He sets me down and pushes on the top of my back with his job. His strength and height dominance over me is going to become an issue with me, I can already tell. He wants me lay down but should I ? Maybe if I disobey him enough, he’ll get tired of me and kill me. I think it might even be considered a mercy kill. But I’m not in the mood to die right now so I lie down as told. He growls in approval as if praising me for obeying him.
I tense up as he stands perpendicular to me before he runs his tongue across my side. Ew. Oh god, what’s he doing ? He does that for a while, making sure to lick almost every inch of me before he looks in my eyes with his own. Those are eyes meant to terrify yet here he is, looking at me like I actually make him happy. Yeah right ! Mate or not, he’s a crazy-ass monster.
Are you going to follow like a good mate or do I need to carry you some more ? He asks and I growl at him. He stares at me as if asking me if I really wanted to do that. I stand up and glare up at him. Yes, yes I did want to growl at him. He might as well kill me if this is what the rest of my life is going to be like. Watch it, little mate. My patience isn’t the best when it comes to disobedience.
Well I guess you’ll be losing your patience a lot then. I bite back and he snarls at me before trotting off towards the men holding the women. I sit down and watch him stubbornly. He’s certainly not paying attention to me now. He won’t even notice I’m gone until I’m halfway out of the woods. Maybe three quarters of the way out if I’m lucky and he’s distracted.
I wait a little longer and watch as he approaches the poor, now childless mothers. One of the women pleads with him to let her hold her boy and I flinch when he snarls at her. He’s a monster. A completely heartless monster. All of the women shut up after that. They sob but none of them speak. He turns to one of his men and seems to be speaking to him through the pack link. Here’s my chance. Whiles he’s too distracted by this man, he’ll forget about me briefly and I can make my escape.
I count to four before standing up, turning around, and sprinting into the woods. If he noticed my disappearance then he’ll surely catch up. Hopefully he didn’t though. I’d cross my fingers if I had them right now.
Out of nowhere, I’m tackled to the ground from the side. A wolf has me pinned to the ground and I blink up at him, feeling dazed. He’s growling lowly at me and I recognize his back fur.
Oh great, the monster found me.
Shift, the monster orders me roughly. I laugh at him through the mate link. I think that must finally pushes him over the edge. For a man that is used to getting what he wants, he sure let me be difficult longer than I expected him to.
He bares his teeth at me before quickly clamping his mouth over my neck. I whimper. Maybe he’s decided I’m not worth it so he’s going to kill me. Should I be thankful ? He growls again but this time softer than the first time.
Shift, he repeats and I do nothing. I don’t move and I don’t speak. He bites into my neck and I whimper again. God, that hurts like a bitch. I contemplate my options. I really don’t have any choice but to shift.
He must sense my resolve because he lets go of my neck. I glare up at him before shifting back into human form. What I didn’t anticipate was that I would be naked and he would still be pinning me down in wolf form. I blink up at him in shock, trying to move my hands to cover me but he growls lowly at me as his eyes darken. Great. Just so freaking great.
He presses his cold nose against my warm cheek and then licks my face. I turn away from him with tears pricking my eyes. How can such a monster show kindness like this when he ordered his men to kill off a whole pack and torture helpless mothers mere hours ago ? No one can be that double sided.
« Get off. » I try pushing at him but his wolf is bigger than me even in this form and he has triple the amount of strength I have. I am nothing compared to him. Absolutely nothing. He gives me a look and I push at him some more. After a few more minutes of me struggling and him just watching me, I sigh and collapse into the ground. This is hopeless. I’m never getting out of this situation. This is my life now.
« Can I at least have some clothes ? » I ask defeated, my voice barely above a whisper. The tears that sting my eyes gather but they don’t spill. I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing himself ruin another life. He nudges his head into the side of mine almost apologetically and I swallow down the tears. When I say nothing else, he back away.
The cold air hits my body and I shiver, covering the most important areas. He looks at me for a bit before trotting off. I stare at him as he retreats. Really ? He’s really going to leave his so called « mate » laying here defenseless in the middle of werewolf infested woods ? What a lucky girl I am to have such a gentleman.
I sit up and pull my knees to my chest, crossing my feet in front of the place where the sun don’t shine. What now ? It’s not like I can run from him and through the woods completely naked. That would be practically asking for someone to take advantage of me.
A twig snaps and I whirl my head in that direction. Oh shit. A man a little older than me stands there looking at me. I cover myself tighter. Alpha Lupine will be back any second. I don’t need to be afraid. That monster won’t let anything happen to me at the hands of another male ; it goes against his instinct. He takes a step towards me and my eyes widen in panic.
« You might want to leave. » I suggest and he smirks at me. « A very impatient alpha is going to be coming back any second and he isn’t going to be too happy to see down other guy looking at me. » Its not really a threat. If anything, I’m helping the guy out here.
« Hmm. » He takes another step towards me with the same predator smirk on his face. My breathing hitches. « I’m sure he wouldn’t be too happy to see his mate with another male, now would he ? » And there’s down thing in his tone that makes me look at him a little harder. He’s hot. Like Calvin Klein model type of hot.
His strong jaw and hard eyes make him seem threatening and his height doesn’t help the scare factor one bit. He’s probably at least 6 »3 where I’m done here at most 5 »3. He’s most likely an entire foot taller than me. And his eyes look like a nice caramel brown that would make any girl melt. The way his brown hair is pushed off of his forehead as if he runs his hands through it has my toes tingling. His high yet super masculine cheekbones make me want to simply jump into his arms and let him take me away.
There really isn’t anything bad with that happening though. Nothing he’s going to do to me is going to be any different than the stuff the monster will surly do to me. I might as well go with this guy and get it over with.
« That’s what I was implying. » I look at him like duh. He takes another step towards me and I quickly glance around me. Where is that idiot ? If he’s not going to come in and sweep me away from this hot guy then it’s his loss, I guess.