A bottle of wine on the dining table alongside two wine glasses. i could ask Lily to reduce it
"No its fine" Chloe interrupted smiling, She had decided to wear a blue denim bum short and a black hoodie She had tried out behind when she left but
they couldn't even pass through her hips.
Sha had decided to go for the bum shorts and hoodie currently, she didn't even zip up for fear that it might be too tight.
She sat down next to Suzy as she poured the wine into the two glasses
"lily bring her food' Suzy yelled taking a sip of her wine "Hope you are good. I mean you might be going through some shit but are you good?
" yes I feel much better after taking a shower" Chloe replied tiredly
"That's good so there is a party tomorrow' Suzy said enthusiastically
" What" Chloe chimed in surprise she couldn't believe her sister right now. She had not even about some party taking a sip from her drink the she didn't
say anything outrageous
"I am not planning on leaving you here to cry your eyes out over whatever is going on" she added as Lily entered with a tray containing a plate of spaghetti and a glass of orange juice.
She placed it in front of Chloe arranging it in place as she bowed and walked out
'Thank you" she appreciated as she took the fork and started to dig in hurriedly Chloe could teel Suzy's eyes on her she
raised her eyebrows in sign of what?
She hadn't eaten a proper meal in days and she was starving really starving she could eat a mountain right now if she could
Thank goodness lily wan such a good cook the spaghetti had a funny taste but it was sweet at the same time
She poured herself another drink as she had finished the previous one as she had her last bit of spaghetti
"Chloe eww" Suzy shouted jerking the plate from Chole's mouth this as she had brought the plate to her mouth to wince it clean with her tongue.
"you are so disgusting, thought you have changed' she shakes her head in disbelief
Was she that hung? The last time she they were younger it was a little bit hilarious but right now it was not hilarious and so disgusting
Chloe tried to control herself but she ended up belching and immediately gulped down her orange juice. She was a mess and she didn't care it was her sister so she could do whatever she wanted.
"Ewww" Suzy was irritated .You do know that is the spaghetti with the legumes you don't like
Really? No wonder tasted funny she knew it tasted weird Chloe figured the hunger had driven away the taste.
"I didn't even notice" She said
"How would you notice? When you were eating like a chicken" Suzy mocked
'A chicken7 You are insane I was just hungry" Chloe responded
"So what are you wearing to the party?" Suzy asked
"Don't you find it crazy that I haven't settled down yet and you want me to go for a party" she asked
"You seem pretty settled enough to me"
"I am not going to any party and the ones Suzy invited her to in the past always ended up with the worst hangovers
She remembered one time they had slept in the car when Roman had come to pick them Roman being so nice had driven them home and watched over them while they because the last time he did Suzy had been very angry at him and at the thought of him carrying her while she was drunk
Another was when she had fallen asleep in the bathtub and the water was on till morning. The bathroom had turned into a small pool and Chloe body had wrinkled from staying in the water that long
Lily had cleaned the bathroom without complain and had made them some food and drinks to soothe these hangover
"Choose' Suzy interrupted her thoughts "You tell me what is going on now or you go to the party and tell me later"
she wants to emotionally blackmail me
They both burst out laughing
"I really cant believe you right now Chloe wanted to tell her everything but not right now she knew her sister would blame her for being ignorant but she wasn't ready for that lecture right now
'Plus I want you to meet somebody"
'Fine' Chloe agreed 'wait who do you want me to meet'
We are going to meet the fella tonight trust me
"Tonight Chloe couldn't believe it. This scheming monkey Who is this person you want to introduce me to7 is it your boyfriend' She asked again as Suzy slightly blushed
"i am not saying anything more reason why you should tag along" Suzy smiled stood up and headed inside. Let me get my phone so we can go shopping at Mrs. Parkers new shop' she yelled on her way
" I hate you' Chloe replied back shaking her head and taking a sip from her wine glass
First she told her that it was tomorrow now it is tonight and she brings up some mystery about someone
"love you too" She heard Suzy voice echoing and she could hear her giggling alongside
"Look at you" Mrs. Parker smiled She gave Chloe a big hug as well as Suzy whose eyes wat already scheming the cloth racks
Suzy broke the hug going to the cloth racks she saw Mrs. Parker quite often so she knew Chloe had some catching up to do with her.
