The vampire returned but Lily had stayed outside. James wondered if that was a good sign or bad. Knowing their luck, it was probably bad. The vampire Lord Whatever-his-name talked to Lily's father while the alpha looked over a map. James didn't think he'd be missed so he slipped outside and stood next to Lily. He zipped up his jacket, envying her ability to not feel the cold when vampy. This was a lot colder than back home.
"Hey James," Lily said, looking out over the parking lot. He followed her gaze. It didn't surprise him to find it almost empty.
"Hey Lily," he said, waiting for her to start the conversation. She took a deep breath he knew she didn't need and let it out slowly. James glanced over as her. Her expression twisted from one expression to the next as if she was having a silent conversation.
"It seems I need a vamp daddy," she said after a moment. James turned away from the empty parking lot and faced her, letting his confused expression ask the question for him. "A sire," she added and explained what the vampire lord told her. "Apparently the vampires can't allow even a partial vampire go without some kind of collar. Lord Etienne, of course, volunteered to do it but I don't exactly trust him yet."
"What about Dorin? Maybe he would do it," James suggested. Dorin was the only vampire he had met that he could consider halfway trustworthy.
"I've thought of it but we don't exactly get along. I'm not sure he'd agree," Lily replied then sighed. "I should eat before I get too hungry."
"You know," James started. "I'm here if you know."
"There is no way of saying it without sounding weird is there? I wonder if the vampires have some flowery expression for drinking someone's blood or offering it," Lily said. She laughed and kicked a small rock. "Thanks for the offer James but I'm not sure it's safe. The times I drank from you wasn't for hunger but...well you know, like foreplay."
"You know I think your right. I don't think there is a way to say it without sounding weird and I trust you, Lily. So the offer still stands," he told her then they fell into silence once more. "So is it just me but are you getting a weird deja vu feeling being back here, preparing to go into a fight."
"It's not just you. I feel it too," she replied her mouth tilting in a half smile. "We've got to move quick James. I let her rot there two months..." James moved over, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and gave her a hug.
"It's not your fault. We moved how we could. This takes time Lily. You're here now and that's what matters."
"I just hope we're not too late," she said, leaning against him. "Ugh! You need to go away. You smell too good. Not the oh that's a nice cologne way either," Lily said, giving him a light push.
"Are you trying to start foreplay because that's really not working for me," He teased, putting some space between them.
"Oh, Funny. We'll see how much you're laughing when I make you my dinner!"
" about you stop trying to seduce me and we see what's going on inside okay. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself," he continued to tease her. She turned and glared at him, making him grin widely.
"James Lacrosse if you don't shut up I'm going to dip you in so much silver you'll make the Silver Surfer jealous!" His grin grew even more. He loved it when she threatened to silver him. It was like her thing, like when the guy in that movie would say "As you wish" to mean I love you. She only threatened James like that and as odd as it sounds that made it special.
James held up his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. No need to get physical. We can play later. I promise," he teased one last time then darted into the hotel room...just in case. When he reached Nick all his amusement was gone from his face. "Where are we at," he asked the Nick.
"I'm thinking of going with what works," he said, not taking his eyes off the map. "Four teams, each attack simultaneously and take out whatever gets in our way."
"You should attack during the day," the new vamp said. "Their daytime forces will be small and I'm guessing strictly human and lycans. We could also eliminate many of the criminals before they realize what's happening."
"Alpha Daniels," James dad spoke up with his chest puffed out like some over proud rooster that had long past seen its prime. Nick and another man looked up at the older werewolf.
"I suppose he's talking to you," Nick said to the younger of the two. The younger man grinned and pat Nick on the shoulder.
"I'm Bobby Daniels, south Montana pack alpha," he said, looking around the room. "What is it..." he started, waiting for James' dad to introduce himself.
"Mitchell Lacrosse, sir. I wanted to offer myself as a candidate to lead the attack. I believe I'm the only one with military experience sir," James dad replied, sounding every bit the soldier. James did his best not to roll his eyes.
"Nick is leading the attack. He may not be a military man but he's the offended alpha and has an extensive police background. However feel free to offer advice and assistance Mitchell," Bobby replied. The older werewolf stiffen and his expression grew stonier.
