definitely has the background and wisdom in her clone. She ruined the entire staff meeting by offering non-drinkable coffee and lots of segments to a group of Neanderthals in training. The men have yet to start thinking with their brains after the ordeal, and production is struggling. Will you solve your own problem next time? "
" Well, let's look at the bright side. Maybe your boys will start swimming for a change. Haha. Just remember that you promised to keep her for three months. Cade just growled into the phone. "Or is there something else bothering you?" Are you afraid to start hunting for her yourself? ”
Cade chose to ignore Warren's comment and address the issue head-on.
"Tell me, Warren, is this another of those women you keep pushing in my direction?"
"No, how can you think so?" Warren was quick to reply and he looked so innocent, Cade knew he was up to something.
"If so, I must say that your taste has completely deteriorated since the last time you tricked me, and that is the only thing that justifies your innocence."
“Really, Cade. You know, I promised never to contact anyone since you threw the last one, but I have to admit I'm still worried about you."
"When I meet someone sexy as hell who has a mind and doesn't want my money, I'll think about it. But until then, stay out of my personal life, Warren!"
"Perhaps you should try this secretary I sent you. She usually just wants a man's body and that should satisfy your request, right?" Warren laughed on the other end of the line.
Cade broke the phone, angry and frustrated that Warren was overworked and funny. He's doing it on purpose, he thought. Get rid of a problem and throw her at him, and she distracts too many of his crew for them to behave like rational beings, including him.
So how do you deal with a mad woman? Perhaps he could use his common sense, though he truly doubted his ability to use any of his senses. No one who dresses or acts this way can use much of their intelligence. Or maybe she's just a troublemaker? Hopefully the next three months will pass quickly and he can wrap up the woman and bring her back to Warren's problem.
Warren giggled long after the conversation ended. The plan has worked perfectly so far. Waking up two hotheaded guys, including a few false truths, makes them believe they have a job to do and just wait for the results. Marriage within two months was his bet. Maybe a month. If not, at least he had to deal with a monastic cadre.
The remedy seems to have worked wonders. He had never experienced Cade beyond his composure and control. It will definitely be good for him. Too bad he had to send his best staff through the process, but the end result was most likely worth the risk.
He asked Stella to choose Erin's outfit very carefully. Both to make its cover believable, but above all to make it stand out from the crowd. By the way, Cade couldn't help but notice her, and it seems the plan worked very well in that respect. It was only a matter of time and patience for Cade to swallow the bait.
Erin plopped down on the chair. He was assigned a table right in front of Cade's desk and his duties included catering to his every whim. Right now, he had no more ideas to send her, but he carried her around the company building as her feet protested with every step she took.
Finally, she has a chance to sit down and escape the torture weapon known as the healer. What did the women do with them? You can barely walk, and every step is painful. Maybe she should listen to Stella and practice a little more before stepping out onto the court. Next time, she will definitely keep Stella's advice in mind. She wiggled her feet and tried to feel his toes. Every movement hurt her and she wondered if her legs would return to normal when this task was completed. Most likely, she would definitely have a limp.
Muddy water seeped through his shoes and socks. She'd better take the opportunity to dry them off before going out again. She resolutely stood up, lifted her left leg onto the chair, slipped her hand under her skirt, and rolled the wet sock up to her lap.
Stand up, she swore. Currently, she prefers Rest and Stay.
Suddenly a gasp came from somewhere behind her. Oh my, it's not him. Mr High and Mighty caught her again at the wrong time. He had practically watched her every move for the past few hours. That way, she would never have a chance to identify the culprit.
Perhaps he was afraid of being alone, she thought sullenly. Most likely, he suspected she was blindly stealing from him the moment he turned his back on her. Okay, she just needs to remember to act stupid. It shouldn't be difficult considering her current embarrassing situation, she thought wryly.
She turned around with a fake smile on her face and asked softly, "Brother Mason." Nice to meet you again. Is there anything I can do for you? "
" What do you think you're doing? ' he growled at her in his usual gruff voice. “The strip club is 15 kilometers north. Here we are working using other parts of the body.
She giggled loudly. "Oh, Mr. Mason, you're so funny," and winked at him while sparking outrage inside. "I was just amazed with the weather and got wet so if you come back I can finish undressing you." Maybe you can see if someone shows up?
"But," he said, before shrugging and starting over and speaking in his most solemn tone. "Listen, Miss Taylor, we need a serious talk about your outfit. I know this is your first day and it's understandable to make mistakes. But you can't just dress like that. hey. It's not good for the company's record. It's not good for the customer to dress like that. The way you dress is practically indecent
"What does indecent mean? Did I cover all the important places? ' she asked curiously, waiting and hoping that he could give her a good reason not to go half-naked and let her ass hang loose. But his tone always made him visible. Red. “You have to cover a little bit more and follow the dress code,” he explains in a higher voice, acting 20 years older than him for a second. "That means your skirts have to be below your knees and your tops have to cover ..." he stopped suddenly and vaguely showed her breasts as he considered how to explain it with her. “Uh… button up your shirt,” he finally continued.
Well, that cocky bastard, she thought. Perhaps it is better to anger him than to think about his request. Surely it would be better, she thought, looking even taller at the arrogant man now.
"I like the way I dress, and that's my choice," she replied boldly. "And if that's not to your liking, you can stop looking at my boobs all the time."
She could see that she was trying to shock him again. Not that she feels sorry for him. He looked healthy enough to endure high blood pressure for a while, and perhaps he was too used to meeting all his demands.
After a long rest, he calms down and regains his normal HighAndPowerful personality.
"Well, at least try not to reveal your cleavage to my staff during meetings. It distracts them from important matters." Then he left.
To get her hungry to smash something, it's best to bang her head before stepping on it with a twist push-up. This increase given by Warren should be better. Perhaps she should also request a new office, or retire early from human-polluted areas. That's great, she thought.
Finally, the day has come to an end. She felt more dead than alive. The fact that Masonjerk ordered him to tour the entire factory all day, and walk a few miles in new shoes was certainly not a happy idea for him. She was sure he did it on purpose just to get her to quit. She would make him take this beating if that was the last thing she did.
For now, all she can think about is limping the last few yards to her makeshift apartment and administering the necessary first aid to her leg. It's a shame the shoes didn't come with a first aid kit when Stella bought them or knowing Stella kept the kit herself and would never admit that she ever needed it.