Chapter 6
Zane’s POV
We waited until sunrise to make our move. As soon as day broke, we were speeding down the highway in Wyatt’s Porsche. Reagan got the backseat so she could sleep. I, however, was in the front awkwardly with Wyatt.
Jessabelle texted me if we had left and I replied sadly apologizing for not giving them a notice. They had their own things to deal with so I didn’t think it was necessary.
“I didn’t know you would be her style,” Wyatt mumbled after an hour into the trip. For now we were in the company of each other until we arrive in D.C.
“Well I didn’t know either,” I replied and slumped to the side, resting my head on my arm. I didn’t need the talk from Wyatt.
“You hurt her and I guarantee that you won’t be living to see the next day,” Wyatt promised and gave me warning side glare. I nodded absent mindedly. That wasn’t the only thing in my head. I was still worried about Alexia and that weird feeling I had back there.
I took out my cell phone and scrolled down my contacts to find Lucas’ name. He was my primary source of information about Alexia’s condition so I pressed the dial button to hear the call going through.
“Now’s not a good time Zane,” Lucas sighed as soon as he picked up. I could easily here the tiredness from his voice and he sounded like he could use some sleep.
“Then it’s called not answering,” I said annoyed. Geez, the nerve of this guy!
“OK, then bye.”
“Wait! No, I didn’t mean that. I need to tell you something urgent,” I said quickly.
“I don’t have much time,” Lucas mumbled so I cut to the chase. “This is going to sound weird but I think I felt Alexia’s feelings yesterday,” I said, feeling like a fool once it was said out loud. “I think she’s hurt. Is she OK?” There was silence on the other end of the phone and felt my heart drop. Something was definitely wrong. “Lucas,” I said again and this time I heard a sigh from the other end.
“There’s just a misunderstanding,” Lucas said and I sighed in relief. At least she was OK.
“So where is she now? Is she fine?” I asked, checking on her again.
“She’s missing,” Lucas said bluntly.
“WHAT?!” I yelled and Wyatt served around a couple of cars, cursing at me to shut up. I heard Reagan stir in her sleep. “What do you mean?” I sneered, trying to yell quieter.
“Some things happened which caused her to run away. Don’t worry, she’ll come back. I can feel her in my mind but she’s somehow blocking me right now. I checked Derek’s house and she wasn’t there. There’s something else I need to talk to you about,” Lucas said rapidly.
“If something happens to her it’s your neck on the line,” I threatened. “I will rip you apart.” Lucas chuckled through the phone.
“I doubt you can hurt me but yes you can kill me if you like. I probably deserve it anyways,” he said but changed the topic before I could question him further. “Amos’ sister came yesterday with her mate and apparently she has the ability to draw the future. The thing is her recent drawing was the darkness in its physical form.” My heart stopped and my body sent chills all throughout.
“How is that possible?” I asked, but it came barely as a whisper. Wyatt turned to look at my reaction and tilted his head, questioning me. I ignored him and begged to hear Lucas’ explanation.
“We’re not sure but her drawings are accurate. There’s a way somehow,” Lucas muttered.
“That’s perfect!” I exclaimed. That’s just what we need in order to kill the darkness with the stone.
“I don’t need your sarcasm, Zane,” Lucas said, clearly not amused. I quickly informed him about what I learned from the second part of the prophecy and my recent plans on obtaining the stone.
“So you’re saying that we need to waiting until the darkness reveals his physical form?” Lucas asked as if he was asking if I was mental and on crack.
“That’s the plan but you should keep an eye on Alexia. Go find her and call me when you do,” I said quickly. The faster I got him off the phone, the faster he will be on finding Alexia. Where had she stayed the night? I imagined her in a lonely place, freezing to death. The nights were already beginning to get chilly.
“I will,” Lucas gritted his teeth. “Bye.” With that, we hung up, letting fate steer us hopefully in the right direction.
Travis’ POV
“They’re gone,” Jessabelle reported, sighing. “Zane just texted me that they left a few minutes ago.”
“The team of hunters are meeting with us in the coffee shop we met Reagan at,” I told her and she walked over to me where I laid on our hotel bed. We didn’t think it was right to stay at werewolf’s house so we rented a hotel room with the help of Zane’s credit card. There was only one bed but I definitely dealt with it very well but I wondered how Jesse felt.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” she asked, sitting down on the bed, only a few inches away from me. I wanted to pull her closer to fill the gap between us but I stayed where I was. I had no idea what she thought of me as or where our relationship stood.
