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Chapter 4 4

James put his tools on the back of Freddie's truck, feeling famished and ready to eat. "Hey James," he heard someone called. Damn it, he swore silently. Why did everyone bother him when he was about to eat. He turned to see Chris walking up to him. What was he doing there? How'd he even know where to find him?

"Hey Chris, what's up?" He asked as he grabbed his food and took out the large sandwich he made that morning.

"Well I was wondering if I could talk to you about Lily," Chris offered and James sighed with a shake of his head.

"What about her?" He said with an edge to his voice, but honestly he didn't care. What more was there to talk about that woman?

"I know things are a bit messed up and you're mad, but I wanted to ask if you would go easy on her," Chris said and James scoffed as he took a bit of his sandwich. "Look, James, she's been through a lot during the time she's been gone," he added, with a hint of anger in his voice which in turn only made James angry as well.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Lily is always going through a lot or been through a lot. That excuse is getting old man," he snapped once he had swallowed his food.

"You have no idea James," Chris started and James growled at him.

"You're right Chris I don't have a damn clue but not by choice," James snapped at him. Chris growled back at him. He stood up and glared at Chris, ready for whatever he was going to throw at him. What did this guy want from him? Did he want James to make it official? That they were no longer mates, is that what he wanted?

Chris took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Let me put it to you this way James. The person you're really angry with doesn't exist anymore," he said when he was visibly much calmer and James looked at him confused. "Something happened in Montana that changed her. All I'm asking is that you give her a second chance."

James's anger dissipated to a dull throb as he wondered what the hell Chris was talking about. "I've already agreed to a fresh start and try to be friends for the kid's sake. That's all she's getting from me. Now if you're done I'd like to eat," James told him and as if to prove his point took another bite out of his sandwich.

"Yeah I'm done," Chris said, looking disappointed before walking back to a beat up old car. He shook his head and continued eating, but it wasn't ten minutes when he heard another person calling his name. With a quiet groan, he looked up and saw Ginger. Oh hell fuck no, he swore. Where the hell was Freddie when he needed him?

Thankfully for James, Ginger was only able to rob him about ten minutes of his lunch before Freddie chased her off. The rest of the day went by pretty quick and when it was quitting time instead of going home, he decided to drop by the Robert's home. It was nearing the weekend and he was going to want to spend a lot of it getting to know his son. "Hey James, didn't expect to see you here," Sandy said when he knocked on the door, but the smile on her face said otherwise.

"I wanted to talk to Lily," James told her as he walked into the house.

"She's with A.J. in the living room. He really is a sweet little boy," Sandy said with a proud grin. He thanked her and walked towards the living room. James stopped at the sight before him. Lily and A.J. were asleep on the couch. A.J. had his thumb was in his mouth and the other hand was clutching a fist full of her hair with a peaceful look on his face, a look that Lily mirrored as well.

Chris's words about her not being the same person came back to him at that moment. James quietly sat down in a chair near them. She looked a lot more relaxed at that moment than he'd ever seen her. She did seem different when he was talking to her yesterday. He really did expect her to argue when he made his demands, but she didn't, not even a little. Suddenly the little boy's eyes shot up and he sat up with a large yawn. "I awake," he demanded loudly.

"Yeah you are," James said quickly and picked him up so he wouldn't wake up his mother. Now holding A.J. James wasn't sure what he was supposed to do or say.

"I play," A.J. demanded and squirmed in James's grasp.

"Um...you want down? Okay," James said a little nervous setting A.J. on the floor. The boy wobbled over to the toy box and began expertly searching through them. He watched A.J. amused and curious.

"Car!" A.J. yelled and James winced, glancing over at Lily. She moaned a little and rolled over on her side. He allowed himself a small smile and sat down next to A.J. The little boy began talking to him and playing without a care in the world which in turn actually calmed James' nerves, after a while he even forgot why he was nervous to begin with. "Mommy," A.J. sudden cried out and James watched him run over to the couch to the now awake Lily.

Lily sat up with a stifled yawn. "Hey little bug," she said as she sat up ruffling his hair. James didn't miss the way her face brightened when she looked at A.J. So she was capable of love, he thought a little sourly. "Did you have fun playing?" She asked and A.J. nodded his head up and down so much that he would have fallen over if Lily wasn't holding on to him.

"Car," A.J. suddenly demanded and ran back over to the toy box, making car sounds. James got up from the floor and sat in the chair he was originally sitting in.

