"Let go of her, or I'm going to tase you, " Lena screamed, her eyes wide like saucers.
I and Riven's gaze locked in on hers from the sofa where he'd pushed me unto after taking out the brush I'd stabbed into his arms.
Lena let out a shrill scream, then slapped a hand over her mouth. I could totally understand her reaction. There was paint all over us since I'd tried to run for my life and ended up tripping on something and knocking up the bucket of paint mix.
The whole studio looked like a nightmare and so did we.
Riven regarded her, his eyes curious. "Are you really going to do that? I don't believe you"
Lena's gaze moved to mine, the question in her eyes easy to understand. I mouthed that he was insane and her eyes widened further.
"If you don't let go of her, I am really going to use this and it's going to hurt. You'll probably become Impotent too, 'cause I am going to aim for your dick," she got out shakily, her grip on the taser unstable.
"Lena, what the hell?" I gasped out, and her gaze cut to mine.
"What. That's the only part of him that's really going to hurt, no? He's like a mountain"
Riven let go of me and then slowly got to his feet. He yanked his shirt off all of a sudden, and Lena's eyes widened, her mouth dropping open, and the taser almost falling out of her hand.
"Holy mother of..."
"Snap out of it, Lena!" I yelled because I knew just how fast Riven was. I got to my feet, my heart beating hard in my chest, and then I rushed to stand behind Lena, who was still holding the Taser like the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.
"Keep your hands where I can see them, and no funny business" Lena got out and swallowed hard as her eyes roamed over his chest.
She was right to ogle him. Riven was fit.
Riven snickered and then did as he was told. "This is interesting. It almost feels like I am being arrested by a cop. Are you a cop, Lena"
"How do you know my name" she asked, her brows dipping.
"I know everything about Hazel here. We were going to make out but then she got a little kinky. She stabbed me with a paintbrush," he said, pointing to the puncture between his arm where I'd stabbed him.
Lena's gape whipped to mine and that was all Riven's needed.
Jerking forward, he snatched the taser from her and then smiled widely as Lena's mouth dropped open in shock.
"Oh my gods! What In the..."
"Do I get to issue the orders now... Keep your hands where I can see them type of shit?"
Lena laughed nervously, her grip digging into my wrist as she met my eyes. "Please, tell your one-night stand I was just joking," she gritted for only me to hear, and I frowned.
"He's not my one-night stand," I gritted back, then met Riven's gaze.
He sighed, then threw the taser at the wall. "I am done playing Hazel, but since I have other things to take care of, I guess we can do this another time. I'll send you the contract. Try to sign it when you get it. I won't take no for an answer."
He said then walked out, while I and Lena tried to stay as far as possible from him.
Lena let go of me once she made sure he was really gone.
"What the hell was that about? Are you cheating on Liam now... I mean, I know that guy is insanely hot and you might have found it difficult to resist, but cheating is not..."
"Lena! Oh my god! I do not have anything to do with that guy. That was Riven Blackwood"
Lena gaped at me, then scoffed. "Stop fucking playing around... If I threatened Riven with a Taser, do you know what that means? It means I'll be dead by tomorrow morning"
I crossed my arms, then stared at her pointedly until her eyes widened comically.
"Please tell me you are joking" she pleaded.
I shrugged and pursed my lips.
"Oh my God Hazel. And you just stood there while I threatened to tase his dick. Do you have any idea what kind of trouble I am in right now? Riven's probably going to hunt me down tonight... " She wailed, then paused, her mouth pulling up. "I mean, it won't be a bad way to go, judging from all that... "
"Lena, are you serious right now?" I got out incredulously, and she rolled her eyes.
"What's done is done, I might as well say what's on my mind before I meet the Lord"
"He is not going to kill you"
"Says you who was rolling around with him. What the hell happened with Liam? I thought you two were meeting up for dinner. Didn't he propose? Is that why you are with Riven"
I sighed, then dragged my hand through my hair. "Liam broke up with me"
"He did what?"
"He said he was done with me. He has a new girlfriend too. I totally went crazy and tried to break a vase over his head but ended up smashing it Into Riven's head instead"
"Oh my goodness, it keeps getting worse the more I listen. That fucking bastard. How dare he break up with you after everything you did for him. He's the one we should be tasing his dick"
I laughed, the tension easing a bit. "He would deserve it"
"Girl, all you've got to do is say the word and I'll destroy him. I mean I'll destroy him either way"
"Forget about it. He's not worth it"
We stood in silence for a few seconds.
"So what was that about with Riven? Did he try to hurt you because of what you did? He said you stabbed him too"
"It was an accident. He invaded my space all of a sudden and I panicked"
"Do you think he's going to come back?" Lena asked... "Also what was that about you signing a contract"
Letting out a heavy sigh, I shrugged. "I don't know Lena. Today has just been a very shitty day"
Lena took out a pepper spray from her bag and pushed it into my hand. "This is all I have for now, but trust me, it is very effective. If he shows up again, just spray while you scream, then when you are done screaming, you run, got it"
I nodded and clutched at it.
"Do you want to drink and cry while talking about everything that happened today"
"That sounds like a good idea," I agreed, and she pulled me into a warm hug.
Something bright was shining on my face. Was it the sun? And what the heck was pressing down on me?
I blinked my eyes open, then frowned when I met the familiar russet-colored gaze of the man I least expected to see when I woke up. Riven was kneeling over me again.
"Good morning, little rabbit" he grinned.
My hands reached for the pepper spray and I brought it up to his face.
"Get out of my life, you freaking psychopath," I screamed, then pressed down on the sprayer.