« What are you doing here ? Didn’t you get the hint last time ? No one wants you here bitch ! » I wince at the ungodly high pitch voice of the famous Jessica George.
Her nasally voice only makes me think of nails on a chalkboard.
Rather than talk back and say all the amazing comebacks that are running through my head at lightning speed, I keep them to myself and stay quiet.
« What ? Nothing to say ? Get out of my sight loser. » She waves her hand as though trying to get rid of a fly before turning back to her friends.
With an inward sigh, I turn and walk out of the dining room. It’s a buffet not a Broadway show.
I roll my eyes the second that my back is turned, I would do it to her face but with how dramatic she is it would only result in me getting in trouble for something that didn’t warrant.
With a sigh I head back up the stairs to my room, locking the door behind me so that I wouldn’t be interrupted.
I head to the window that overlooks the front of the house, giving me a clear view of everyone that comes and goes. I spend most of my time up here since I’m not really the most popular person in the pack.
That’s the understatement of the year, I’m the pack omega, otherwise known as the lowest of the low.
My parents were actually pretty high up in the pack, my father was the Beta and my mother being his wife, was just as important as him. She helped in the hospital a lot when she was free which made people even more envious of her. My mom was probably more of a Luna than the actual one when she was here.
My parents died in a car accident when I was seven, the night is still as clear as when it happened, almost like it was yesterday. I was at my friends house at the time, of course with me being seven I didn’t sense the tension that radiated through my parents as they were dropping me off.
I only figured that out a year later when I was constantly going over the night in my head, not able to let the thought of them go.
Everyone passed it off as just a freak accident, they swerved off the road so we assumed they were dodging an animal or something in the road.
It took me eight years until I came to the conclusion that someone was after them. It didn’t make sense to me when I was that young but it couldn’t have just been a freak accident.
Not with the way the car was flipped, or how they were both on their phones when they died, or even how they had clothes and essentials packed, as though they were leaving.
With a hard shake of my head I push the thoughts from my mind. Now isn’t the time to bring up old theories.
Those ‘theories’ are what got me to where I am right now. Everyone considers me the freak now because I confided in a friend of mine at the time, they thought I was crazy and eventually ended up telling everyone they knew of what I thought.
That ended up taking me from the normal kid who went through a traumatic event to the freak kid who can’t get over a tragic accident.
A knock on my door breaks me from my train of thought, making me jump. I look at the door for a moment, listening to see if my senses will lead me to who is there. With me being only 19 I’m still trying to prefect my senses, I take any chance I can get to test them out.
I sigh when after a few moments I don’t get any hint of who it is. I walk to the door and open it, revealing a worker.
« Alpha George would like to see you in his office ma’am. » She bows her head slightly while I nod mine.
Although I’m the lowest member of the pack, we have workers who are even below me.
After my nod she scurries back down the stairs, making me smile slightly at her rush. I check my appearance in the mirror quickly before heading down the stairs myself.
I’m not sure there’s a person in this pack who hates me more than Alpha George does. It might have something to do with Jessica being his daughter though. He’d do anything to make my life as miserable as Jessica wants it to be.
I’m pretty sure I’m just being called down to his study because of something Jessica or one of her little wanna-be’s said to him.
It takes me about two or three minutes to get down to his study but that’s mostly to me taking as much time as possible to get there.
When I get to his study I knock lightly and wait, knowing how mad he gets if I just barge right in. Normally I’m not so big on rules but Alpha George tends to be a bit…. Harsh on his punishments.
« Enter » his deep voice carries through the door. His voice never fails to make the hair on my arms stand on end.
I take a few deep breaths before entering the room. He’s seated behind his desk, his eyes scanning the papers in front of him.
« Ah, Madeline take a seat. » He gestures to the two identical chairs that look like they belong in the waiting room of a hospital rather than in front of his desk.
I choose the one closer to the door, sitting on the edge of my seat so I don’t look like I’m comfortable to be here.
« Well let’s cut to the chase shall we ? » His smirk let’s me know that he doesn’t have plans to move my rank up, but instead has plans of my punishment running wild in his head. « Jessica and Bailey told me about how you challenged their rank today. As you know that’s a very serious offense in this pack. »
His raised eyebrow makes me raise mine in return, does he want a response ?
« Anyway, I just wanted you to come down so that Andrew could escort you to where you need to be. » I feel myself tense immediately at the name.
Forcing myself to relax I square my shoulders and give a single nod in understanding. Nothing I say right now will change his mind, if anything it will only make the punishment worse.
He nods his head at someone behind me, taking that as my cue I stand and take a deep breath before turning around and heading for the door.
I see Andrew waiting for me but rather than acknowledge him I continue walking, not hesitating or slowing my step.
I hear before I feel his hand moving out to grab my arm, even with the advanced warning I still flinch at his touch.
He leads me all the way back to my room but rather than enter it with me as I had thought he would, he stops at the door and waits.
I turn and raise an eyebrow at him, silently questioning him. « You have 20 minutes to get ready, I’ll be back to collect you. »
With that said he turns and shuts the door behind him, I waste no time in collapsing face down on the bed.
I already know which area of punishment Andrew works in so I dress accordingly. I wear a black t-shirt and a pair of old running shorts that were almost too small for me.
I would need old, run down, clothes for this.
Just as I was heading towards to the door I hear the knob turn and the door gets pushed open. Andrew appears behind it and my shoulders get even more tense, if that were possible.
He tilts his head in an indication to follow him so rather than make it difficult I do as he says.