“You’re done eating already?” Sonia asked, while I nodded.
“You stayed long, and I was hungry, so yes, I’m done.” I let out, and she smiled while coming back to sit beside me.
I actually didn’t eat the food. I couldn’t. Not after seeing the way she hung her legs over my fiancé’s head and let him f*ck her like the wh*re that she is. How could I then eat the food that she prepared after that horrible scene? What if she poisoned it? At least that would make their plans come through faster. I would be out of the picture, and they would have access to everything their greedy ass ever wanted…
“I’m coming… let me get the nail kit, you need some manicure and pedicure.” Sonia suddenly let out, abruptly pulling me from my thoughts.
“But I just did them a week ago.” I didn’t want her anywhere close to the sensitive parts of my body.
“A week ago? Girl! That’s long enough for a do-over!” She let out and then ran upstairs while I stared long at the nails.
She soon came back with my nail box and got to work on my fingers and toes. I have to give it to her though. She did try. She. She did a nice job and I loved the way she played along with the colors.
“Wow, they’re so nice, I love them.”
“I’m glad you do. You know I’m an expert at wherever I do. I make sure to do my things well.” She affirmed while I smiled.
Of course, Sonia is a perfectionist. That was part of the many reasons I liked her then and didn’t hesitate to make her my best friend. She was so meticulous with things. Anything she finds doing, expect perfection, because she won’t rest until it’s getting cheers from everyone.
I wish she didn’t overreach and try to steal my money. That was a part I could never understand and, sadly, I couldn’t ask her as that would blow my cover. I just wanted to know why she would ever feel the need to defraud me. Ever since the second I met her, I’ve tried my best to satisfy her and make sure she had everything she needed. Money was never a problem as I had more than I needed and always made sure she had enough too.
Food. Clothes. Car. Everything at all. If I couldn’t afford it, I asked my dad for it. Why then would she still selfishly want what’s mine?
“I need you to be calm, Freya. You’ve been deep in thoughts ever since I got here. What are you thinking about? Talk to me, we can come up with a solution together. You know you are not really experienced with love. I could help you if only you’d talk to me.” She pleaded.
I avoided the question and then quickly changed the topic. I couldn’t afford to let her into my head.
I need to be smart about my moves.
She stayed with me throughout the day and tried to cheer me up. We talked, and I tried to keep up the pretense.
By evening, when I saw she wasn’t making an attempt to leave, I asked, and I wasn’t surprised when she said she wasn’t leaving. Of course, what better place to see and f*ck each other the more if not my house!
“Come here, I want to show you something.” She suddenly said just in time as I heard Dennis’ car downstairs.
I turned to her in surprise and saw a blindfold in her hand.
“Trust me, it’s a surprise, and you’re going to love it.” She assured me. I didn’t trust her, but I had no choice. I had to play along.
She wrapped the blindfold over my eyes and then gently led me downstairs.
The door opened just then and the next thing I heard were cheers. That didn’t sound like just one person, so I quickly pulled off the blindfold.
“Surprise!!!!” Everyone cheered again and looking at their faces, I saw they were from his department at the office.
“Surprise?” I muttered to myself as I turned to Sonia, who swerved her arms like she didn’t know about it.
Dennis hurried to my side then, and before I could say another word, he hurried his lips in mine. He kissed me so deep that I would have suffocated if Sonia hadn’t pulled us apart then.
“You guys can get into the room later but now, pity us that are not with our lovers here…” she let out with a smile, but her countenance screamed fake.
She was jealous, and it showed in the way she pulled us apart. She was even scolding Dennis with her fierce look which turned into a smile every time I looked at her.
“We are sorry guys… pardon us. That’s why this party is happening right now. Freya and I have been hitting the wall lately. I haven’t been giving her enough attention and love, so I thought to surprise her tonight and remind her of my undying love for her.” Dennis let out while everyone cheered again.
I managed to force out a smile while he pulled me closer and took my hand.
“Freya, my one true love, I’m really sorry for the past weeks and months. I know I haven’t been there lately, I’ve been more focused on work and that shouldn’t be. That’s why I’m using this opportunity to say that I’m sorry, and I promise to do better. I’m going to make sure you’re my priority at all times. You come first, not work.”
Dennis and his sweet words. They always get me every damn time. If I didn’t see the way he f*cked Sonia with reckless abandon, I would never have believed. I would have thought someone was trying to ruin the beautiful thing we have going on. That was how hooked and deep I was into him.
“I love you so much, Freya.” He let out and then took out a gift box from his pocket.
Of course, the apology isn’t complete without a gift - I thought to myself as he opened the box and I saw the glittering diamond ring.
“I didn’t have much when I proposed, so the ring I got then was ehrmmm… too cheap… you didn’t care about that though, you accepted my proposal and have worn the ring every day since then. I got you a real diamond ring today. I had to break the bank, but if it’s for you, then it’s worth every dime.”
“Will you still love to be my wife, Freya?” He asked while I looked at everyone’s faces. They were blushing, especially the ladies who I was sure wished they were in my shoes. If only they knew…
“Yes, Dennis, I will.” I muttered while he removed the old ring and slid in the new one.
He kissed me deeply again and, for some seconds, it brought back old memories. I remembered when he proposed then, three months after we started dating, and I couldn’t have been happier. I couldn’t wait to do forever with him!
“Uhm guys, I think we will call it a night now. My beautiful wife-to-be and I would like to continue our conversation upstairs,” he said while they laughed.
I thought he was going for my hand, but he carried me instead, and I was flying in the air while he rushed up the stairs.
I didn’t need to look at Sonia’s face. I just knew she was boiling with heated jealousy. If she could, she would kill me right there.
“Do you like the ring?” Dennis asked as he gently dropped me on the bed and crouched in front of me.
“Like? I love it. Thank you so much, and for the surprise party too. I’m just short of words. I didn’t see it coming. Did Sonia know about it too?” I asked while he smiled.
“Not really. I didn’t give her the full details. You’re too smart for her and I feared you would see through her. I couldn’t let that happen, so I didn’t tell her. I only texted her when I was a minute away. I asked her to blindfold you and take you out once I arrived.” He explained and I nodded.
“I would have used her help though. Planning this wasn’t easy. I had to hire a planner to help with some things. We met at the hotel yesterday.”
“You were at the hotel?” I quizzed, feigning ignorance.
“Yes, I met with the planner yesterday and I regretted it a bit. She was just all over me, hugging and kissing me. I scolded her though, that wasn’t professional and I didn’t like it. I should have told you, but there was no way I could without ruining the surprise.” He explained.
“And did she…”
“Forget that for now… come here…” he cut in sharply before I could finish.
He moved closer and reached to kiss me, but I pulled back.
“I’m not in the mood. I still feel unwell.” I let out and then immediately furrowed my brows.
“Ohh really, don’t you think you should go to the hospital? I will drop you there in the morning.”
“Ohh there’s no need. I’ll be fine. I just need to rest well. A full night’s sleep is all I need.” I affirmed, and he nodded.
“Okay then. Let’s just cuddle then. It will help relax your nerves and get you to sleep faster.” He retorted and then got in bed beside me.
He wrapped his arms around me and gently tapped my shoulder till I slept off…