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« Anyone been troubling you ? » He asked, frowning, his tone was a lot gentler than before.

I bit my lip. I shouldn’t have snapped at him.

« No, it’s fine, just… »

« Okay. »

Dylan used to be one of the people who bullied me relentlessly. Always laughing at me and picking on me till I was twelve.

Then one day, my first day at detention, I was walking with a pot full of glue to help the kindergartners. He tripped me and I fell. The five year olds were laughing. It was embarrassing as fuck. I got up and ‘accidentally’ dropped the glue on his hair before running out crying softly.

He had to cut his hair the next day, unfortunately he looked hot with short hair so nobody even laughed. To my surprise, he was a lot nicer since then. Almost like he didn’t want me to freak out again.

Then we got paired on a science project where we made a deal. I’ll do the science part and he’ll keep the bullies away from me.

I don’t even know how we got close. Maybe it was all the time we spent in detention (1 month of our lives approx. I calculated). But I didn’t lack too much self awareness. I knew I could be a difficult person to get along with.

Six years later he still held on to his end of the bargain. Over the years he had kind of assumed the role of an older brother who both tormented you and protected you at the same time.

« You still need to pass in history, even if it is an extra. » I reminded him as he pulled out his phone and started texting his friends.

« Well,then it’s a good thing I’m friends with the biggest ne… » He coughed.

« Nerd around. Got it. » I said smiling. It was okay, he didn’t say nerd like people usually did. He didn’t say it like I was inferior somehow. Not like his last comment.

« Sorry. » He said.

« No big deal, » I smiled, »give me your assignment. « 

« Really ? » His eyes lit up.

« I have nothing else to do here anyways. » I said. Plus, I liked history. Unfortunately I had gotten myself kicked out of the class. Long story involving a paper pin, a bully and Socrates.

He handed me the papers.

I didn’t even need to refer to the texts. I was good at dates and events. The reason why I was so sure of my answer in Literature today. I was grateful for the assignment. It didn’t make me feel self conscious sitting in class like that. I didn’t have many friends to text except few of Dylan’s.

Slowly as time moved on ahead, I moved back. Soon I was lost in the streets of Athens, praying to Athena in the Parthenon. It was so much more preferable to the world I was in now. I had a feeling Odysseus and I would have been great friends. I imagined how it all must have looked, Greece and Rome, the Mediterranean gems. I wondered which was bluer, the Mediterranean or the Adriatic. I wished I could jump into the pages of the book and disappear.

Ugh ! Focus.


Odysseus was favoured by Athena and he was..

« So screwed ! »

Wait. What !?

I looked up, tearing myself from the pages. Dylan’s puppy, sorry, friend. Stood in the doorway. Apparently detention had ended and Dylan had fallen asleep texting. I didn’t blame him. I’m sure engaging in conversation with people from this school could cure even insomnia.

« W-W-What ? » Dylan sputtered waking up, brushing his blonde hair from his blue eyes.

« Dude ! » Puppy said, »you’re failing history !! « 

I watched in fascination as the full impact of the situation hit Dylan like a truck. I was tempted to laugh and say, ‘I told you so !’ But that would be insensitive and Dylan was my last remaining friend.

Dylan and Puppy looked at me. I rolled my eyes.

« Oh, fine. I’ll help ! »

While reading the devil’s scriptures in literature was my extra subject, my heart was in Science. Although I did enjoy Art and History as well.

I packed my sketchbook and handed Dylan his History notes. I had already finished the homework. If I got into trouble I had warned Dylan that I’d blame it all on him. He was desperate so he agreed.

It was easily around seven in the evening. Detention ended at five. I was completely immersed in the history assignment while Dylan was fast asleep. I doubt we would get in trouble. What could they do ? Give a kid detention for overstaying detention ? I felt a smug smile creep across my face.

Ugh ! No. Humble. Be humble.

Frankly I was one of those people who thought humility was overrated. But when in Rome, do as the Romans do. And all roads lead to Rome. So basically we had no free will in whatever we did. Yet the society wanted us to be ourselves. Another reason why I thought rules were also overrated. Okay, I’m rambling again. Stop.

Point is, dear readers, rules can hinder my…creativity. It’s saddening really.

Needless to say I don’t give a fuck about them. It’s part of my charm.

But apparently today was the day I was to realize that rules were put in place for a reason.

The computer room was dark. Puppy was using the flashlight on his phone. Once I was convinced there was no one there I switched on one of the computers and started typing the code to get in. The security was a little tough but it was no match for me. Within minutes I was in.

« Okay, I’m in. »

Dylan and puppy sighed with relief

« Now I have to put you in the retest session. »

« Can’t you just change his marks instead of letting him give the test again. » Puppy asked frowning at me, annoyed.

Who the hell did he think he was ?

I fixed him with a glare that could shoot maim him to a basket case.

« No. »

I didn’t owe this loser with bad grades and an opinion that was even worse anything, especially not answers.

« Why not !? » He demanded impatiently.

Okay, this guy wasn’t getting the point.

« Because I’m the only one here who can handle a computer. You’re stupid. Don’t waste your breath giving me your stupid opinion. »

« Tyler… » Dylan started. Right his name was Tyler. I hated him. He was one of the bullies that thought he had the right to call me a loser when he had no drive, no ambition and no goals. He barely managed to pass. His usual job was to wag his tail and wait at Dylan’s feet for orders. He still hadn’t gotten the message that Dylan didn’t hate me anymore. But it’s not his fault. I’m sure that simple ‘no’ was overworking his two brain cells.

Call me whatever you want, but I felt no obligation to be nice to people who hurt me. Except Dylan because he had helped me more than he had hurt me. If you hurt me and expect me to give a fuck about your opinion or feelings, I’ll dismiss both like they’re trash. It was a good thing for me. I had to put up with fewer bullies and idiots.

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