Her priority right now was finding a lovely gown that they could wear to the club
"You have grown so big and beautiful" Mrs. Parker complimented
"Thank you' Chloe smiled "How's business? i am truly impressed that you could open a new store in such a short time"
"I tell my clients it is hard work but honestly between me and you" she leaned in whispering its having a wealthy and supportive husband
Chloe smiled at the sound of that it wasn't an hidden secret anymore it was true that Mrs. Parker's husband was a politician and supportive was his middle name when it came to his wife he went through all length for her this would be the fifth shop he was opening for her
At first Chloe thought maybe Mrs. Parker was just praising her husband but when she and Suzy had met the man he was exactly the way Mrs. Parker had talked about him and more.
Suzy had even tagged him the perfect sugar daddy Chloe didn't object either I mean who could resist such a man who still groomed himself so well
even in his old age
"So you are back fully" Mrs. Parker asked.
"Kind off "
"I thought your fashion program was ending this December" she inquired further
"Yes I decided that"
Can you both stop the chit chat and come to my aid Suzy interacted smiling at both of them as she winked secretly at Chloe.
Chloe knew that look.
Suzy had intentionally interrupted their conversation to avoid Mrs. Parker from pressuring her into saying more than she could handle, thank you Suzy
Mrs. Parker was an elderly woman not that she was a loud mouth but Chloe and Suzy were cautious of certain information that they shared with her or any of their friends
"Is she always this blunt to you' Chloe whispered into Mrs. Parkers ear
"Things we do for love" Mrs. Parker replied smiling
"I think this yellow looks sexy " Suzy said
"And who is wearing thar' Chloe asked going to another rack close by to check for something to her taste
"You of course"
Hell no Chloe shouted as Mrs. Parker giggled at both girls she could watch them bicker all day but today wasn't the day. She
had a lot of work to do
Excuse me please I have business to attend to
'I wanted to ask you that as' Suzy replied so we can sort ourselves out
You can ask my workers for help. If you need any Mrs. Parker said and walked out.
Chloe could see her talking to one of her workers probably telling her to be of help to them
'You should be mindful of what you tell her' Suzy muttered
"Did something happen"
It has something to do with Damien but we will discuss that later' Suzy mattered again coming to Chloe side to check out what she was looking at.
"Damien? Did she do something to Damien?
'What part of we will discuss that later didn't you get' Suzy asked.
'Well you should stop passing a sense of mystery when having a conversation with me'
So l really think you should wear this apen sided gown
"What?" Chloe implied astonished. She was only trying to pester Chloe she knew Chloe didn't do too well with wearing clothes that revealed too much shin You do know you are going to go commando in this one
Like no bra and panties
Why who would see it or you don't want me to wear it again?
"Of course the yellow is fine if a fit and we can get the red" Suzy replied excited. she hadn't seen Chloe in a revealing cloth in a long while well since she had broken up with Damien because the break up really got to her and even affected her dress sense but now its gonna be different
Are you choosing this cloth because of Damien Chloe blurted out and making Suzy wish she hadn't said that Damien was coming to this party?
"Of course not just asking because......"
"Are you sure about Damien i don't know if im ready to see him " Chloe said folding her hands angry at the thought that Damien might be at this
supposed party
The only reason she had agreed to wear the cloth was because she felt like there wasn't any reason behind it
"For the love of God there a no Damien i am not lying" Suzy said
" Alongside I will be happy if you stop mentioning Damien in any of our conversation we are over and that's that' Chloe pleaded
You both can still be friends a break up doesn't mean that you guys have to now be worst enemy' Suzy explained. She loved Chloe and Damien together and when she had heard of the break up, it didn't sit well even stop picking his calls She decided if she couldn't get them to date each other.
maybe they could be friends and probably rekindled their love.
"We are not enemies
"So what are you guys? frenemies"
"Very funny' Chloe rolled her eyes going through the rack. She finally spotted the red color of the dress and it came with glitters which made it pop out more than the yellow color'
'Fine I will try my best to not bring him up In our discussion but you do know he is my friend
"I know and eventually me and him will be friends again" Chloe said
Really' Suzy screamed excited by the thought
"You are doing it again" Chloe said hearing the underlined meaning in her reply.
"Am sorry" Suzy apologized but the tone still came out the same She picked two clothes from the rack secretly smiling to herself but Chloe saw
"You are not going to do what you have said right" she asked
'I didn't promise you anything" Suzy giggled. She said she will try and try wasn't guaranteed
Holding her hand and dragging her to the changing room