Tonight she stood at the foot of my bed. The room was dark save for the music coming through from my neighbor’s window as zayn’s voice, “pillow talk'” filled the room.
But her silhouette made her all too visible as her white silky gown showed all her womanly curve, the mold of her breast as it stood erect on her chest with all its perkiness. Her black hair, flowing to her neck.
Her hips accentuated evenly by her side. Her belly button just above the smooth area, obviously shaven..disappearing between two thighs. By the foot of my bed, she stood. Her presence making me break out in sweats. But her lashes covered her eyes. .as one who is shy, but yet she moved and swayed to the rhythm of the song, seductively so calling out to me in those simple steps
..she was a tempest begging to be calmed..and I was a thirsty lion..hoping to be tamed. .controlling my throbbing rise and the beating of my heart as I crawled to the foot of my bed, daring to touch her gown..her face or have a swift of her perfume. ..
‘Amara!!’ I called. .but when I opened my eyes, I felt nor saw nothing
I sighed.
I wondered when these dreams would stop..If ever.
“Mama, my aptitude test is slated for the next two weeks. ” Amara told her mother as she helped to pack up for the night.
“Ehen, you will prepare well for it oh and make sure to pass. God has brought someone to help further your education so you better not fail. If not…i don’t know what to say sef ” she untied and tied her wrapper around her waist
‘It’s only God that will bless that young man. Biko bia!! Where did you meet him, abi has he come for your hands???’’ her mother asks her.
‘‘Abbah mama!! Just because someone offered to help now, he has come to marry me??’’ Amara eyes her mother.
“Hah!! Ama.. I am just saying nah. Which man will just come and offer to take care of your education? You think he doesn’t like you. Or want something in return, abi he is just God sent. Did you know him from anywhere before ??’’
Amara shakes her head.
“Mama the first time I saw him was when he came to buy oranges oh. Other than that we haven’t spoken sef one on one. So me I don’t know where you are getting your ideas from. ”
“Hmmm? Ok oh if you say so. But he seems like a nice young boy. Ok come and help me put this basket on my head Amara so we can head home. Did you buy the kerosene? So you can have light in the lamp to study for your coming test. I don’t want a candle on. The other day you almost burnt our small house down. Don’t give me a heart attack like last time. Ewortala??’’ Her mother asks her to make sure she understands in their Igbo dialect.
‘‘Hmmm Ah-wortagowm!!! I understand mama. ” She helps her mother to her basket then helps herself to one.
“Oya mama, let us go. “.. she led the way out of their small kiosk as they made their way through the parked okadas and few passer-bys, retiring for the night.
A week later.
“Why do you need so much money Bruno?’’
“I need to sort out a lot of things. Owing people and all that. Family issues. ” he replied.
“What kind of issues?’’ David stares at him, his hands folded across his broad chest.
David works with diamond bank. His college friend who bagged a good job while he was eating off pavements at a I.T firm. But he rose to the top quickly …due to the fact he was stroking his MD who apparently loves them fresh and young despite being in her late forties but David didn’t mind.
“She scratches my back and I scratch hers…well poke her through her butt chicks…with something apparently strong but not made of steel” he would say smiling with his open teeth , when I asked why.
“Bruno that’s a lot of money not to know what you want to use it for and when you intend to pay me back?” David continued talking
“David I won’t be asking if it’s not important. Plus you know you owe me one.?” Bruno sits across his friend in his office. David has done well for himself. And he hates that he has come to collect what he is being owed..all these years.
David scratches his jaw..
‘’You sha won’t ever let that go will you?”
‘You know I did. For awhile na. Infact I sha would never have asked. .If it’s not important. ”
“Tell me one thing. ..is this girl related?’’ David wanted to know.
“Cos not’’ Bruno looks away. “So? Should I hope on you??’’ Bruno asks as he crosses his fingers behind his back and turns back to his friend David who is staring at him.
“How do you intend to pay me back…your salary is epilepsy…na once in a while you de see am’’ David tells him.
“David…it’s me Bruno. When it comes and how it comes you will get it. Just help me out. ‘’ Bruno pleads. .
“Fine.” David nods. “I hope we don’t get into fist fights sha before I get it back?” He brings out his checkbook “And I hope she is worth the trouble’’
Bruno tries to protest. ‘’Dude, I told it is not about a girl, but I just, it is-‘’
But David’s raised eyebrows told him it was useless.
He instead busied himself staring at everything but his friend David, who smiles shaking his head..
“Ha mama good afternoon oh. How business??’’ Junior greets her and sits down.
“My son welcome. Where is my son Bruno. .He didn’t come? ” She looks around wondering why he didn't come with Bruno.
”No oh. He went to work. He asked me to come and check on you and Amara and see how she is prepping for her test’’ He avoided her eyes.
‘‘Oh that’s nice of him and for you to make the trip. She is inside studying ” She tells Junior who smiles
‘’Okay okay. Good good. ‘’ He rubs his jaw ‘’Can I see her..She might need help to study. Bruno, my friend, he told me to make sure she is studying the right things.”
”Ehen? Ha!! Well….it’s okay. She is behind the kiosk. You can go through here you will see her. ” she tells him and points him to the right direction.
Junior thanks her and heads through the kiosk and finds Amara bent over test books. She looks up noticing a looming shadow and started.
“Hey Amara relax. It’s me Bruno ‘ s friend. Remember me? I am here to help you study.” He bends as the fear in her eyes gave way for recognition. ‘’Bruno asked me to check on you, make sure you are doing okay with study, can I help you with anything?’’
She passes him her book..
“I don’t really understand the equations on this one though” she scratches her head. He bends lower, his eyes dancing around her chest, her bosom made him lick his lips.
‘It’s quite simple actually. You know what…come over to my place. I can help you. It’s comfy and you don’t need to strain your neck ‘’ he tells her sounding serious.
When she eyes him, he continues ” I used to hold study classes at my place for people. Even Bruno is aware. So no need to fret besides it’s for your own good. You want to pass abi?’’ he asks
Amara nods her head. ” Good! ‘” he scribbles his address and his number at the back of her text book. ” No need to call Bruno he is aware and was the one who sent me. So you are safe. When you are ready let me know. I am going home now”
He leaves her , greeting her mother again as he leaves. She waves him.
He smiles..