"Yes sir," James' dad spat, not pleased he wasn't adored and listened to. James liked the younger Daniels already.
"If you agree. I again say we attack all four sides," Nick started, looking at James dad who gave him a stiff nod. "Myself, James, Donovan, and Caesar are familiar with the building. I suggest we all be leaders of a team-"
"If I may sir," his dad spoke up again. Nick looked slightly irritated at the new interruption but nodded to the older werewolf. "You, the fairy, and the demon all have experience in these type of missions but the boy here doesn't. I don't think he's apt to lead a team." James glared at his father, sadly not surprised that he would pull something like this.
"Well James has been through this building and he's been very effective when fighting, and he has his reputation going for him. As a soldier, I think you would understand how important the fear factor is," Nick replied.
Before his father could argue James spoke up first. "Go ahead and let him play General, Nick. I don't care as long as I'm not under him."
"Playing General? This is serious boy. Not a game," His dad snapped back at him.
"Maybe you should tell your ego that."
Mitchell snarled at him and James growled right back. He wasn't a scared teenager anymore! Nick cut off whatever reply his dad had. "Enough. Alright Mitchell, you want to take the lead. It's yours," he said and that appeared to please the older wolf. "James you'll come with me and..." he shuddered. "Lily."
"Oh she's going to love that," James said then laughed.
"I'm going straight into the front door with the primary of finding Bonnie and the girl. I figured Lily wouldn't want to be anywhere else," Nick explained and James agreed with him. They hashed out the rest of the details in the next hour. In the end, each team would have ten members. The crow was going to go with Donovan, thankfully. Evangeline was on his dad's team. James had a feeling none of the remaining Aequivelere trusted him all that much.
"Alright. I think we've got this covered. Be ready to leave at dawn," Nick announced and James left the room to go find Lily. He hadn't gotten too far when someone called him.
James did his best not to scowl when he saw it was the vampire. "You are this James Lacrosse I've heard so much about, correct?" he asked with a thick French accent. James crossed his arms over his chest with a nod, curious about what the vamp wanted. "And you are also Lily's mate?"
This time, James allowed a small frown to cross his face. "It's isn t official but she has my mark, why?"
The vampire gave him a closed lipped grin. "Did she tell you she needs a sire?"
"She mentioned it and she also told me how you volunteered," James replied.
"I did but that isn't what I wish to speak of at the moment. As her mate, I'm surprised that she hasn't fed from you. I believe your blood would be the most satisfactory and the safest."
Now that surprised James but he was still wary. "Why?"
"You're her mate, your bond nullified completely the blood bond of an older vampire. That alone is impressive! That kind of strength in a bond I haven't seen in a long time," he explained. James couldn't help but feel a little smug. "James, Lily can't keep avoiding and suppressing her vampire side. Sooner or later it will come back on her and when it does there will be casualties. You and you alone is her best chance to avoid that."
Yep, he was feeling downright cocky now but he frowned more. "Why do you care about what happens to her?"
"I know you've not seen our best side but we care for our young just as much as you do. Would you not try to help an orphaned pup? This is the same. Also, she is my crow's daughter and in part, it's my blood that has made her this way. It's my duty to make sure she has her best chance of survival," the vampire told him.
"So what do you want me to do?" James asked, wanting to believe that the vampire was being sincere.
"Talk to her. Tell her what I told you and give her your opinion. If she won't let me be her sire then I would, at least, like to help her learn how to feed."
"Alright. I'll speak with her but her decision will be hers. I can't and I won't try to force her into anything," James told him.
"That is all I ask," the vampire said then gave James a small bow before walking back to the hotel room. James snorted with dry amusement and followed Lily's scent to one of the many doors. He knocked and heard her muffled permission to enter. He saw her sitting in a chair with a disgusted look as she sucked on a blood bag like some pouch drink.
"This is disgusting. It's like drinking chemicals straight from the bottle. I am not so sure it won't make me sick," she said tossing the half empty bag on the table.