"Hey James," Lily said with a nod and running a hand through her hair.

"Hey Lily," he replied back, not sure how to start the conversation he wanted to have.

"So," she said slowly and he was sure she felt as awkward as he did right now. "What brings you over here today?"

"Besides the fact I want to spend some time with my son?" James asked, a little bitterly and he saw her wince even though she tried to hide it. He knew it was wrong, but it made him feel a bit of satisfaction. "I came here to let you know that I want to spend Saturday with him."

Lily seemed to be thinking about something then nodded. "That sounds good. I heard the weather is going to be nice then and I saw a really cool park on Main street," she said and James was again surprised that not only did she have any problems with it but actually thought it was a good idea.

"Good so I'll be here around ten?" James asked and she nodded.

"I'll have him ready by then," she offered. He returned her nod and stood up about to leave, but Sandy insisted James stay for dinner, not that he put up a fight to leave. Her cooking was the best he had ever eaten plus he wasn't ready to say good night to A.J. or Lily.

At the dinner table, James sat next to Sandy so she could help him make A.J. eat. The toddler obviously inherited his mother's stubborn tendency to want to do things his way and only his way.

Chris was also eating with them as well and sitting next to Lily. James didn't want to admit it, but he really didn't like how close those two seemed to have become. Not that it's any of my business, James argued to himself. "So what was Montana like? I've never been there" Sandy asked. "I'm honestly glad Lily had a familiar face to be around," Sandy explained to Chris and Lily rolled her eyes.

James clenched his jaw tightly, starting to feel a possessive jealousy that he knew he shouldn't be feeling. She wasn't his mate anymore. Chris glanced at him with a nervous look on his face. "It's alright, but it's not really homey. The Aequivalere place is huge and there are a lot of different people there, but lucky Lily and I managed to hang out a little every day," Chris said and James nearly growled at him, but he managed to stop himself at the last moment.

He was not going to be jealous over Lily, he vowed. He refused to allow her to treat him like trash again. He had given her a hundred chances and she threw all them back in his face! "So how did you end up in Montana and working for the Aequivalere?" Andrew asked and Chris shifted in his chair He glanced at Lily before answering and Lily got a look on her face that James couldn't quite determine.

"I got him in," Lily suddenly jumped in and Chris passed her a look of appreciation. They were lying, James realized as he watched them. They're hiding something. He watched them during the meal, their words were obviously well thought out when talking about Montana. By the time the dinner was over James was determined to discover what it was.

It was his duty as the beta to protect the pack and he knew too well secrets only put the pack in danger. So as people started to get up from the table James made a beeline towards Chris. He'd crack long before Lily would. He grabbed the other wolf and dragged him out onto the back porch then slammed him against the railing. "What's going on between you two?" he growled, not liking that it sounded more like he was jealous than suspicious.

"Relax James," Chris demanded with his hands up in the air.

"Don't tell me to relax," James snarled at him. "Just answer the damn question!"

"It's not like you think," Chris demanded.

"Don't patronize me! There is something going on and I want to know what it is!" he demanded.

"It's not like that James! I've got a mate," Chris cried out with a fearful look on his face.

"What's Lacy got to do with anything, especially since she's dead," James snapped at him, feeling irritated that Chris was treating him like an idiot.

"I'm not talking about Lacy, I've got another mate. Look," he said pulling his shirt up his shoulder. There was a bite mark clearly visible with some Chinese tattooed in the center. "I don't really work for the Aequivalere, but my mate does. I just live there and was surprised to find Lily was there too," Chris explained and James didn't let him go but felt completely confused by what he was telling him.

"How is that even possible? Everyone knows you get one mate and only one," James asked and Chris shrugged.

"I don't know but what I feel with Qin Xuan is so much more than what I ever felt with Lacy. I have no doubt we're really mates. Qin Xuan and Lily think that Lacy and I might have never been mates to begin with but something Xavier did to us to make us think we were mates so he could control her," Chris explained again.

"Wow...sorry Chris," James apologized feeling a little foolish and the other smiled.

"No harm, no foul, but now I see why you got the badass reputation. Damn I think I may need to change my pants," he joked as only he could and James laughed despite himself.

"Really man I'm sorry, didn't mean to go all out like that. It's just I knew you guys were lying and hiding something," James admitted, but part of him knew he had acted like he had because part of him was afraid they were together as in together.

