We both had lunch below a huge, willow tree over the tickling green grass. The meal consisted of sandwiches, prune cakes and chilled lemonade. There was an ultimate battle to grab and eat more cakes.
"Come on, that's the last one. Can I have that please?" I asked politely and batted my eyelashes. He chuckled and quickly brought the cake in front of his mouth, teasing me. I whined and jumped forward to snatch it away from him. Taking advantage of his height, he held the delicious cake above his head. I climbed over his lap and reached out to grab it.
I felt that I wasn't in control of my actions since I actually climbed over him. I giggled like a little girl and managed to grab his arm. The cake tumbled out of his hand and I quickly went to catch it. But in the process, Noah fell backwards and I landed on top of him.
I shut my eyes in embarrassment and apologised softly, "Sorry for acting like a kid who is deprived of cakes and has never eaten one in it's life time."
I heard him chuckling under his breath, his chest rumbling and I could feel it. My eyes fluttered open and his deep blue eyes bore into mine, displaying a hint of humour. My breath hitched since our lips were inches apart and I could see his faint freckles adorning his nose. My wig hair was like a veil around us, tickling his cheeks and my hands were placed on his hard chest. I bit my bottom lip nervously as we both stared at each other vehemently. I was feeling dizzy and found myself lost in deep hues of blue.
"It's okay," Noah whispered and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Your eyes are so green like jade. Why do you wear these hideous glasses? You have such beautiful eyes that shouldn't be hidden."
His eyes never left mine and he smiled, his eyes crinkling at the sides and dimples appearing on either side of his soft cheeks. Sunlight was spilling over his chiseled face like golden streaks of jewels and his deep blue eyes shone with intensity. I blushed shyly, averted my gaze at the ground and clumsily got off from him.
"Thanks for the compliment," I murmured awkwardly and tucked a strand of my wig hair behind my ear. I tried to act calm but in the inside, I was panicking, hyperventilating and also squealing in bliss.
His compliments were so sweet and I was afraid to fall for him. It had been only a few weeks and I already liked him. I didn't know whether it was good or bad because after so many months I felt genuinely happy. After so many months, I was feeling something that I never felt with Zen.
I didn't even want to remember him though I somehow did each and every day even in this ordinary life because of his constant texting, calls, cheesy letters with bouquets of flowers which he wouldn't have personally picked up, but ordered one of the servant to send it as the regular routine.
"Get in the car, we'll go somewhere," Noah said while dusting his jeans and opened the car door.
"But where?"
* * *
"Ice cream parlour? Sweet!" I clasped my hands together enthusiastically and we walked towards the little, bright parlour.
"Which one do you want?" Noah asked and my face immediately lit up.
"Not the same, old, boring one. Try something new because honestly this sucks," Noah said in disapproval and I crossed my arms against my chest.
I stomped my feet and stubbornly said, "I'll have only and only strawberry!"
"Then forget about an ice cream. I'm going in to buy something else, if you change your mind you can tell me," He stated staunchly and walked in the parlour.
I crossed my arms and shouted, "You know that I'm very well capable of walking in there and buying my own delicious, strawberry ice cream!"
But I didn't go because I knew that Noah wasn't cruel that he would deny me of a stupid ice cream. I kicked random stones to pass time and waited outside. From a distance, I could see a familiar red head and a blonde guy kissing under a tree. I narrowed my eyes and concentrated on the couple passionately kissing each other and laughing.
"What are you looking at?" I heard Noah's voice from behind me and froze, caught staring at an innocent couple making out.
I quickly turned around while awkwardly playing with my wig hair and muttered, "Nothing."
My gaze settled on only one ice cream in his hand and I asked dejectedly, "You bought only one ice cream?"
He just shrugged and licked the lavender coloured ice cream which looked creamy and delicious.
"Which flavour?"
"Berry Mash. Consists a mixture of all sorts of berries and these--- "
"Can I have a taste?" I asked and smiled sheepishly. He stretched his hand out which was wrapped around the cone. I gladly took it and licked it once. Twice. Thrice.
"I thought you only ate strawberry ice cream."
"In a way it contains strawberries since it's a mixture of all berries," I justified and passed him the ice cream. He too licked it, passing the ice cream back and forth between us while we chatted happily.
"Oh, Noah and Amelia! What brought you guys here?" I heard a familiar high-pitched voice and whirled around, my ears searching the source of the sound and my eyes landed on Ginger with some blonde boy.
So the couple I earlier saw kissing was red head Ginger and the blonde guy. I never knew Ginger had a boyfriend. She never mentioned it to me though we grew so close and fond of each other.
The blonde guy who introduced himself as Chad did a manly sort of hug with Noah. Turned out, Noah and he were good friends at school. Ginger and I both stared at each other obviously knowing that she was hiding her relationship from everybody.
All four of us started to stroll on the streets. Ginger kept silent whereas the rest of us were talking all the way. Noah bit into the cone and passed it to me. I too bit into it and felt someone's scrutinizing gaze over me.
Ginger's eyes were wide, darting between Noah and me in bewilderment and she whispered, "I never knew that Noah and you became so close over these days."
And at that very moment, I regretted sharing an ice cream with Noah . . .