Today it's out graduation day, I was graduating in business management. I was looking around, I was waiting for my brothers, and cousin but they're still not here. All of my classmates are with their parents.
"Hey, who are you looking for? Is it your cousin?"Lyra my friend asked me.
"Not even one of them has come yet, they know that today is my graduation and I'm annoying you!" I said irritated.
"It's coming! What if it's just traffic!" When he relieved me.
"Michalla Nicklorson A."i heard my full name, my teacher was already calling my name, but no one still coming for me. I don't want too be embarrassed, they are all jealous, there are parents, siblings, and grandparents. But me no one comes for me
I was about to go up too stage, but a familiar voice called me.
"Sweetheart!" I heard it called, so I turned around. And there I see Kuya Axel who's walking towards me, when he finally reached me, he held my hand. I smiled.
"Let's go." Said this, I nodded. And we both go up too stage.
He was about to wear my medal, but I grabbed his hand and put it on him.
"Your my inspiration, brother." I said with a smile, he smiled, and hugged me. So I hugged him back.
I joined topnotchers because of him, he was the one who tutored me, and helped me. If not because of him, I won't be in here. I used to have no desire to study, but then he helped me. He was there when I need him the most.
"So best will you come with us? We are going too have a party for celebration!"Luara said.
"Ahhh.... I'm sorry I can't join you first, my brother and I are going somewhere." I said, which made him snort.
"Ow...." I chuckled when he said this with a smile.
"You know best if you two are not cousins when your cousin pogi, I will really think of you two as jowa hahaha!"it said, raising my eyebrows.
"Brother Axel?! What?! Ewww! That's insane! Laura he's my cousin!" I said annoyed here.
"That's it! Be aware of the afterlife, or maybe you're not really cousins, you're really meant for each other ayieeee...." This is still teasing me.
"G@g@! Why not be a cousin?!We're of the same blood, are you out of your mind?!" I artfully said here.
"It could be a family stroke hahahah!" It teased.
I was about to speak when someone called me.
"Sweetheart!" When Kuya Axel called me, I looked at his behavior. There I see Kuya Axel holding Ice cream.
"Alright, I'll go first, maybe what else is on your mind, you fool!" I said, but the g@ga just laughed, and pushed me away. Is this boy really my friend?!
"Brother!" When I called him, I quickly ran too him.
"Ice cream for my sweet heart."he said with a smile in his lips, and offered me the Ice cream he was holding. So I accepted it.
"Vanilla?" I asked here.
"Yeah your favorite flavor." He said with a smile, yeah he's right this is my favorite flavor.
"Let's go, we're going somewhere else."He promised with a smile and opened his car door for me, so I got in and sat down.It also followed, and started showing off. I was busy licking the Ice cream, I looked at his reflection too the mirror, I was smiling looking at his appearance in the mirror, while licking the Ice cream I was holding.
I was surprised when he suddenly stopped the car, it's a good thing I kept the ice cream away from my face. But my face will sink into the ice cream, I don't my make up too be ruined god!
"Fvck!" I heard brother Axel's snoring.
"Brother Axel! What the he'll?!"I asked here irritated, and I looked at it badly.
"Why are you licking your Ice cream like that?!" He asked me angrily.
"Ah? Why is there nothing wrong with-" I didn't continue what I was supposed to say when I realized what he meant.
"I-I didn't mean like that-N-no I was smiling because I was just happy." I stuttered to explain here.
After what happened earlier, we had nothing to say, he started talking again. Gosh why dose it feels awkward?!
"Brother, where are we going?" When I broke the silence.
"We're going too amusement park sweetheart." He said making my eyes roll.
"Really?! Omo!" I happily said here, and he nodded.
after a while he stopped the car, he stopped it in front of the amusement park. He got out of the car first, and opened the door for me. When I got out of the car, the amusement park opened up to me, and the many people.
"Brother, come on! Let's try!"When I got here, and pulled it to the caterpillar ride.lucky he didn't scream, he paid the man who was guarding it. And we ride it. We were in the middle. When the caterpillar ride started moving, I suddenly got nervous and before I knew it I was holding brother Axel's hand strict
"Ahhh!"I was relieved when it started to move up.
All I did was scream, while brother Axel he doesn't even seem scared?! When we got down, I felt live I was ganno vomit. But lucky I didn't.
"You want more?" asked brother Axel, I looked at it and shook my head.
"Ku-kuya, it's just a horror booth hehehe." I'm embarrassed to say this, because maybe if we repeat it, I'll really throw up.
He just nodded, we ride the horror booth. I don't know if I should laugh, or feel sorry for myself. Hahaha I look epic, and embarrassed Infront of him. I'm clinging to his arm, and all I do is scream when we face a fake ghost. I don't know if he's going deaf after I squealed, orHe's just holding back. Well I don't care hahaha I was enjoying it."Brother, let's go there, there's a fortune teller! Let's guess!" I pulled her again, and pointed to where the fortune teller was.
"Sister, we're going to guess, ah, for a while, I'll just take my other payment."I said to the fortune teller, I scratched my channel bag. And I was about to give the payment, when I see brother Axel already pay her.
I just sat down, and gave my two hands to him. I was even shocked when he suddenly took my hands, felt them and wet them.
"A man will be obsessed with you, you know him. He is always watching you, your every move and gesture is watched by him. Be careful of the man who is set for you, he will forcefully take your honor. And no matter what you do, or whatever when you run away, you will never be herescape, because he will be found and found and taken back again, whether you want it or not. For him, when he owns you, he will never be able to get rid of you."long story of the fortune teller who has been talking to me, I don't know, I suddenly got scared, and nervous about what he said.
I couldn't move as if cold water had been poured on me, but I forced myself to smile and not be affected by what the soothsayer said.
"Ah, here is brother Axel, guess who he is too."I said that there will be a fortune teller, and pulled brother Axel.
He took brother Axel's palms, felt them and read them.
"You will get what you have wanted for a long time, you will get him. Do everything and you will get him, you will be able to lock him in your love."when the fortune teller said, I saw the smile on brother Axel's lips.
"Hey why are you silent? Are you still thinking about what the soothsayer said earlier?" Big brother Axel asked one after another, bringing me back to reality. And there I see him holding two burgers.
"Ah, what's the matter.... I don't know, I just can't get out of my mind what the fortune teller told me earlier." I said here, he pulled out a burger that he was holding, so I took it.
"Brother, who do you think he is? Why did the soothsayer say that I will be careful with the man appointed to me?is he that dangerous? I don't know, but I suddenly felt nervous and afraid of what the fortune teller said earlier." I asked one question after another, and started to eat the burger.
"What if, it was me?" asked brother Axel, who stopped me. I swallowed what was in my mouth before looking at it.
"H-huh? What do you mean?" I confusedly asked him.
"Nothing." He said bluntly as he dropped the burger he was holding. That's why I didn't pay attention to what he said, you know maybe I just heard it wrong. But did I really hear it wrong?
"Brother you, have you already like someone. I remember when my mom once alive, she once told me that every man in Nicklorson family. They we're just falling in love once, and they could be dangerous when the fall in love." I said.
"So brother have you already met yours? Ayieeee...."I teased him.
"I already met her." He said seriously, which made me smile.
", will you introduce him huh?" I asked him.
"You don't have too, you already know her." He sarcastically said, I looked at him. Our eyes met, but I quickly looked away.
"It's getting late, let's go home brother."I promise here.