“Yes, of course,” I answered her, taking in her big green eyes and dark blonde hair. She was small and short but she was never short on caring for anyone. She had a big heart and for that I was attracted to her. Yes, she was very good looking but it was how she looked at me the time when I had the choice to kill her. Her emotions pouring out of her freely made me find my own during the invasion. After that, I was falling head over heels for her. I wanted to know more about her.
“I think we should get there early,” Jesse said and got off the bed. “You should get up to,” she smiled. She grabbed a clean shirt she bought at Walmart on our way here and threw it at me. “Change into these and we can head out.”
“Thanks,” I grinned and purposely took off my shirt in front of her. She instantly whipped back, trying to shield her eyes.
“What are you doing?!” she yelled, still holding her hands in front of her eyes even though her back was towards me.
“You told me to change,” I shrugged but couldn’t keep that smug look off my face. Hey, what could I say? I was always stupid.
“I meant the bathroom,” she stuttered.
“I’m done,” I chuckled and got off the bed. I threw my dirty shirt over my shoulder and stood in front of her as she turned around.
“Oh,” she flinched when my chest blocked her way and I couldn’t help but notice her rosy blush. “We should go,” she said quickly and went around me. I punched myself mentally and jammed my things a little too roughly causing Jesse to look at me weirdly.
“Sorry,” I muttered and looked around the room in case we might have left something important or left any trace that we were in the room. I looked through my bag again, checking to see if my laptop, gun, and silver stake were in place. Wouldn’t want that to go missing or misplaced. “You got all your stuff?” I asked Jesse who I caught staring at me.
“Uh, yes. I got everything,” she laughed nervously and closed her bag. “We should go now.” I nodded as we headed down to the coffee shop.
I ordered two cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin she seemed to like and sat in a corner booth where it was less crowded by the morning traffic of coffee addicts.
“So do you think they’ll come?” Jesse asked, trying to make conversation. She took a small bite out of her muffin and wiped her mouth with her napkin. For a person who was raised by a ruthless and dirty place like the organization, she sure had lots of manners and etiquettes.
“Let’s not talk about all this right now. Let’s talk about you,” I said suddenly, letting my thoughts speak out. “I mean I barely know you,” I covered up my stupidity.
“Well there’s nothing much about me,” she smiled shyly.
“Any hobbies? Pet peeve?” I suggested.
“I play the guitar and I used to practice it all the time but Kent broke it when he found out I got my hands on one,” she said sadly. I grimaced. Kent was the head of the hunter’s organization and killed my dad. I killed him in return for the revenge of my dad but that still didn’t stop me from hating him.
I saw Jesse look down, feeling awkward. I forgot that Kent had basically raised Jesse once her parents were killed by werewolves. She was the weak one but Kent had taken a fond of her and took her in. Glad to know he had some sort of soft spot.
“Any pet peeve?” I tried. She smiled at that question.
“Well it bothers me when people make fun of my height but I’m overcoming that,” she laughed. I nodded thoughtfully at that one. “What about you?” she asked and we made small talk.
I found out that her favorite color was white because it reminded her of snow. She had never seen snow before. Kent had never let her out of the hunter’s building so she had been trapped there forever, never able to see the first winter’s snow. Her favorite sport was football although she doesn’t know how to play. She says she likes watching it and that’s good enough for her to favorite it.
“You two are Travis and Jessabelle, no?” a man in an overcoat asked. It was only fall but apparently the man must’ve been freezing if he was already wearing one. Jesse looked at the stranger and back at me. I guess our conversation ended there for now.
“Yes, we are,” I answered and the man invited himself to sit.
“I’m a hunter and I’d like to join your little plan to bring down the organization. I can help you get in,” the stranger said, making me perk my ears. Now this was what I was waiting for.
“Go on,” I said interested.
“I have other recruits that are willing to join you two but there are still loyal hunters around this town. Come to this address tonight at eight and we can all talk.” The stranger slid a small piece of paper with an address scrawled on it.
“What’s your name, stranger?” I asked, trying to read his chocolate brown eyes. His brown shoulder length hair that was tied back in a ponytail made him look dangerous and as he stood up to leave, I noticed he was well over six feet, maybe seven. He definitely stuck out of the crowd.
“Dimitri,” he replied. “My name is Dimitri.” That was all he said before he left the shop, leaving Jesse and I looking at each other with huge eyes.
“Did you see how tall that man was?” Jessabelle asked first, breaking the silence.
“Yeah and better yet, we have what we need right here,” I smiled, holding up the address.