"Actually, I was talking with Lord Pumpernickel earlier," he started making her smile. "He thinks you should feed from me."
"Right, you really expect me to believe that James?"
"Hey, he said it not me. Said our mate bond is one of the strongest he's seen," he told her, laying down on the bed. James told her everything the vampire had said to him.
"I don't know James. That sounds like he's asking for a threesome," she said, shuddering. James let his disgust at that idea show. "I'll think about it. Now move over I'm tired and I'm guessing we've got an early morning."
"Be ready by dawn," he told her and Lily groaned as she plopped on the bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him. He nuzzled her neck gently for a moment before drifting off to sleep.
It was eerie driving back into Nick's territory. The small town where Nick called home and been sheriff was completely empty. He said that his fallen had remained where they were killed. Any recovery attempts had only ended in more death. But now the bodies, blood and anything that could catch an outsider's attention were gone. It looked like a ghost town except the homes and buildings weren't in ruins.
"They didn't even let us mourn them," Nick said through his clenched jaw. "They'll pay for that too." Their train of vehicles stopped at the edge of the dense forest. Again deja vu struck James hard. He looked over at the crowd and could tell he wasn't the only one feeling it.
"Hybrid," the fairy, Donovan, called to Lily and jerked his head to the side. James watched them, curious, and moved a little closer to hear what they were saying. Yeah, he knew he was being nosy but he didn't like that fairy too much.
"Remember you are the boss," Donovan told her. "They may be monsters but you're stronger than them. You decide how much they get to come out." James glanced towards them surprised. He was giving her a pep talk? Did this have something to do with what happened back when she was training to be a guardian for the Aequivalere? Jams knew something bad had happened but Lily didn't want to talk it. Whatever it was had stopped had her training.
"Don't make me have to come and kick your ass," Donovan finished, making her laugh and they shared a fist bump before she walked over to James.
"Eavesdropping is rude," she told him, taking off her shoes and socks. She stuffed the socks into her shoes and put them in the car they had come in. She wore a loose tank top and yoga shorts that looked a little too big for her.
"Just keeping an eye out is all," he replied and she rolled her eyes at him.
"Okay Big Brother," she said, stretching and looking like she was getting ready for a run. He was about to ask her about her training when Nick called them over. He wasn't happy to see Alpha Sanders was on their team or that the prick wouldn't stop looking at her like a dog would a juicy bone.
"Alright, remember Bonnie and the human girl is our priority," Nick said, passing two photographs around. One of an older blonde werewolf and the other of a girl around sixteen or seventeen. "Kill everything else unless they surrender then silver or zip-tie them. No one is to go off on their own. Is that understood?" Nick finished, looking at Lily. Last time they were here, she ran off to take care of Xavier on her own.
"Aye, aye, Cap'n," Lily said, giving him a salute.
Nick shook his head. "Alright, arm up. We leave in ten!" James took off his jacket, preferring hand to hand versus firearms or knives. He wasn't good at either. He looked over as Lily. She had her eyes closed and taking deep breaths.
"What is she doing?" Lucas Sanders asked.
"Going hybrid," James replied, glad she wasn't armed. She wasn't much better than he was with weapons. The alpha gawked as Lily started to change. She grew almost a full foot taller and her frame became much broader. Lily's hands increased in size and more knobby as her nails grew into claws. Her feet did something similar and small, dark hairs ran down her arms and legs.
"Hello ladies," James said when she had finished. Lily gave him a toothy smirk, showing off the long sharp teeth that now filled her mouth. He'd never fully seen her go hybrid before. It was impressive as it was scary.
"Uh, ladies?" Lucas said, sounding unsure and maybe even a little afraid. Lily must have noticed this because she sniffed in his direction then snorted with a scowl.
"Lily, the beast, and the vampire. They're not all the same," James explained and she gave him a pleased smirk.
"Let's go!" Nick yelled and they gathered and entered the forest. It wasn't a long walk to get to the building. Especially since the vampires didn't bother putting up the fences that had torn down the first time. The entered the clearing where the three-story brick building stood. It looked abandoned. The front doors were laying on the ground or barely hanging off its hinges. Many windows were broken or boarded up.
