Her head jerked up, and she forced a smile.
“I’m... I’m fine. It’s just been a while since I’ve seen my dad, so it’s quite emotional for me.”
Her heart sank. How could she lie to him? He was the only one who had ever made her feel loved.
Alexander studied her carefully, adjusting his tall frame. He glanced at Brian, who was standing in the corner, watching them.
“Family is important,” he said quietly. “Loved ones are irreplaceable.”
“Yeah, we can't do without them…” Emma swallowed hard, feeling her words catch in her throat.
“Brian and I are going to Solab’s Chinese restaurant. I want you to come with us. I’ll drop you off after,” Alexander said.
Her heart skipped a beat, but the weight of her father’s demands quickly turned her excitement into worry.
“I can’t… I need to be home soon. Something came up. Angela needs me…” she said, her voice soft.
Brian watched them from the corner, wondering why Alexander was so smitten by Emma. There were always women around him, but he seemed different around her. She wasn’t like the others though, she was calm, unlike Isabella, who was the woman his family wanted for him.
“I’ll call Angela. If she needs anything, I’ll take care of it,” Alexander said, already pulling out his phone.
Emma regretted giving him Angela’s number. She only gave it to him in case of emergencies, but now she wished she hadn’t.
“There’s no need… Alexander, I…” she started, but he was already dialing.
“Hi, Angela. This is Alexander Reed…” he said.
“Mr. Reed! Good evening,” Angela answered, sounding casual.
“Emma said she needed to be home. Is everything okay? I can send someone to help if she’s needed.”
“It’s nothing serious, Mr. Reed. She can stay as long as you want,” Angela replied, her voice teasing.
“Thank you, Angela. How about I send you a meal from Solab’s? Emma will bring it by later,” Alexander said.
“The best Chinese restaurant? Sure, Mr. Reed. Emma can stay with you as long as she wants,” Angela said, almost too cheerfully.
Alexander chuckled softly and ended the call.
“Angela is fine with it. You have no excuse now, Emma. I’ll be back in ten minutes,” he said.
She didn’t protest. He was already heading for the elevator, with Brian following quietly behind him. They got into the elevator and Brian looked his way.
“I know what you’re about to say, so don’t,” Alexander muttered, clenching his jaw.
“Relax, Alex. I just don’t get why her? She doesn’t seem to like you as much as you like her. You deserve someone who is as invested as you are. Such energy should be equal bro.”
“She is interested,” Alexander replied, his eyes distant. “I see it in the way she looks at me. But something is holding her back.”
“What if what’s holding her back is something you can’t handle?” Brian asked, his voice soft.
“I’ll deal with it. I’ll go through whatever with her,” Alexander said, his tone firm.
“I haven’t seen you like this since Jessica in high school,” Brian said with a laugh.
Alexander sighed. Jessica had broken his heart, and it took a long time to trust again. But Emma was different. She wasn’t after his money like the others.
“Emma is different, Brian. I can’t explain it, but she is,” Alexander said.
“I can tell. I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.”
“I won’t, I promise,” Alexander said, his voice determined.
“What about Isabella?” Brian asked quietly.
Alexander’s face changed.
"What about Isabella?"
"Come on Alex, you know she is the Reed's choice for you...Are you going to ignore your father and uncles' hints"
“It’s time to show my family I can make my own decisions,” he said.
“Good luck with that,” Brian said, barely above a whisper.
Alexander gave him a light shove, and Brian laughed.
But those words hung like a dark cloud in Alexander’s mind. Reed Technologies had been handed down to him. He had power, but that also meant bowing to his father’s demands. He was independent, yet his family felt they had the right to make subtle suggestions as to who he could marry.
His heart ached for his late mother and that was one of the many reasons why he felt drawn to Emma. Matilda Reed exuded such grace and innocence that made her stand out in their family. He knew choosing Emma over Isabella would upset his family, but he was willing to take the risk.
He wished his mother was alive. Maybe she would have seen what he saw in Emma.
Such tranquility was rare, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world.
Meanwhile, as soon as they left her office, Emma dialed Angela’s number.
“Really? You couldn’t cover for me?”
“Come on, Emma. I know your dad’s messages were unexpected, but like I’ve told you a million times, let Alex in. Maybe he’s the one who can help you break free from your dad.”
“It’s not that simple, Angela. He showed up at my office. Alex met him,” Emma said.
“Why? Why would he show up at your office?”
Emma bit her lip, feeling the familiar weight of fear. Could she tell Angela? Not yet. She wasn’t ready.
“He came to make my life miserable again.”
“That’s unbelievable! After everything he’s done, he still has the nerve to show up. Did you tell Alex everything? Did you yell at him?”
Emma shook her head, tears blurring her eyes. She couldn’t find the words.
“Emma, you have a man who would do anything for you. You’re not a little girl anymore. You can stand up to him.”
“I don’t know… I’m scared,” Emma whispered.
“I get it. But you can’t keep letting him control you. Why was he at your office?”
Emma closed her eyes, feeling the weight of the situation. She couldn’t tell Angela everything. Not yet.
“He said I abandoned my family.”
“After everything he’s done. Ugh, I wish I could have been there to deal with him.”
“I just want to be home. I want to curl up in bed,” Emma said, her voice breaking.
“Go with Alexander, Emma. He’s your safe place. You know that.”
A warm feeling spread inside her. Angela was right. Only Alexander made her feel safe. She decided she needed to tell him everything. The fear was still there, but she knew it was time.
Just as she stepped out of her office, she bumped into someone. She looked up, and the darkness she had been feeling returned, pulling her back into that feeling of fear.
“Oh, Emma. It’s so good to see you again after all these years,” a familiar voice said, sweet but fake.
Emma recognized the voice. It was a mask hiding something dangerous beneath.