"Gang, these girls have to leave soon. We can't keep them here. The emperor has assigned us to go to the Ming Border. We won't be coming back to the Ming Palace for a couple years." Peng Lim said. Xue Liang felt her heart clench.
"I know. These girls will be left to the wild again. We have to let them meet their parents again. It's better we do it tonight." Liu Gang walked over to the little curled up tiger as he carried her. She opened her eyes looking at Liu Gang. "It's time for you to go home."
Peng Lim carried Su Rong, they went to the forest near the Xue Palace. Setting down the girls, they looked up to Liu Gang and Peng Lim. "Little tiger, I will meet you again one day. I promise you that. This amber flower necklace that hangs on your neck will tell me who you are." He patted Xue Liang's head but she was sad in return looking at him..
"Little leopard, I have something for you also." Peng Lim then wrapped a silver necklace with a flat circle silver in the middle. "Little leopard, I will know this way. Although you are fussy and all but you do everything for your friend here." Peng Lim said. He scratched her back which she loved it. Out of the forest then came out the adult white tiger and cloud leopard. They both awaited for Xue Liang and Su Rong to finish.
"Are you girls done?" Madam Ling Fe asked as she looked at them.
"En, mother." Both started walking behind their mothers until Xue Liang ran to Liu Gang rubbing against his legs but she quickly ran back following her mother. The girls all went back to the Xue Palace shifting before entering as their mothers looked at them.
"What have we told you girls?" Madam Ling Fe then looked at the both of them.
"We must never enter the forest without you there." Both answered back as their mothers nodded. Going into Xue Li's room, they were playing with him.
"You both cannot stay long now. You both will be leaving to the Taoist Temple since you both will learn martial arts there and learn how to act. The temple is the safest place with felines that have lost their loved one and you both will be there until you turn sixteen." Xue Liang looked at her mother still saddened deep inside.
"Mother, are you going to put me in an arrange marriage?" Madam Ling Fe looked at her feeling that her daughter had fallen for the Young General. Xue Liang looked at the amber necklace as she tucked it under her robes.
"I won't force you to marry anyone. It's not my place to tell you who you should love. One day, you will find the person you love though." Xue Liang smiled at her mother then hugging her.
"Thank you mother. I will go to the Taoist Temple and become a fine woman."
"You better. Mother is going to miss you. She'll come and visit you when she can." Madam Ling Fe hugged Xue Liang while Su Rong and Su Lei we're also in their own private talk. They all went off to bed for the night, Xue Liang and Su Rong had to leave in the early morning.
The sun rose, Xue Liang woke up and packed up everything she needed. A carriage awaited her as she hugged her mother one last time. Looking at her little brother smiling at her.
"Li, big sister will be back and try to see you as much as she can." Xue Li giggled and grabbed Xue Liang's hand.
"Mother, I'm going now." She nodded. She entered the carriage. Setting aside the curtains, she saw the carriage slowly leaving the Xue Palace. Looking outside she then saw Liu Gang and Peng Lim.
"Liang? Where are you going?" Liu Gang looked at her and remained riding his horse as he followed her carriage.
"I'm going to the Taoist Temple. I'll be staying there until I turn sixteen. What is General Liu doing?" Xue Liang asked looking at his cold purple eyes.
"Just call me Gang like before. No need for the formalities. Since your going there then I'll accompany you on the way." Xue Liang was surprised looking at him again.
"Aren't you busy though? I don't want to bother you when your busy." She replied.
"I have time Liang. Besides, I want to spend as much time with you before I leave." Xue Liang knew that he was going to leave but her heart was aching that she wasn't going to see him for who knows how long.
On their travel the Taoist Temple was the furthest place surrounded by forest of trees and plants. The waterfall and lake that was near also. Xue Liang spoke with Liu Gang the whole journey as it felt heart warming to talk to him.
"Gang, why did you become a General at such a young age?" Xue Liang had a hint of curiosity as she looked at him. Liu Gang only stared at the distant ahead. He did not have much to say.
"There was never really a motive, but I became a General for my personal gains." Liu Gang's answer didn't really give Xue Liang a clear understanding so she just nodded.
Traveling, they had finally reached the Taoist Temple. Getting down, Xue Liang saw the place. The Taoist Temple had only woman and nuns greeting them.
"Miss Liang, we've been expecting you. You will now be training here and living here until you've come of age. General Liu we thank you for escorting her. This temple though does not allow men. Please say your farewells and be on your way." The nun said awaiting for them to leave.
"Gang, thank you for bringing me here. You can go now. Liang will be here and wait for you to come back. I stitched this for you and it's not very good but this flower reminded me of your eyes." She took out a handkerchief with a stitched purple bellflower giving it to him. He looked at it as he grabbed it and smiled at her.
"This isn't goodbye Liang. We'll meet again. The next time we meet I will see you as a woman. During that time do not fall in love with anyone, my little future bride." He whispered the last four words into her ear poking her nose which she blushed and looked at him directly.
"Miss Rong are you going to miss me at least?" Peng Lim smiled looking down at her as she blushed and look away.
"Shut it. Here." Su Rong took his hand as she set a folded handkerchief in his hand. "Don't open it until you leave here."
Peng Lim smiled with both men leaving the mountain. Peng Lim opened to see a common white lily flower stitched on.
Xue Liang waved goodbye as they were no longer seen. Her heart aches but she needed to grow up to become a woman and learn well. She clenched the necklace she wore from him as she was then led by Su Rong with the nuns to her room. She would start to learn the ways of fighting and discipline.
Days and seasons passed, the weather was always hot to cold. The sun rose, she woke up early to practice and study. Everyday was exhausting but the more she did it. The more she learned better off her mistakes. Learning the ways of fighting and studying had impacted Xue Liang as she never left the Taoist Temple but her parents only visited her every two years with her little brothers.