Jalius Mondelvalle passed as an Engineer, and wanted to make his own history on his own ways. But Claveria's Princess ru...
Under His Rules.
"NO!" I said in monotone, after seeing a yellow Lamborghini parked in front of our house.
"NO!" another refused when my nannies gave me bunch of paper bag and a big GUCCI on it.
"NO!" I shake my head again, even if I knew that is one of the biggest condominium at BGC.
"What you really want Miss?" Daddy's secretary asked me.
"I want my gift," I crossed my arms.
"Miss Ellaira, that's your gift from your Dad," I swear, she'll get pissed if I'd show her attitude. Though she still manage to smile, after being so pissed of my sudden refusal on everything she gave.
Why people is in denial? Why people is too desperate to hide their feelings? There's a reason why we're on Democratic Country, means we are allowed to say what we felt. But why this woman infront of me, is hiding...her true feelings.
If she's pissed, and she can't handle me, she can yell at me.
I smirked. Yeah. She needs this job, that's why she need to be patience.
"I want Jalius Griffin Mondelvalle. Can you give me that?" my brows raised while looking at Secretary Joyce.
I saw how she panicked. "Miss Ellaira. W-we can't b-buy-"
"JUST BUY HIM FOR ME! I WANT HIM FOR MY DEBUT! GET THAT! GET HIM!" I was screaming, and I swear my vocal cords is shaking.
"Y-yes Miss. Yes," she's now looking at the floor, bow down and leave quickly.
My three hand maids approached me and give me water, the other one wiped my sweat.
"Bring the keys inside. I need that," I said while looking at the keys they're holding. They eventually do whatI command.
I enter our mansion with my handmades and butler at the back. I grew at Paris. Daddy raised me there, living luxuriously, no sweat, no lacking. He give everything I want, everything I need. But sometimes I felt lonely, I'm too tired of material things. I want something...no someone...someone who'll make me happy.
"Yes. I am his grandson. But I don't want to be his heir. Infact, I'm joining a well-known firm. I wanted to be successful on my own," he was so proud at the interview with the reporter.
I don't know but I felt too much excitement after seeing him. I feel goosebumps and my heart panicked. I know it kinda looks like over reacting. Because I just saw him on TV. But what will I do? He has that confidence, looks, and appeal. I don't know but I want him.... to be mine.
"Today is your debut sweetie," it's Daddy, caressing my hands and smiling widely. I know he's one of the riches men in this country. He own a chain of hotels, and all. I don't know how to manage a hotel or such, I don't even try to ask how. The only thing I knew is to ask for my allowance.
"I don't need a grand party Daddy," I shrugged. I saw how shock he was.
"Why Ellaira? Do you want something else?" he asked. I nodded.
"I want Jalius Mondelvalle. I thought Secretary Joyce, told you about it?"
"Yes hija. But the young man doesn't approved,"
My brows meet. "What? Daddy. That's the only thing I want!"
"Calm down hija. I know. But he-"
Before he could finish his words, someone enter our double doors. He's in leather jacket, ripped jeans and a ball cap. I am amazed, why he's here!?
He's illegal! Off limits! WHY!?
"Mr. Claveria!" I can hear his frustration. "Why did you do that! Why did you asked my Boss to fired me on his firm! Why?!"
"Its because San Diego doesn't need you. You're a waste-"
"DAD!" I stopped him. He spill something offensive on my crush. How could he say that! "Dad. What did you do to him?" my voice were cold, I know he'll explain and ask forgiveness.
"He doesn't wanna accept my offer Ellaira. What do you expect? Of course I'll do something-"
Jalius cut him using his cuss!
"You're spoiling your daughter, and compromise , but you're ruining my life!" Jalius is too upset. And boy, he's so beautiful with his angry eyes. God.
"If you just agreed. This won't happen," Daddy can still managed to speak in low voice, while facing this mad Engineer.
"Then, what do you want me to do?" I can hear the desperation on his voice, he glanced at me first before looking at my Dad.
Me, I am looking at him . All the time! God. His perfect angled jaw, his reddish lips, his thick and black eye lashes, thick eyebrows, clean face, pointed nose , deep set of eyes and perfect body built. He's also tall, maybe 6 flat or more. He's really my type!
"Do what my daughter wants-"
I cut Dad. "No. Jalius, Dad. Let me handle this. Please leave us for a while,"
I saw how Jalius stare at me with the "what-expression", Daddy stare at me and breathe heavily, before leaving.
"Sit down," I commanded at the man who's still standing, but he didn't even obey. Oh. I love his angry eyes.
"Why your dad is doing this?" calm and firm, I smirked. He's really my type!
"He just want to give everything to me," I smiled. His forehead wrinkles.
"What do you want?" I can't read his eyes right now. I don't know if he's mad or amused, again, I really can't see the "reaction".
"I want you. You're my gift," I said happily.
"Gift?" he now look so confused. I laughed.
"Yes. Today is my 18th birthday Jalius Mondelvalle. And I ask Dad to bring you here as my gift," pathetic Ellaira.