"Like I said no harm no foul," Chris stated smoothing out his clothing and James gave him an appreciative smile. "Please don't mention my mate to anyone. I haven't even talked to Sandy and Andrew yet about Lacy's death. I don't want to throw in their face that I've already replaced their daughter," he said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"They won't hear it from me," James told him and Chris thanked him before leaving. James stood outside for a moment; he still couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the way they were acting than the fact that Chris had a new mate. When he arrived at his apartment that night, he tossed his keys on the coffee table and walked into his bedroom, wondering about the events of the day.

Were Lily and Chris hiding something else? If so what? He started to think about A.J. and for the first time since he started working for Freddie, he wished he didn't have to go to work tomorrow so he could spend the whole day with him, but he couldn't leave Freddie hanging like that. Friday was usually their busiest day besides Monday.

They were slammed with work all day; James hardly had time to think as they rushed from one house to the next. So by the time he was finished for the day the only thing he wanted to do was crawl into bed despite his original idea of going over to see A.J. It didn't help that since Lily came back he hadn't been sleeping too well either. He kept thinking about her, about what she'd done, A.J. and what was going to happen in the future.

He understood that Lily was only taking a vacation so she'd leave again but he wasn't going to let her leave with A.J. So was she would she stay? Did he want her to stay? He didn't know anymore, everything was so muddled and confusing that he had no idea what he felt or what he wanted. James sighed as he stared at the dark ceiling. Why did Lily always have to be so complicated? She wouldn't be Lily if she weren't, his subconscious told him.

The next morning James sat with Andrew, A.J., and Sandy in the kitchen, the ex-alpha was reading the paper while Sandy gushed over A.J. "Want to see if you can get him to eat some more, James. He seems more content to throw his cereal around than actually put it in his mouth," Sandy said, with feigned exasperation. He could see she loved her time her new grandson.

"Not sure what I can do about it but I guess I will try," James replied with a shrug picking up a piece of cereal and handing it to A.J. encouraging him to eat it. For a moment, it looked like James was having success then the toddler took a piece of cereal and threw it hitting Andrew right between the eyes. He lowered his paper giving the toddler a stern look, but A.J. was oblivious as he grabbed another handful and tossing it to the floor.

Sandy tried to hide her laughter behind her hand as Andrew shook his head side to side. "He's got his mother's authority issues I see," he said with a stern tone, but there was a hint of a smile on the corners of his mouth.

"I do not have authority issues, I just don't like to be bossed around," Lily demanded as she walked into the kitchen. He looked up at her and his mouth suddenly went dry. She was wearing nothing but a thin tank top and really short shorts. The curves of her body and the way she moved to the refrigerator were sultry and enticing. His body reacting in ways he'd prefer it didn't.

He looked back to A.J. and let out a long slow breath, attempting to reign in his body's reactions. "A.J. don't be throwing cereal now. If you're done then say I'm done okay," Lily lectured him.

"Okay," A.J. chimed. "I done!" He lifted his arms and Sandy quickly got up to let him out as Lily sat at the table with them.

"Sorry James, I know you said ten. I was up late looking at some stuff my boss sent me and I lost track of time," She apologized. "Just let me eat this muffin real quick and I'll get A.J. dressed."

"Actually if you want Lily I'll get him dressed while you eat. Breakfast shouldn't be rushed," Sandy said with a stern look. "Want me to set something out for you too?"

"Oh I'm not going," Lily said quickly then glanced at him. "Am I?"

"You'd let me take him out by myself?" James asked back, curious to know how she felt about that.

"Well yeah...you are his father after all," She said with a "well duh" tone to her voice and that made him feel happier than he thought it would.

"To be honest I actually thought you were going to come with us. At least until I get a handle on this kid stuff," James admitted. "I know how to handle the older ones but never been around the little ones."

"There's really nothing to it, but I'll come with," Lily offered. "Yeah, Sandy, can you put me out something too." Her mother nodded before disappearing with A.J. out of the kitchen. "So what's the plan?" Lily asked as she tore off a chunk of muffin then ate it. James couldn't help but watch her as she popped it into her mouth then proceeded to suck off the crumbs on her finger. His body tightened and again he forced himself to look anywhere but at her.

"Uh," James started, trying to regain his capacity to think. "I want the whole day with him."

"Okay, like I said earlier the new park on main looks good," she replied.

"Yeah I thought about taking him there first, then going out for lunch," he said, looking at her direction but not exactly at her. She was really distracting today. He wondered if she was doing it on purpose but then what possible reason would she have in trying to seduce him?

