Maria knew that patience was a virtue, but the execution of said virtue was a concept she had never fully grasped. And, in her mother’s opinion, that was why she talked so much. But in her defense, it was torturous to wait to see if the person with whom one was conversing would continue the conversation. It was much more dependable to maintain the flow of conversation so that there was never that deathly silence that seemed to shout “uninteresting” and ”spinster.” Maybe it was just she, but whenever Maria was speaking with a gentleman, she had this compulsion to continue speaking…
Thus she needed help.
Now if only that help would show up with a list.
Maria tapped her toe as she stared to the door, willing for Maxwell to enter the parlor with a specific card on his tray. Heaving an impatient sigh, she turned slightly to face the window. If she bent slightly to the left, she’d be able to see the street before their Town residence. Perhaps she could see if Mr. Sheppard had arrived yet?
“Maria, are you well?” Lady Moray’s clipped tone broke through her search of the street.
“Pardon?” She straightened immediately, keeping her back painfully stiff from thousands of reminders permanently ingrained in her memory by her governess.
“You were listing to the side. Are you unwell?” her mother asked, enunciating each syllable as if speaking to the lesser intelligent.
Maria bit her tongue and took a calming breath through her nose. “Yes. Quite well, I assure you. I was simply admiring the view.”
Her mother nodded once. “There is always the option of walking toward the window,” she added with a smile.
“I’ll be sure to remember that.”
“My lady?” Maxwell entered the room, his emerald livery crisply pressed, and approached her mother.
“Yes?” With unhurried movements, her mother reached onto the silver platter and removed the calling card.
“A Mr. Sheppard requests a moment of Miss Maria’s time.”
“Finally.” Maria sighed, too loudly since her mother’s gaze snapped up and met hers.
“You were expecting a gentleman caller?” Her mother asked with far too much interest, serving as a reminder that gentlemen callers were few and far between.
“Er, yes.” Maria nodded; keeping her decorum this time as she primly folded her hands on her lap.
“Very well.” Her mother set the card back on the tray and watched as Maxwell left.
“What do we know of Mr. Sheppard?” her mother asked, her gray gaze fierce with a calculating gleam.
“He is simply a friend, Mama.” Mr. Sheppard was already doing her a great service by offering suggestions for suitable husbands, and she didn’t wish for him to walk into a room filled with an air of expectancy.
“They always begin as friends, my dearest,” She offered with a triumphant grin.
“Oh, no. Mama truly he is just—”
“Here! Ah, Mr. Sheppard!” Her mother interrupted with a wide grin. Predatory almost.
Mr. Sheppard must have agreed because his stride into the room slowed considerably when he took in her mother. His gaze darted to her mother, then to her, then back as if second-guessing his prior promise of assistance.
Desperate, Maria stood and walked to the side, effectively blocking his retreat.
His gaze narrowed, and a light brown eyebrow arched as he gazed longingly toward the door then nodded, as if to admit defeat.
At that angle, the view of her mother was blocked, and she mouthed the word ”sorry” as she hitched a shoulder, offering an apologetic expression — she hoped.
He shook his head once and grinned.
Relief flooded her limbs, and she relaxed slightly.
“Miss Garten, this must be your older sister.” Curtis spoke to her then turned his attention to her mother.
Maria’s face heated with a warm blush as she watched Curtis win over her mother with a well-placed compliment.
The charm of a rake…
“Aren’t you the enchanter?” her mother simpered, her blush deepening slightly.
Curtis strode forward, and upon reaching her, he grasped her hand and placed a kiss to her wrist. “Only honest, my lady.”
Maria shook her head slightly, completely amused. “Thank you for consenting to assist me, Mr. Sheppard.”
He turned to her, taking a moment to smile mischievously before giving a quick bow. “I am always at your beck and call, Miss Garten.”
“I’m sure.” She only slightly resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
“Maria, why have you not told me about your entirely charming friend here? It would seem you two are on quite… familiar terms.” Her mother spoke meaningfully, though a smile toyed with her lips, no doubt trying to soften the implication.
“Mr. Sheppard and I share a mutual acquaintance,” Maria replied smoothly.
“Lord and Lady Langley.” Mr. Sheppard supplied the names with a winning grin.
“Ah! Olivia? How delightful! How is she doing?” her mother asked. “And do please have a seat and stay a moment, Mr. Sheppard. Do you wish for tea?” Her mother was already ringing the bell before he even replied in the affirmative.
“Thank you, Lady Moray.” He nodded once and sat in a wingback chair, one leg crossing over the other, completely at ease.
Lesser men would have been hightailing it through the London streets. It was well known the threat of matchmaking mamas within the ton, and few were as tenacious as her mother.
“To answer your question, Lord and Lady Langley are doing exceedingly wonderful.”
The conversation lulled, and Maria found herself anxious to the point where her foot started to bounce impatiently. Torn, she didn’t know whether to introduce another topic altogether or to just wait… proving to her mother than she could hold her tongue.
Another moment passed.
Then another.
It was too much! The silence was killing her! “Mr. Sheppard, how was your morning? I trust you had a pleasurable trip over here? How is the weather? You see, I haven’t been outside as of yet, and while the window is quite helpful in ascertaining the climate, I have found that at times it is quite deceiving, and it is never a blessing to be out in the elements without a pelisse if it is colder than it appears. The sun can often make the air appear warmer—”
“Maria,” her mother snapped.
The motion was repeated by Maria’s mouth, and she bit her tongue.
“If you wish to have your question answered, you have to provide the opportunity for such an event…” Her mother spoke meaningfully, offering an apologetic smile in Mr. Sheppard’s direction.
“Actually, Lady Moray, I find your daughter’s delight in conversation to be quite invigorating. More than once, I have found myself leaving her company absolutely delighted with our discussion.” He shared a glance with Maria, one that erased all the prior humiliation of her mother’s scolding.
“Yes, well…” Her mother tried to begin but failed and after one moment grew into another, Mr. Sheppard addressed Maria.
“Would you be amicable to the idea of a leisurely walk through Hyde Park?”
“Of course.” Maria spoke with relief, earning a slight glare from her mother.
Mr. Sheppard stood and held his arm out for Maria to take as they made the way to the door, Maria’s maid discreetly following behind. “You’ll be pleased to know that the weather is quite fine, Miss Garten. You’ll surely want a pelisse, though I assure you that the sunshine is not casting false warmth. However, one can never be too cautious with health.” He spoke softly, then a grin broke through as if he was teasing.
Maria narrowed her eyes and elbowed him slightly.
“Would your mother approve?” he asked with a mocking tone.
“Ask if I care,” she dared.
Mr. Sheppard chuckled. “I must admit that your mother will forever be the icon of matchmaking mamas in my mind. When I walked into your parlor, I felt like an animal at the sales yard.” He cringed slightly.
“She was rather tame, I thought,” Maria replied offhandedly as she regarded the east gate to Hyde Park.
“Tame?” Mr. Sheppard paused, causing her to come to halt as well.
“Well… yes. Which, upon reflection, makes me come to two conclusions.” She paused thoughtfully.
“I’m not sure I want to know.”
“You, who face criminals and overly merry widows?” she retorted, daring him with a grin. “Where is your sense of adventure?”