"Shit!." Ergon groaned, he stood up and he dusted his pants, even if there was no dirt on them.
"Here." He offered his hands, Valeria stared at him and she slowly took his hands and he helped her up.
"I told you to make way but you didn't." He said, but she didn't reply.
He bent down and picked her books off the floor, and gave them to her. She muttered a 'Thank you' to him.
"You're a new student, right? Your face doesn't look familiar and you're in casual clothing." He uttered, staring at her. Valeria felt shy and immediately hid her face.
"Is there something on your face, why're you hiding it?." Ergon tried to touch her but she moved back.
"Okay fine, my name is Ergon, what's yours?" He asked.
She slowly took her gaze up at him. "I already saw your name on your tag."
"My bad, what's yours then?." He said, for some reason, he found her attractive.
"Valeria." She mumbled, but he heard her anyway.
"Valeria." He muttered, loving the way her name sounded on his lips.
"He's over there!!" A boy screamed, running towards them with another boy.
"Jeez! they've caught up with me already." He muttered under his breath.
Valeria stared in confusion, wondering what was going on. She felt completely lost.
They got to Ergon and held him by the shoulders.
"You told us you had a girlfriend, right? Now tell us her name. Is she Brittany?" Jason asked, but Ergon shook his head.
"Skylar or Bethel?" Romeo added, mentioning the names of girls in their class.
They didn't even notice Valeria who was beside them.
"None of the ones you mention. This girl standing right here is my girlfriend. She just started schooling here today." Ergon stated. He touched her and she flinched.
"W..what!!!." She yelled.
"Come on babe, we don't need to hide our relationship, don't be ashamed of me." Ergon uttered, which made her feel surprised.
"B..babe?" She stuttered.
"Guys meet my girlfriend Va.. Valeria." Ergon introduced. He had almost forgotten her name. Fortunately, he remembered in time.
"Cool, so it's true. You've been bragging about her a lot." Jason smiled.
"She's really beautiful, just like you described," Romeo affirmed.
Valeria wanted to speak but Ergon winked at her, somehow, she felt he was pleading with her.
"Just this once, okay?" He whispered to her ears and she sighed.
"We'll get going then, we're almost late for class." Ergon said, trying to pull her with him.
"But we're in the same class, we should go together." Jason protested.
"No thanks," Ergon said, and pulled a confused looking Valeria along with him.
This isn't what she'd signed up for on her first day at school. So much for being on scholarship.
Ergon stopped when he noticed his friends were no longer in sight.
"Darn it!" He cussed.
"What's the meaning of what you did back there?" She asked because she was entirely confused.
"I'm sorry, but from now on, can you please pretend to be my girlfriend?" He asked pleadingly.
"What? What do you mean by that?" She asked, looking utterly shocked.
Forget his handsomeness, this guy is a total freak! She said, in her mind.
"Please, just help me out, and I promise to help you out too." Ergon uttered, but Valeria stared at him like he's gone mad.
"Look here, it's my first time in this school and I don't want to get dragged into your problems, we don't even know each other and you're asking me to be your fake girlfriend? Have you perhaps gone mad or something? Who the fuck does shit like that?" She lashed out while glaring intensely at him.
"I know it sounds crazy but—."
"And you also said something about helping me. I don't need your fucking help. I can take care of myself!"
She made to leave but Ergon grabbed her hand and turned her around to face him.
"You do need me, just as much as I need you." He uttered
Okay, I've finally concluded that this guy is totally mad, and I won't let him pass on this madness to me.Valeria thought.
"Let go of me freak!" She yelled and quickly jerked away from him.
"Don't bother me, okay, I'm not in for your nonsense, it's my bad luck that I happen to run into a totally demented person like you, so get lost and leave me the hell alone!"
"How will you survive here without a friend? Someone to help you around here. You don't even know your way around here and I bet that map is useless to you as you don't even know how to read it." Valeria creased her brow in a frown at his statement.
How did the idiot know that she couldn't read the map?" Valeria thought. Ergon smirked as if he knew what she was thinking about.
"Seeing the surprised look on your face, I bet it's true you can't read the map, so just agree to help me and I promise to help you too, and believe me, you won't regret it. And instead of calling our lucky meeting bad luck, you should say it's good luck," Ergon smiled at his own statement.
Valeria sighed frustratedly, the guy was really beginning to annoy and frustrate her.
"Erwin —."
"Correction please, it's Ergon, not Erwin, we haven't even started dating yet and you're already cheating on me." Ergon gasped. He placed a hand on his chest and pretended to be in pain.
"You're thinking of someone else while I'm here, that's not fair girlfriend."
"God help me, I'm about to kill someone right now!" Valeria groaned.
If he hadn't been so annoying, she would have said he was so funny. She would even laugh at his behavior, but no, he's being stupid by asking someone he just met to pretend to be his girlfriend.
"Why don't you ask someone else to be your fake girlfriend and just leave me the fuck alone." She half yelled.
Valeria immediately pictured her mother scolding her for using the F word, but what was she supposed to do, when Erwin or Ergon was bringing out the crazy part of her, and when she's angry, she finds it hard not to use the F word and every other curse word there is.
"No, it has to be you, only you," Ergon affirmed.
"Why does it have to be me, huh?" Valeria almost screamed the question.
Ergon smiled, he held her by the waist and pulled her closer to him, then he leaned in dangerously close to hers.
Valeria's heart raced fast at their close proximity, just a little bit closer and their lips would actually touch. She can't afford to let him steal her first kiss.
She wasn't expecting the next thing he said.
"We're connected, love."
"Me, you, we're made for each other, that's why it has to be you." Ergon uttered, making Valeria feel as though the world was about coming to an end.
"You're my destiny."