Finally, she got up from the table and followed Sandy to wherever she had gone. "Are you two patching things up?" Andrew asked once she was out of earshot.

"Sort of, maybe in time we'll manage friends," James replied and noticed a brief look of disappointment on the ex- alpha's face.

"Well, that's good. Spending time with her and A.J. seems like a good start to get the ball rolling," Andrew told him and James nodded in agreement. Lily came down with A.J. soon after, both ready to go.

"We can take my car," Lily told him as they walked out of the house. He recognized that rusted death trap as the same one Chris had driven to talk to him.

"I'd rather not. That car looks about a hundred years old. I drove my truck. There will be enough room for all three of us," James replied and Lily looked like she was about to argue when she simply shrugged.

"Okay your day, your way but for the record my car is perfectly fine despite what she may look like on the outside," Lily replied. James was starting to become convinced that Chris was telling him the truth. She did almost seemed like a whole other person.

It was something he kept thinking about as he drove to the park. "Well, have fun boys," Lily smirked at him when they arrived and went over to sit on a wooden bench. He eyed her curiously for a moment, wondering what she suddenly found so funny, but he didn't have too much time to think about it as A.J. darted off towards the playground. It wasn't long before James finally got what Lily was laughing about.

For being so little A.J. really knew how to move and insisted that James pick him up or help him down every time he couldn't. Only a half hour had passed when James was starting to get worn out and a sore back. James was just about to throw up the white flag and surrender when Tony showed up to his rescue. "Down!" A.J. demanded and James slowly set him down. The two little boys seemed excited to see each other.

"So she threw you to the sharks huh?" Tony said with a smirk and James grunted in reply as he rubbed his lower back. Tony started to laugh and shook his head. "So...how's it going with you two?" He asked and James suppressed a snarky comment. When did how Lily and he were doing become everyone's business?

"Well we've agreed to a fresh start and try the friend thing really," James admitted.

"But?" Tony asked.

"No buts, that's how it is," James replied. "It might actually work since this time she isn't telling me she hates me every three or four seconds," he added and once more Tony laughed. "Now why don't you give me a break and watch A.J. for a few."

"Alright, I'll help out my best bud but you owe me one," Tony replied with a smirk and turned a watchful eye to the boys. James shook his head and joined Lily on the bench.

"Did you have fun?" Lily asked evilly and James laughed.

"Despite the aching back, yeah I had fun. He's a great kid," he said looking to where the two children were playing. He saw Lily smile and nod out of the corner of his eye. James leaned back and turned his attention back to her. "So," he started, drawing out the word for several seconds. "What does A.J. stand for?"

"It's the initials of his first and middle name," Lily replied blandly and James gave her a pointed look.

"I figured that out already, but what are they?" He asked determinedly and Lily sighed quietly as she focused her attention on the children. He couldn't help but wonder why she appeared so hesitant.

"His name is Andrew James Nawassa," she finally answered surprising him for the millionth time since she had arrived.

"You gave him my name?" He asked, surprised. Now that one he wasn't expecting at all.

"Yes, it seemed like the least I could do considering what I didn't do," Lily replied with a shrug, obviously trying to downplay the whole thing but he had a feeling there was something more than that and it left him feeling confused.

"So how long are you staying for Lily," He asked, trying to decipher how she was thinking and what was her plan. She looked perplexed for a moment as if she wasn't sure how to answer and James's suspicions that there was something she was still hiding, peaked.

"I don't know," she started slowly then fell silent with a searching look on her face. "I won't have to go back till some things have been settled," she added cryptically.

"That sounds a lot like you're in trouble," he replied, wondering if she'd explain her answer a little further, but she shook her head with an impassive expression.

"No, I'm not in trouble. I'm not a magnet for trouble, you know," She told him with a smirk.

"Could have fooled me," James replied with a smirk of his own. He knew she was lying at least to some extent. It was clear she wasn't here just to visit the family, but he wasn't going to push her. No, not today. Today was for him and A.J. They fell once more into a comfortable silence and watched the children play. "It's starting to get close to lunch time," Lily announced after they'd been there a while.

"And as much as I hate to be a party-pooper I need to get inside," she said with a slightly pained expression. He had forgotten about how photosensitive she had become thanks to the vampire part of her.

"Okay, let's go to the Moonlight then," James offered and he saw her tense.

"Yeah, sure, like I said your day, your way," she replied with a clearly forced smile and got up from the bench. What made her change to such an easy going person?

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