« Oh, sorry, this is my boyfriend Cody, » Melissa says, pointing towards the boy with the dark hair who gives me a small wave before she motions towards the pretty boy. « and this is our friend Joey. »
Joey gives me a tense smile before avoiding my eye contact. I give a small wave to Cody since he was the only one of the two paying attention. « Nice to meet you. »
« You too, man. Why’d you come here your senior year ? » He asked me.
« My dad got a job offer and he persuaded my mom that this was a really good opportunity, so here we are, » I say with a chuckle before checking my phone for anything from Emilie.
The teacher walks into the room and sits down at her desk to set up her laptop before the final bell rings in a few minutes. I look out the door to see more people rushing around the hallway and a few of them are staring at their schedules while looking very confused.
« So do you know how the dance team is here ? » I ask Melissa who immediately perks up when she realizes what I had just asked her.
« The dance team is amazing. Coach Erixon runs it all by herself with some help from her wife, who is a professional dancer that has been in a few Broadway shows. You’re in it ? » She asks me.
« Yeah, I signed up when my parents applied me and my sister for the school. »
« We don’t have too many boys interested in dance, so this is incredible news. We focus mostly on contemporary and jazz because that’s what Erixon is qualified in and she always chooses two people to do a duet dance of music to their choice so maybe you’ll get chosen, » she says.
« Maybe, » I comment before the teacher starts teaching after the final bell rings.
Once school is officially over, I walk Emilie out to see how her day has been. I had walked her to class whenever our classes were close together and she made a few friends in some of her classes and others, not so much. I think she overall had a good day and she looks happy even though she’s stressed about the amount of homework she has to do as soon as she gets home so she can come to dinner tonight.
I make my way to the nearest bathroom and change into some black joggers, a black t-shirt, and a pair of Converse since I’ll probably end up taking my shoes off anyways because I like that better. I make my way to the auditorium since that’s where dance team practices because the back wall is lined with mirrors and a dance bar, at least that’s what my mom was told.
I walk through the doors and see some people on the stage doing some stretching in their leggings, shorts, or sweatpants. I go up the stairs to stand on the stage and an older woman with short, curly hair in yoga pants, a t-shirt, and some ballet shoes walks up to me.
« Hi, you must be Kade, I saw your name on the roster and knew I didn’t recognize it. I’m Coach Erixon, » she says, holding her hand out for me to shake it.
« Oh, hi, it’s super nice to meet you, » I tell her.
« So have you danced before ? I just want to see what your skill level is at and go from there, » she tells me, holding a clipboard in her hands as she prepares to write whatever I say on it.
« I’ve been doing dance since I was nine. I also have done gymnastics for the last three years to focus more on my flexibility to better my dancing, » I tell her.
« Well, that’s great ! I 100% love suggestions and opinions on the routine me and my wife come up with, so never be scared to speak up and tell me something, » she tells me.
« I won’t hesitate to do so, » I tell her.
Melissa comes in just as Erixon starts us off with team stretching before showing us the first routine that we’ll be working on for months perfecting for the recitals they hold here at the school four times a year to show off what we’ve been working on.
« We’re going to start with a contemporary dance that will have two groups basically having a conversation between them with two center focuses. It’s inspired by Black Swan, so there will be an evil side and an angel side, like black and white. »
Everyone gets excited when they hear this, but I’m too preoccupied by feeling like someone is staring at me. I turn around to stare behind me to see who and I’m met by the eyes of Joey, who is sitting in the audience with Cody next to him with his phone between his hands. Once Joey sees me staring, he immediately averts his eyes and whispers something to his friend before getting up to walk out.
« How will we decide who is on which side ? » Some blonde girl asks, bringing me back to everyone else that’s standing on the stage. Melissa comes over and links her arm with me as we all walk up to Erixon’s computer where she’s displaying the dance.
« We’ll separate everyone equally once we figure out who our two leads will be. We’ll do what we do every time when I have to make that decision, which is I’ll teach everyone the dance and you’ll all do it together and I’ll pick two of you out, » she says.
They all nod while everyone spreads out for her to start teaching us. After about an hour and a half of dance, she dismisses us and tells us to be ready to perform in groups next time. I pick up my bag and make my way to the nearest bathroom to change into some khaki pants, a white t-shirt with an orange and blue flannel, and some Vans.
Once I walk out of the bathroom, Melissa, Cody, and Joey are waiting for me there. I give them a confused look. « What’re you doing ? »
« We wanted to walk out with you, » Melissa says as we start to make our way towards the parking lot. « so how was your first day here ? »
I nod my head. « It was okay, not the worst, not the best. »
« Did you like the dance team ? »
« Yeah, it was good. I like the ideas Coach Erixon has and I think the routine will look amazing if it’s executed correctly, » I tell her.
« Why’d you get all dressed up ? » She says, pulling at my flannel a bit with a small smile playing along her face.
« I’m going to dinner with my family to celebrate the first day, I guess. I don’t know too much about it, » I chuckle as we walk out the doors and into the parking lot.
We stop at a black car that looks pretty new and expensive, telling me that Cody must be well off when he pulls the keys out of his pocket before throwing his bag in the back. Melissa reaches over and gives me a small hug before walking over to the passenger side.
« I’ll see you tomorrow, alright ? » She tells me with a questioning look.
« Yeah, of course, » I tell her and I guess I could say today was successful because it seems like I made at least one friend since I don’t exactly know how Cody and Joey feel about me just yet.
Cody and Melissa get in the car as I start to walk towards my car that is deeper in the parking lot and I notice that Joey’s walking a few feet behind me. I realize that he hasn’t said even a word to me today even though I’ve caught him staring at me a bit and even right now, he seems very tense.
« Why are you so tense ? » I ask him as I slow down to be at the same pace as him and his shoulders freeze up even more from us just being so close to each other.
He looked up at me. « Since when am I tense ? »
« Like the whole day, » I say with a light chuckle. As I get next to my car and pull the keys out my bag, I see his arm reach out to grip at my neck as he slammed me against my door.
His hazel eyes shift into a bright, electric blue color and my eyes widen as I notice how unbelievable that actually is. I reach up to grip his arm to try to pull it away from me, but I feel his metal grip tighten as I touch him, so I pull my hand away and try to kick him, but his free hand catches my leg to throw it down.
« What did I ever do to you ? » I gasp out as his grip tightens on my throat, cutting off my oxygen supply even more.
« Don’t spread your nasty ass gayness on me, » he snaps into my ear before taking his hand away and starting to make his way to his car that seems to be a few rows down from mine.