The scents surrounding the place told another story. Fresh scents were everywhere. Vampire, Lycan, and human. They advanced through the clearing towards the old lab. James' nerves grew the closer they got with no sign of...well, anything. The inside of the building was the same, completely abandoned except for the footprints on the dusty floor. They followed the footprints until they heard some movement in a corridor to their left.
Nick, cocking his gun, nodded at them and they followed the noise. They found three male guards, mocking the blonde werewolf. Her hands were bound in silver so she couldn't fight back and her clothes torn. Lily let out a roar that startled almost everyone on their team as well as the guards. Nick started to demand they surrender but Lily ran towards them.
She grabbed the largest and sunk her teeth into his neck, ripping out his throat before she savagely drank from him. The other two scrambled for their weapons. James ran towards Bonnie, slugging one of the guards as he went. Taking off his shirt, he used it to protect him from the silver as he freed her. Bonnie gave him a mumbled thanks and he put his shirt back on. He saw Lily toss the dead guard aside to pick up another guard who was bleeding shot to the gut.
She drank from him as well. The third was being zip tied by a werewolf James didn't know by name. "Alpha thank God you came," Bonnie said, hugging Nick. "I'll take you to Tristen," she said waving her hand. Lily tossed the second guard to the side.
"Go, we follow," she told Bonnie in a rough, deep rumble. Bonnie eyes widened at the sight of her but nodded, dashing through the halls with them behind her. They ran into a few more patrols but by the sounds echoing through the halls, most of the vampires day time force was busy with the other teams. Lily didn't drink anymore nor was she as brutal as she was the first. It made James think the others she so quickly killed because of their treatment of Bonnie.
"It's down here," Bonnie said, hitting a button.
"Alright, James Lily, Wesley, Gerald, with Bonnie and me. Lucas, you're in charge of the rest of them, men. Don't let anything go down and if anything comes up but us..."
"We kill them or take them, prisoner. I know," Sanders finished for Nick, his tone showing his irritation at the repetition. Nick nodded and the six of them stuffed themselves into the elevator. The hallway was silent and they met no opposition as Bonnie stopped at a door.
"She's here," Bonnie said, opening the door. Her and Nick slipped inside. He could hear Bonnie speaking with the girl. She seemed terrified. He looked over to Lily surprised she's shifted back. So her sister wouldn't see the monstrous side of her? He couldn't help but smile a little.
"What the hell is the holdup Blondie?" Lily barked after a while, looking nervous, and a second later they heard a scream.
"No! I can't leave!" He heard the girl shout and James peered into the room. The girl was clinging to the bed railing, looking on the verge of hysteria.
"Bonnie get her out and to stop screaming," Nick demanded. Her screaming was going to attract unwanted attention. Bonnie tried to sooth the girl but she just started screaming for someone named Vincent.
"We can give the girl this. It's a mild sedative," Wesley said, filling a syringe with a clear liquid and Lily took it.
"We tried it your way Bonnie," Nick told Bonnie and Lily entered the room.
"No! Help!" the girl begged and James almost thought she'd claw through the walls if she thought she could escape. "Vincent! Please, it's not my idea! I don't want to go...Vincent!" she yelled as Lily pulled her out of the corner she had crawled into.
"What the hell did he do to her? I'm going to skin that bastard," Lily vowed and picked her up. The girl continued to mumble softly until the sedative knocked her out. The girl was very thin and pale. Her hair was wild as if it hadn't seen a brush in a long time. The worst was her arms. The underside of her forearms had a mass of red, lumpy scars and bite marks. "That vampire is going to suffer!" Lily swore and carried the girl in her arms towards the elevator.
Nick offered to help her but Lily growled at him, pulling the girl closer to her in a gesture of protection. She already considered the girl her family whether she would admit it or not. Nick seemed to understand as he smiled and held up his hands.
"I almost feel sorry for the vamp," Nick said to James, watching her. "Targets acquired. Mission objective now set to clean up! Let's clean house and set demolition window for thirty minutes!" He ordered over a two-way radio. "I'm going to reduce this building to rubble! Enough lives have been taken in this place!"