Pam almost dropped her tray as she ploughed her way through the diner’s crowded dining room toward her customer’s table. She’d slept poorly the night before; partly from the aches and pains in her body and partly because she couldn’t shed the image and scent of the Asian man on the bus. Her body was almost numb as she delivered the food and then turned to the booth next to them where Chuck sat, doing his best to look sexy while he smoked his e-cigarette.
“What will it be today, Chuck,” she asked while waving smoke from her face. “That’s a bad habit, you know.
They’ll be outlawing it in public soon.”
“It’s vapor,” he said smugly. “Haven’t you ever seen an e-cigarette?”
“Whatever, they’re offensive,” she said as she kept her eyes on her order pad while she waited for him to answer.
“How about you, baby. Are you a bad habit?” he said coyly. “Tell me you’re on the menu today, eh?”
“Place your order Chuck. I’m tired and I’m busy,” she practically spat. “What’ll you have?”
Pam was in no mood for this letch and she didn’t care if it showed.
“Well, give me toast with jelly, coffee, and a large orange juice,” he murmured.
Chuck’s hurt tone sounded real, but she just didn’t care. Maybe now he would sit in someone else’s section.
“You got it,” Pam said in a tone that was crisper than she’d intended.
She felt a small pang of regret as she watched Chuck’s sad body wince from the sting of her mannerism. Oh, why her, damn it! Why did he pick her anyway?
“Don’t let it get to ya, Pamie,” Sylvia assured her in a low tone as she passed by. “He’s a harmless old coot. He’s been coming here as long as I can remember. He’ll give up on you as soon as some fresh meat starts working here. Hang in there.”
Sylvia had a knack for being in just the right place at the right time to hear and help out when need be.
“Meat? I’m meat? Christ, I hate this place,” Pam grumbled. She wondered if maybe it was time to listen to Fiana and quit working at Pete’s sleazy diner.
Sylvia led Pam by the elbow to the edge of the room and said in a tone that was just above a whisper, “You need a break from this place. I have another job and it pays a lot better than this one. I could get you in. Are you interested?
Sylvia held down another job? Pam couldn’t believe her ears. Heck, she could barely keep up with the woman at this one, and then she goes off and works at another.
She found this truly amazing. “How much better?”
A loud slamming sound came from the kitchen followed by Pete’s bellowing, “Sylvia!”
Sylvia stood in nervous defiance of Pete’s demanding howling.
“Today’s my last day here,” she said excitedly. “I’m leaving this dump. If you’re interested, tell me now.”
Pam couldn’t believe it. Sylvia always seemed like
she loved her job. Yet, here she was telling Pam she was leaving and calling the place a dump. Pam wondered if acting was Sylvia’s second job, because she was certainly good at it.
“Now!” Pete’s bark grew more urgent.
Pam listened to Pete’s slamming and roars and then looked over at Chuck, who was twirling his e-cigarette between his fingers. She knew that it was time for her to make a change.
“What time and where?” she asked with determination.
Sylvia smiled smugly. She’d promised Marty a second girl that night and hadn’t much luck recruiting any of her friends. Pam was a gift from heaven. She’d be in Marty’s good graces for certain now.
“Ten o’clock tonight... right here,” she said happily before rushing off to the kitchen.
Pam grabbed a cup and the full pot of freshly brewed coffee as she moved toward Chuck’s booth. She was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice Chuck as he reached over to stroke her arm. Startled, she jerked and coffee spilled in his lap.
Chuck leapt out of the booth while howling and jumping up and down. Silence filled the diner and all eyes were on Pam as she tried her best to subdue his angry wails while offering him a towel. The commotion drew Pete out of the kitchen, but he only stood and watched with his hands on his thick hips until he was satisfied that the situation was in hand. Pam looked over at him briefly as he shook his head and returned to the kitchen. He could be heard mumbling obscenities to himself as he disappeared behind the swinging door.
Something in her snapped. It was as if she’d reached her break point. She just couldn’t stand being in that hell hole one more minute. Slamming the coffee pot down on Chuck’s table, she was mindless of the hot brew that splashed onto its surface as she marched behind the counter and grabbed her purse from underneath. Tearing her apron from her waist, she tossed it on a nearby stool, grabbed her coat from its hook near the kitchen, and walked out without saying a word.
Although she made her way down the street with brisk determination, it without much sense of direction. She needed to get as much space between herself and the diner as she could.
Her agitation eventually subsided and she chuckled to herself at the fact that she’d finally fulfilled her fantasy of dumping steaming hot coffee in creepy Chuck’s lap. She slowed her pace and allowed herself the luxury of inspecting the contents of the store windows she always rushed past in order to catch the bus. She always loved window shopping. She found it incredibly relaxing.
When she stopped to admire a handbag in the window of a small boutique, she gasped when she spot-ted the reflection of the sexy Asian man from the night before. He was staring right at her! She boldly locked eyes with his through the glass reflection as she stood frozen in place. Her heart raced with excited anticipation while struggling to subdue the responses her body gave to his nearness. There was something about this man that she couldn’t explain, not even to herself.
A bus pulled up behind her and he moved to get on
it. Pam hesitated only briefly before springing into action and leaping onto the bus just before it closed its doors. There were no seats left so she grabbed a strap and positioned herself for the ride. She looked toward the front of the bus to see its destination. Her eyes flew open wide when she realized she was on a bus that was headed for the Lincoln Tunnel. What was she thinking by being so rash? What came over her?
The Asian man was studying her from his seat. Noticing her discomfort, he stood up and tapped her on her shoulder. She looked at him for a moment while she struggled with the physical sensations that his touch induced. His brilliant smile was accentuated by a pair of dark, kindly eyes as he silently clutched her elbow and led her to his seat. Her body trembled as she smiled gratefully and dropped her body onto the torn vinyl with its filthy stuffing protruding out.
The man returned to hold the strap Pam had only recently held and looked away as the bus jolted down the street; seemingly disinterested in her presence.
The bus stopped and started a few times, but Pam never moved. Since she was sitting behind him, it gave her the opportunity to admire his profile openly. She finally came to her senses at the last stop before the Lincoln Tunnel. If she didn’t get off now she’d be finding herself in New Jersey; a place that she had no knowledge of or desire to visit. She got up quickly to make her exit. Their bodies brushed as he stepped aside to allow her to pass. She prayed he didn’t notice how affected she was by their encounter. His poker face gave no indication if he was experiencing the same as she focused on her es-cape from his nearness and her foolishness.