I haven’t had a chance to talk to Adam since the bonfire. Once I ditched him to, well… we both got tied up with Pack business and the week just seemed to fly by. So, I’m looking forward to seeing him tonight at a house party, being thrown by a mutual friend of both Packs.
In spite of being so busy, ‘Pixie’ hasn’t left my mind for even a moment. I don’t know her name yet, so that’s what I’m going with. Part of me is now doubting myself if it even happened – I mean, I was drinking that night… but whenever my thoughts start down this spiral my Wolf usually chuffs his disgust. One time he even lifted his leg and threatened to mentally pee on me. He can be a real asshole.
Ok. So, if she’s real, (ya, ya – put your fucking leg down!) it’ll be easy enough to find her. I can ask around friends who attended the bonfire – everyone knows someone. But I want to talk to Adam first. This is huge and as my – ugh, this sounds so teenage girl – best friend, I want him to be the first to know. I know he’s going to be so excited for me, and he’ll help me find her too.
As I’m approaching the front of the house, I see Adam coming from the other direction, so I wait for him. Quick bro hugs in greeting, and we head in. Looks like a barnburner!
There are way too many people in the house, so Liam and I make our way into the backyard. More elbow room and oxygen! The backyard is the most spectacular I’ve ever seen – there is a creek running through it, with a bridge going across. Further back, using hedges, are little private sitting areas – one has lounging chairs, another table and chairs and so on. It is obviously a labour of love.
We can hear couples in different parts of the private areas, and we do not want to intrude. Liam and I stop for conversation on the bridge, leaning against the railing. It’s great to finally have the chance to catch up after such a stressful week. It shouldn’t have been that bad; but my inability to concentrate made it difficult, as did my father’s constant berating about the shit job I was doing. But I couldn’t concentrate on business.
All I can think of, literally, 24/7, is her. From the minute my eyes open in the morning till they close at night, she’s there. And when I do manage to get some sleep, she’s there. I’m so excited to tell Liam about her tonight, and get his help in locating her.
“Sorry I bailed on you at the bonfire last weekend.” I start out. Even for friends like us, it wasn’t cool. He gives me a friendly slap on the back, replying “Man, if you left, I have no idea. Because I was going to apologize to you for leaving.”
We both laugh, assuming the other went home with someone and got laid. Then we both get quiet again. I’m working up the courage to say the words out loud when Liam turns to me, and blurts –
“I met my Luna at the bonfire Adam! I fucking found her!” His face has exploded in the biggest smile I have ever seen. He looks positively… weird. But happy. Definitely happy. I grab him for a hug – stunned at our good fortune that we both got blessed – and on the same night even!
When we break our hug – I look him in the eye, and share my news with him.
“Liam, you’re not going to believe it. But I found mine that night too!”
As soon as I enter the house, I know I’ve made a terrible mistake coming. Despite being a large house, it is absolutely packed wall to wall with people. The music is ear-shatteringly loud, and the temperature has risen easily 15 degrees just walking in the door and only gets worst the further in you go. Even in the sundress I’m wearing, I can feel a sheen of sweat forming on my forehead. Grace is soon gone in the crowd of dancing bodies, and I finally manage to make my way to the back door.
As soon as I step out, I inhale deeply, instantly feeling better in the cooler air. Shit, I actually feel kind of light headed. I step to the side, and lean against the back wall of the house for stability. I gather up as much of my hair into one fistful as I can, and fail miserably because it’s so thick. Using my other hand as a fan, try to cool off the back of my neck. I close my eyes and focus on the sounds of the night until my head stops spinning.
I let my hair down, and re-open my eyes. There are people all around me on the small patio area immediately outside the backdoor, and the rest of the yard that I can see, is stunning. I know I’m not going back into the house, so why not? The garden looks too inviting to not be explored. Once you leave the patio, there are just spots of decorative lighting here and there for effect. I’m on a small path and see a creek, crossed by a small bridge. It’s so enchanting – like out of a fairy tale.
Instead of approaching the bridge, I go to the creek. I reach down - the water is cool but not terrible. So, I find a rock that is flat enough to sit on, slip off my sandals and put my feet in the water. Yikes! First contact is a shock, but then… ahhhhhh yesssss. I really enjoy the sensation of the water moving past my feet, as it caressing gently on it’s way by. So relaxing. Maybe tonight won’t be a total pile of shit after all.