"Why?" and now he can't believe what I just said.
"Secret, by the way where are you staying? Umm. I want to stay with you. And..."
"Come on lil girl. Did you even know how old I am?"
"Yes. 23 right? Hmm." I smiled.
Now he looks mad.
"If you do what I want. You surely can go back to that firm. Deal?" I stood up just to see him closely. I stepped two, and now I am way near him. My eyes just leveled on his chest, when I look up on him. I saw how pissed he is.
"No one can command nor buy me young lady," he said, I am not confused, he's trying to turn down my offer. I tried to smiled.
"I know that too, you're too hard to be pleased? But why don't you try. Aside from going back to San Diego. I'll give myself-"
I am not yet done on my offer, but he burst in laughter. Is this man insulting me?!
"You're just 18! What willI get from the body of an eighteen year old girl?" he asked, while still laughing. The guts!
I crossed my arms.
"I am a virgin," I said bravely, he find it entertaining so he still laugh.
"Sorry. But I don't prefer virgins." he smirked. The fuck?
"And w-why?" this question is stupid.
"In short I like mature girls, I don't baby sit," he still laughing on me. Is he kidding me, I walk near him and wrapping my arms around his neck and kiss his lips, swiftly. He eventually stoppef from mocking me. There. I smirked.
"Now tell me Engineer. Am I not mature?" now my tone is as flirty as spices girls.
With those asking eyes. Yes Jalius. I am interested. I'm interested on you. Now if you let me stay with you. I'll make you the one of the most wealthy young Engineer here at our country.
"You're a kid," he said, but that won't changed the fact that he got moved by my smack.
"Yes maybe my age. But as you can see. My body grew," I said while holding my dress. I'm wearing a white dress right now.
"What do you want again?" now, I can see that he'll bite the prey.
"I want to stay with you,"
He nodded. See, he's not that hard to please.
"Okay. You'll stay in my house. Until when?" he asked. I am determined to make him mine today.
"No one knows-"
"What if you wanna stay there for the rest if your life?" he's now playing the game.
"Then I'll stay there. Basic" I smirked. He groaned , maybe he didn't expect that from me. God. He's too hot! Yes, I am still eyeing how gorgeous his features.
"My house is way far, I am just here for a visit-"
"I know that. I already knew everything about you Jalius Mondelvalle,"
His brows meet. "Are you a stalker?"
"Lets say, I don't stalk. I have connections. So it's a deal. I'm going to stay with you. Wait, I'll pack my things,"
I didn't wait for his answer, I went on my room and pack everything I need. I'm smiling ear to ear, because she agreed. God. This is fun!
When I went out from my room, my handmaids are all ready I told them to bring my luggage and theirselves.
Maybe Daddy knew that Jalius agreed, I saw Jalius and Daddy talking. When they saw me, they stopped on conveying.
"Nah. They'll stay here," it's Jalius. My brows meets.
"You're going to leave your handmaids and body gurads here. If you want to stay with me follow my simple rules,"
My jaw dropped. WHAT? Is he serious, I'll leave my hand maids? Then who'll make my milk? Who'll comb my hair? Shit.
"Jalius. I cant live without them," I rolled my eyes, he just smirked. Shit. His laugh gave me goosebumps.
"Then learn to live without them. Let's go," before getting all my luggage. I honestly can't live without them. Damn it.
"Jalius. Can I bring Emilia?" she's my favorite handmaid.
"No." he said with finality, and didn't even bother to speak again. He fixed his seatbelt. I stare at him.
"Fix my seatbelt," I commanded.
"Even wearing your seatbelts? Come on. If you doesn't wanna wear it be it, we're leaving,"
"I don't do this. I don't like the smell of the seat-"
Before I could finish my line, the car roared and leave. DAMN!
"JALIUS! I'm not wearing my seatbelts!" I am now holding the dashboard very tight because of how the car ran so fast.
"I don't care," he's been so insensitive! He just continue doing it.
"Please. Slow down," I'm about to cry. He didn't even listen! I just closed my eyes. God! I open my eyes when I realized that it slowed down. I look at my seat belt and wore it before I'd lost my life.
I slept on his car, I woke up because of the chicken, making a disgusting sound. When I look on my side, there's no Jalius. I got scared after seeing that this place isn't familiar. I check my wrist watch and God! It's already 10 in the morning!
My back is in pain, I don't have any choice but to went out of the car. There's a small house in front of me, I wander around and realized that it's the only house here at the middle of the "forest".
"And you're now awake," I saw Jalius busily holding the chicken.
My brows are now in one line, seeing him makes me damn upset. "AND WHY YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME! WHAT TIME WE GOT HERE, AND WHY I SLEPT HERE!" I cursed so bad. I cant stop but blame him. But he just shrugged and smirked.
"You wanted this right? Then deal with it Princess," he winked, pissing me off more.
I wished I also check his medical background, to see if he's literally from mental or what. Damn it!