Shame , toe curling shame, the kind of shame that will make you pray for the ground to open. When you feel like dying or just disappearing from sight, that’s what I felt when I was standing in the clearing under the full moon, stark naked with my demon horns on full display but with my body covered in beautiful white fur mid change, But change to what? A werewolf?.
I forced my eyes open and looked around , I saw everyone who once were my family look at me like a freak.
I felt my feet moving and I started running with Thier laughter preceding me. My feet pound on the wet grass, I was running away, very fast . I skid to a stop before I could slam into a fallen tree, wait was I running on all fours?, but the stop was still late enough to stub my toe hard which hurt really really bad.
“Gemini! Gemini!” His voice rang in my head through the forest as I ran, but I did not wait , I just kept running.
I turned a corner into a beautiful clearing with clear brooks and a wooden Mansion, Like who builds a house in this deep forest anyways? But that house was the least of my problems because by now I was fully changed into a beautiful mix of both worlds.
Snow White fur , large claws but then I had horns too on either side of my head and they were Snow White as well, then I noticed the long white mane , I always knew there was something wierd with me having white hair.
Then a creak caught my attention, I looked up to see two people step out of the mansion, Big towering men with kind eyes that were transfixed on me , then I started running to them desperately trying to just step into the warmth they represented.
But I never reached them before jumping off the bed drenched in sweat and realized it was all a dream.
Chapter One
Gemini’s POV
“ Wake up Gemini , it’s 6am” Alexa hollered in her robotic voice , totally startling me awake.
“ Uh Alexa , why do you have to be so chipper every morning ?” I grumbled before pulling the covers over my eyes, but I knew I had to wake up, today was the day I will be moving to Hawaii to live with my Aunt and her Husband.
Although I have not been there since I was 10 , I knew how much fun Aunt Claire was , plus my cousin Jeremy, but I would have preferred if I was going there with my parents and not alone, hell I would have preferred not being an orphan at all, but here we are.
“ Ok Ok Alexa am up” I got up and looked around my beautiful bedroom, knowing that I would be leaving this place for the longest time still broke my heart because of all the memories I had of my mum here . But my therapist said I need time to heal , and since she is my therapist/Godmother, she made all the arrangements for me to be with my aunt for a while.
Walking out of my bedroom into the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror, and beautiful heart shaped face looked back at me, with long white curls, which I can never change the color, it just goes back to white in a week or two and then my golden Iris , it’s still morning so I have not worn my brown lenses yet, there is a lot of question about why I look like a freak and my parents were equally clueless .
Today is the day after the day of the funeral and I have not gotten used to the idea of being an orphan but the most scary thing is watching them just somehow slip into the water and drown, I still cannot wrap my head around that, yes I saw it go down, but it still does not make sense.
I remember how excited I was about the water camping trip, you know being a child who absolutely adored the water , and having my dad just come up one day and say that we are leaving in the next two hours to Philly water park with our yatch made my day totally, but I kind of noticed that they both looked too bright eyed and frantic, which I just dismissed as excitement.
But when we did get into the yatch I noticed something odd, my dad was the one steering it, he never does that and mum came out without any makeup too, but I still brushed it off, until I stepped out to talk to my dad and found him in the water hands flailing, but before I managed to pull him out he was white and dead , ran right back to talk to mum and found her dead in the jacuzzi.
Technically my parents died from a drowning freak accident, what are the odds , but everyone said they drowned and I don’t want them to start thinking am crazy so I kept mute but now I can’t get close to water, not even to wash the dishes.
After getting dressed in jeans and a loose shirt , I came out of the house with just my carry on with me, because the only remaining help that aunt Evangeline left had already taken my box out into the waiting car. I was going away from my home , from my friends to a new world but I cannot help but feel that there is something that I don’t yet know, it’s like a shadow hovering over me.
Few hours later of deep thoughts I landed in Hawaii and started making my way to baggage claim totally consumed with thoughts of my parents and why they died in such a wierd manner when I bumped into a solid rock, that was holding water that spilled all over my shirt, I looked up ready to give the idiot a piece of my mind but I stopped short when I saw his eyes , brown kind eyes and I ran away.
No no no, what in the hell is going on with my life lately, I just feel like I am living in a telenovela and it’s becoming suffocating, what are the odds that I would see those warm brown eyes just less than 48hours after the dream? None right?.
Totally shaken I jumped into the next taxi , totally forgetting my luggage at baggage claim , hastily told him the address and sighed at the back seat. It took me half way to the house before I realized I had no other cloth with me, but at that point I’ll rather die of embarrassment than go back there and get my luggage, I silently thanked my stars that I was rich.
I knew that right now I was not in my right frame of existence and I blame it on my parents dying the way they did ,but I still kinda feel like something is coming or something is off, just like I felt on the day that dad suddenly proposed that trip, which makes me realize that I cannot ignore the feeling I have now, just to avoid regretting it later on.
Few minutes and we arrived at the house, with my Aunt and Uncle outside waiting for me, and seeing them especially my aunt brought tears to my eyes as I ran to her and enveloped her in a hug, but then she started patting my head round as if searching for something, and then drew me closer so she can observe my eyes? and then sighed in relief , wait what is that about?.
“ Oh Gemini , you have grown so big and beautiful dear “ my aunt said smiling from ear to ear as she pulled me inside their beautiful condo, Her husband silently just walked beside us, I was not surprised because he has always been the quiet sort.
She made me sit on the couch and then sat opposite me holding my hands and that was when I saw the sad look on her face.
“ Am so sorry about your parents , but I know they will be happy that you are here with me” I nodded suddenly too emotional to say a word and she immediately came over and enveloped me in a hug and we both cried together with Uncle Viklan looking very uncomfortable.
“Gemini?” We both turned to the sound and found my favorite cousin in the world Jeremy, he walked up to me, no longer the shy 5year old , but now a grown man , with how tall he was and then he hugged me right on my sit and whispered “ Am so sorry about Aunt and Uncle but am here for you ok?”
Somehow coming to Hawaii was looking up already for me right?