« Hey ! » I heard one of my younger brother’s voices from behind my door. « Maddox, Mom said dinners ready. »
The door opens to reveal my sixteen-year-old brother, Layton. « Get your horny ass up. »
Passion’s POV
I wake up early in an optimistic mood with a cheeky grin curled on my lips. I bit my lips as my smile widened at the thoughts of my last night. I talked to Maddox Stone last night and help him jerk off. I still couldn’t believe I, Passion Rush helped the famous Maddox Stone.
I laughed shaking my head. I grabbed my phone to check how much money I had now considering I did twenty-six people last night, each time I got paid one hundred bucks. I opened my account and let out a sigh of relief when I saw two-thousand-six-hundred dollars sitting in my account.
After calculating this month’s rent and last month’s late rent, I was left with two-thousand-one-hundred dollars indicating I had enough for groceries, overdue bills, and late fees.
« Two-thousand-one-hundred minus one-thousand-five-hundred… » I mutter to myself as I hop out of bed doing the math in my head. I thought for a moment as I put the toothbrush into my mouth. Six hundred.
I spit my toothpaste out and sighed tiredly. I could use that for more toys or lingerie but I need to make sure aunty doesn’t need anything. I combed through my frizzed-up straighten hair that was gradually going back to its natural form.
I gleamed at myself as I thought of my conversation with Maddox. He told me how much he liked my naturally curly hair and how he wanted to see it soon. I finished my business in the bathroom — taking care of my hygiene and whatnot — before going to my dresser and retreating a white lacy thong and a matching bra. My phone pinged right when I tugged my thong on.
I grabbed my phone and opened my message app.
I laughed softly and threw on my robe, not bothering to tie it considering he’d already seen me naked. I turned to the window that was across from him and slide it open.
« Rush ! » I heard Maddox call out my last name from across.
Rolling my eyes, I met his deep brown ones. « What is it, Stone ? »
« You pay your shit ? Was it enough ? »
I smiled. « Yea, it was enough. Thanks, I’ve even got leftover money. » I told him while looking over at my full-length mirror, trying my hardest to clasp the bra in place.
Maddox must have seen me struggling because he chuckled his deep, playfully laugh. « Need help, Rush ? »
I closed my eyes letting my nostrils flare up before finally feeling the bra clip in place. « Nope. I’m all good Stone. »
« So what are you gonna do with that leftover money ? Shopping spree ? »
I laughed sarcastically as I pulled the clean, bright white bodysuit. « Unless you call buying work shit like ; vibrators and lingerie, » I smiled and shook my head as I tugged on my blue jeans that fit my tiny waist flawlessly. « A shopping spree then ; no. » I flatly said.
« Vibrators and lingerie ? » He leaned over the window sill with a wide smile perked on his face. « Can I come ? »
I laugh as I put on some white pumps that matched my outfit neatly. « Stone, what do you want ? Like really, if you want a quick fu-«
« A guy can’t get to know a girl ? » He interrupted in an annoyed tone. I looked out the window to see him running his large hands over his face and into his thick head of dark chocolate brown hair. « Listen Passion, »
My heart fluttered when I heard my name slip from his pink lips. He never really called me by my first name in the short time of knowing each other — as I did him. It was strange. It was the way he said it that made me want to really listen to his words.
« If I wanted a quick fuck I wouldn’t keep trying with you. You’re — You’re different Angel. And that’s what makes me intrigued by you. So let me get to know you, » I bit my lip contemplating whether I should trust the school fuckboy. My gut was telling me not to because he was just that — a fuckboy. Everyone knew he couldn’t keep it in his pants if he tried. So why would I shoot my shot at getting my heartbroken ?
Then I looked up and connected my brown eyes with his enticing ones. That’s why no one could say no. Because one look in Maddox Stone’s eyes and they were gone.
« Fine. I’ll give you a chance. » I mutter loud enough for him to hear.
He smiled, his eyes brightened and he did an air fist pump. « Fuck yes. Thank you, Rush. You won’t regret it. »
« I think I already am. » I laughed swinging my bag over my shoulder and grabbing my phone.
« Meet you downstairs ? You can ride with me. » He said before disappearing out of his room just as I did. I headed towards my Aunt’s room and saw her laying on her side.
« Cortney ? » I called into the room and watched my aunt slowly in a weak manner shuffle upright. « I paid all the bills, so I have leftover money and I was wondering if you needed anything other than groceries. »
« I-I need my m-meds. » She stuttered out.
I sighed and looked away, blinking back tears. I hated seeing my aunt like this even if this was her new normal state. When my mom died she fell onto drugs to cope with the loss. And even if it felt good then, it always came back over the pure numbness faded away. She cried at night a lot. Asking God to forgive her for not being a role model to me and for failing to take care of me.
I knew it was hard so I never held a grudge against her. She was hurting and sometimes — I hurt too.
« I-I can’t do that Auntie. I won’t buy you drugs. »
She slammed her first against the wooden end table. « Damnit, Marissa ! If you can do your porn, I can do my drugs ?! »
I flinched at the name she called me.
Marissa. My mother’s name.
« I-It’s paying the bills auntie. I’m not even intimate with anyone…you know that. »
She looked up at me with watery eyes and clammed her hand over her dried lips. « P-Passion, I’m s-sorry. N-No baby I-I’m sorry. »
I nodded with tears blurring up my vision. « I know, » I sniffle wiping my tears away quickly. « I know, and it’ll get better. »
She nodded and laid back down slowly.
I composed myself not wanting Maddox to see me like this, I quickly wipe my face with a wet rag and made my way outside. Maddox was standing there in a plain white t-shirt that showed off his many tattoos and gripped to his chest, showing the evident eight pack he had. He wore plain, black ripped jeans and some white air force 1’s. He was looking as good as he always did.
« Hey ! You done checking me out ? » He laughed.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, standing in front of his broad towering figure. « I wasn’t checking you out, you cocky asshole. »
He smirked looking down at me, his eyes roamed my body completely before going back to my face. « You look stunning as always, Angel. »
If I weren’t black I’d be blushing my ass off.
I turned my head to the side, avoiding eye contain, and folded my arms. « Thanks, you look — nice as well. »
« If that’s your way of saying ‘You look sexy as fuck’, then thank you. I agree. »
I shoved him and rolled my eyes as I walked towards his car. « Cocky asshole. »