The next day Ellyza going out again she really bored, she had to comfort herself.
She buy a food and go to park to watch the kids play again while seating at he bench, After an hour she walk without knowing where to go. As she was walking suddenly someone caught his attention it was Aljon called her while waving his hand.
Ellyza smiled at him.
"It's looks like you are alone"?
Yes I was bored so I try to comfort my self.
Really? Do you need a tour guide?
Ellyza was lough, "A tour guide? Ellyza said.
At your service mam....Aljon said with a smile.
Ellyza agree to him and said okey.
Let's go mam, where do you want to go? They walk to his car and Aljon drive. When they reach the destination, Ellyza was amazed there so many rides here it was so beautiful, I feel like i'm back to my childhood. She's very happy, thank you she said to Aljon.
Your welcome ma'am he said while smiling at her and guide her inside.
They take some rides, after they buy something to eat. While they eating she saw Jake with other woman, and their eyes met. His eye was looks angry again, she turned her eyes to the others and Aljon ask her if she want to go to the haunted house. and she agreed.
but she didn't know that Jake they also entered the haunted house with the girl beside him.
Jake was very angry when he saw Ellyza talking to aljon at the park, he followed them when accidentally saw Mica with her friends. the daughter of one of the stocks holder in their company.
What are you doing here? Are you alone Mica ask him.
He just nodded and look at Ellyza talking to Aljon, but suddenly they met their eye but Ellyza ignore him.
he heard they going to haunted house, his very jealous you are mine you are my mate told to himself. Mica joined him and entered the haunted house but when it got dark he quickly disappeared.
When they entered Ellyza saw a split body with more blood in her fear she went astray. She lost Aljon, suddenly he saw a big dark approaching to her, a large black wolf. Because of fear she fainted.
When ellyza woke up, she seen Jake's face. What happened? Where's Aljon? Ellyza said.
Jake's face darkened when he heard that name. Ellyza felt scared to him.
She try to stand and go away but Jake pulled her to himself, you will not leave this room.
Ellyza was shocking by his attitude.
Why you do this? What I've done wrong to you. she ask while she cried.
But Jake didn't answer her, he just go out and close the door. Ellyza slammed the door repeatedly. Open this door please open it, help help please. Ellyza said while she's crying but it's looks like there's no one can help her. Until she get tired of crying and fall asleep in the floor.
When Jake open the door he seen Ellyza lying on the floor and he picked up her and put into his bed. He hug her to his chest, he feel his heart squeezing when he saw her. Her eye swollen in her tears, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Jake whispering to her ears.
Jake remembered Ellyza's birthday was coming up. the day after tomorrow, he also can't let ellyza go because of that. She's a late bloomer it's very painful for her when she's transforming as a wolf. the fact that she have no idea she's a half human and half wolf. Jake kiss her lips and immediately go out he feel hot, he need to control himself.
In the next morning when Ellyza woke up she feel her eyes was swollen. She dream again, with the man she hug her and feel comfortable. Who is that man ask to herself? Suddenly Jake entered to her room. He bring food to her, Jake helped her to sit up to eat and try to feed her.
But she said I could eat alone, Jake just looked at her and let her eat.
I'll bring your clothes you can wast up after eating. Jake said and he go out to her room.
Ellyza has many questions to her mind, why he do this to me. What his intention. do I have done wrong to him? Ellyza ask herself.
tomorrow is my birthday, I promise to my self I prapered something for my birthday. what now? How do I prepare or celebrate my birthday or cook something for me if I'm prisoner to his room. said to herself.
After she finished eating, she prepared her clothes but when she looks all the clothes it's all dressed inside and underwear no pajamas or tshirts she pick the white dress and took a bath.
When she finish taking a bath she decides to be nice to Jake and try to asks him why she's here.
Lunch, Jake entered to her room and bring her lunch, when he's going out.
Ellyza speak. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
Jake looked at her and sigh, he looked at her in a deep eye.
Please... Ellyza said.
Jake seat at the couch in front of her bed.
I'm sorry whatever sin I have done to you, I do not understand why you imprisoned me here.
Jake sigh again and look at her and speak. Because you are mine, you belong to me, your are my mate.
I can't understand how do you become my mate? Ellyza ask him again.
Because I'm a wolf and you are a wolf too. you are half breed, half human and half wolf. The first time I saw you I smelled your blood, I know that you are my mate and I don't wanna see you with other man. Because you are a half breed your a late bloomer, and also that the reason why I abduct you because your turning eighteen tomorrow as a late bloomer is really hard for you the first transforming as a wolf. I don't want you to perish, we leave in the human place at first you will be thirsty for blood. I need to train you.
I'm sorry because I abduct you, I know you really hate me but for now I really can't release you. I'm sorry. After I trained you promise I will let you go even you don't like me as your mate it's okey. Jake said.
Ellyza was shocking, no no no I'm not a wolf that's not true tell me it's all lie, you just really hates me. please let me gow.
Jake just looked at her, he feel her heart ache, he go out immediately he can't seen in her situation now.
Ellyza cry while begging him to open the door and let her go, but he never open the door, his like a deaf, until she get tired and fall asleep again.
11:30 in the evening Jake entered to her room with a rope, Ellyza was sleeping.
Jake bound ellyza's hands and feet and Ellyza woke up and speak.
What are you doing why you bound may hands and feet. What are you going to do with me? Ellyza screaming and shout for helf. Please please let me go please... she said while crying. until she felt tired and powerless.
Jakes said to her I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry until she calmed. He touched her face and kiss her, Jake please let me go please please she said while crying.
I can't baby for now maybe someday he said. Just bite me when you feel the pain ok, be a good girl.
Until she gradually calmed down in Jake's hugs and kisses and she didn't realize she was fall asleep again.
Quarter to 12 midnight. Ellyza's feeling hot, very hot and pain all ever her body.
What happened to me? Why my body was so hot? She feel nervous, is it true what Jake say to her? Oh she screem I feel pain all over my body. Jake woke up because of her screem.
It's ok baby I'm here beside you.
It's painful Jake it's like my bones separate.
Ahhh....Is so painful please help me Ellyza scream again....
Jake hugged her tightly while caressing her back.
I can not take it anymore, its painful.
Ellyza screaming. Jake hug her tighter.
Please let me go Ellyza scream again, she feel the heat and painful. Bite me Jake said to her Jakes hug her, she struggled but he hugged me even tighter, I'm sorry my love I can let you go because I love you he wisfer to my ears. but she struggles and shouted, please Jake I'm begging you please let me go it so painful, I can bear the pain anymore please she said while crying...
Ahhhh..... I can't take it anymore please help me Ellyza scream again.
Ellyza become wild he bite Jake repeatedly, the blood of Jake flow in the bed.
Ellyza scream and she feel her body separate and transform in a white wolf. Jake become a black wolf too, but Ellyza was wild he bite him all over his body. Until she get back to her human body and become un conscious.