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Chapter Two

"It's so good to have you home, son!" Hudson's mother wiped another tear away from her soft cheek with the delicate handkerchief. It had been almost ten years since he'd been home to stay for more than a few days. Adventure had called his name from a young age — after all, adventure never rejected a man. Though, as Hudson considered it, he had faced little rejection since reaching his majority. Indeed, he had far surpassed his brother's prowess regarding the fairer sex, but thankfully it wasn't where the ton could gossip about it.

When it was apparent that his presence wasn't needed at home, he had taken to traveling to exotic lands. But death had a way of changing plans. He had still been in India when he'd received word of his older brother's demise. His father's explicit missive that he remain in India had been puzzling. But a year later, when his mother had notified him of his father's sudden death, he was left no choice but to return home. Hudson inherited the title of Earl of Daventry and the responsibility of caring for his family estate.

Guilt from missing his own father's funeral plagued him, yet travel from India wasn't done overnight. He had arrived as soon as possible but it just wasn't soon enough. His mother was surviving well, yet it was clear that half of her heart had been buried with his father. Hudson had always admired the relationship between them. Love in London was rare among the ton, but his parents boasted a true love match. Hudson knew it was possible to find such a match, and he sincerely yet doubted he'd ever be a recipient. No. He'd set his sights young, perhaps too young. And love unrequited often turned a man to other seeking a return from other women — a great many other women.

Hudson glanced back to his mother and studied her. She placed her handkerchief on the side table and straightened her shoulders. After regarding him for a few moments, her expression changed dramatically. A foreboding premonition began to tickle his spine. That twinkle in his mother's eye could lead to no good.

"As the new earl you must now consider more… permanent ideas, my son." She gave him an encouraging nod. "Of course you know that this means we must find you a wife!" His mother began to clap her hands, as if thrilled to have something to divert her attention. "The season has just begun and there's quite the pick of lovely ladies. I'll be sure to—"

"You'll do no such thing. I've only returned home! I'll not saddle myself down immediately! Maybe in five or ten years—"

"In five or ten years I could be dead!" His mother's horrorstruck voice was shrill and he winced.

"Mother, I hardly think you're in mortal danger of perishing any time soon. You'll probably outlive me." Hudson shook his head and headed over to the cabinet for a glass of brandy. Had he really just thought it a pleasant change to be home? He was amending that thought rapidly. No, he wasn't after a wife, but perhaps a mistress…

"And don't you be like your brother, either."

Hudson glanced up from the brandy decanter and lifted a questioning eyebrow toward his mother. Oh, he knew to what she was referring, yet thankfully she was blissfully aware of his own escapades. His brother's conquests weren't quite as… quiet.

"Don't act oblivious to me. I know you were much younger, but you have never lacked intelligence. Your brother ruined any chance for a good match because of the company he kept. I'll not say anything else. Isn't proper, but you know what I mean. Your father was so ashamed of his behavior." She tilted her chin forward and speared him with an icy glare.

No, he had never lacked intelligence and knew about his brother's reputation. Though young, he had admired the man's… prowess. Even tried out his own rakish dreams and attempted to kiss Emma Kingsly at a young age. Oddly enough, she was the only rejection he could seem to remember.

Without hesitation, his lips bent upward in grin, and he felt his dimples crease as he recalled Emma Kingsly. What a day that had been! Whenever he had the chance of being around her, before he left on his travels, all he had to do was wear an arrogant expression and she'd fume! It was the most fun a boy, or man for that matter, could ask for! Emma Kingsly. He hadn't thought about her for years. She had to be married by now, perhaps with a few children even!

Part of him wished she had said yes when he had asked to kiss her so many years ago. His intentions had been honest, and even now his heart ached ever so slightly when thinking of her. For that purpose, he had resolved long ago to forget about her berry-ripe lips and flowing golden hair. Though young, it had always been clear that she would turn into a diamond of the first water. Her attitude only added allure. Who wanted a woman who would nod her head, politely smile, and have not a clue or care of what was being said? Those types of women were fantastic for evening company, but never for longer than a few hours. No, if he was to tolerate a woman for longer than a midnight escape, he wanted a little spice. Yet another reason he refused to get married. The women of the ton were surely of the first variety, more than willing to trap a man in an unwanted marriage. If he wanted a mistress, he had better be careful.

"Hudson?" His mother's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Yes, Mother?" He glanced up.

"You've been staring at that brandy glass for the past few minutes with a very peculiar expression. Are you well? Did you perhaps contract some disease in India? Oh, merciful heavens!"

"No, no, no. I assure you, I'm quite healthy. I was simply lost in my own thoughts. Tell me. Whom did Miss Emma Kingsly marry?"

"The Kingslys? You would be wise to stay away from that family, son. But I must admit, 'tis a pity about the youngest."

"You mean Emma?"

"Ah yes, that's her name. This is her third or fourth season and still not married."

"Really? I would have expected her to be married for quite some time by now! Her sister didn't last one season without a dozen proposals." Hudson rubbed his chin with his left hand.

"It's almost as if she doesn't want to be married… I'm not sure. She's pretty enough but she seems almost… cold."

"Emma, er, Miss Kingsly? Cold?" Hudson gave a scoff and took a satisfying taste of brandy, letting the liquid warm his throat.

"You'll see. We're going to the Earl of Belmonte's residence tonight for a party. You'll adore their daughter Regina! A beautiful girl with the most alluring blue eyes."

"I wasn't aware that we had plans for this evening." Hudson swirled the remaining liquid in his glass.

"Now you are. We leave at eight o' clock." She strode to the door and then paused, glancing over her broad shoulder. "It is so very wonderful to have you home." She raised an eyebrow and looked as if suppressing a grin, then left the room.

Hudson glanced to the molded ceiling and sent up a prayer for perseverance. London society as a whole was not something in which he was thrilled to partake. But as the new Earl of Daventry, it was a necessary evil. He'd arrive, dance a few sets, and then find a few other desperate men and hightail it to White's. Brilliant plan. He tossed back the rest of his brandy and headed to his room.

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