The day everyone had been waiting for finally arrived. The whole city was busy and full of merriment as hopper—who is the first son of late iconic Mr Jing, celebrates his 25th birthday. the Jing family is among the top 5 in the city's social hierarchy and that's because of their partnership with the Austelin company which was a founded by Mr Austin but now in the care of Mr Warren — his Manager who took over since his assassination.
As the town prepares to celebrate hopper, they also got ready to see the girl who he was to marry, as the custom demands someone of his age gets married and responsible enough to take over the families business. Bryan on the other hand was in his dressing room, preparing for his own proposal too which he had kept a secret from everyone except aunty Sally.
" okay...I think this should do. So tell me, how do I look ?"
Bryan asked the blonde skin woman standing next to him in alluring beauty as he stares at the mirror, getting prepared for the party. He nervously tries to fix his tie
" Bryan.... you look good dear, but can you for God sake tell me what you are so nervous about ?"
She said and helped adjusted his tye to fit properly. She could feel his heart throbbing as her hand touches his broad chest
" C'mon, what are you so nervous about ? Are you scared to confess your feelings to her ? " She asked and he turns to her with a weak face
" Aunty Sally, I think am actually getting this weird feelings."
" Weird feelings ? about what dear, rejection ? I thought you guys have been dating and really love each other ? "
" Yes Aunt, but it isn't just about her. What if my so called siblings should cause havok today ? I know I didn't tell anyone of them about it and that's because I don't want any ganged up plan against it. They hate me so much and I feel like they may do something silly when I finally propose," Bryan said and faces the mirror. " I don't want to ruin this day for her."
He brought out the ring from his breast pocket and stared at it nervously and aunty sally smiled. Aside his siblings behavior, he still couldn't figure out Sasha herself. Her character had been strange lately and she hasn't take any of his calls from last night or was she still angry with him ?
He was also still bothered about the rich guy her friends talked about. Was she cheating on him because of wealth or was it just a mere silly talk ? ' Nope, Sasha can never cheat on me: we have come too far for that. It was just girls silly talk' he though
" Don't worry dear, it's gonna be fine. Just go do you okay ? " Aunty Sally patted his cheeks with assurance of things going well while she gaze at his blue eyes with a smile
" Thank you aunty, I really don't know where I would have been now if not for your words of encouragement," he said to her generously. Bryan was adopted from the orphanage by Mr. Jing when he was just 1 and reasons for his adoption was because Mr Jing and his wife were unable to get a child after years of marriage but after Bryan's adoption, then Mrs pheona discovered that she was pregnant. The pregnancy made Mr Jing loved him so much because he was viewed as someone who brought good luck to the family, but unfortunately, Mr Jing passed away when he was 5 and the family never treated him thesame since then. Aunty Sally was the only one he could call family afterwards
" You are welcome my love. I just want you to know that I always love you okay ? now go. she might be waiting for you at the reception already so don't keep her waiting. "
Bryan thanked aunty Sally and tried talking her into being present for the birthday party too but she refused. Sally self refusal for being in gatherings was so strict. especially when influential people are invited.
As he sauntered on his way to the party, an anxious smiled was forced out of his lips when he sighted the reception.
He gazed nervously at the large auditorium which was already filled with so many guests and people that matters around the world and the thoughts of how he would propose to sasha began hitting him. having the courage to propose to a girl thesame day with his brother proves he have got some nerves, especially in a family that doesn't really like him. He wanders in his thoughts and suddenly felt felt a tap on his back
" Hey bryan," he turns to see Ava, smiling beautifully at him
" Hello sis, what's up ?"
" Am good. You are looking so handsome and I like your dress " Ava complimented and his jaw fell in surprise. Since he was adopted into the family, Ava had never said anything nice to him but here's she saying something different ' or was this her new trick?' he thought.
" Thank you so much, " he appreciated hesitantly
" So, how's your girl. It's been long i saw how around here. Is she not coming for the party ? "
" Ermmmm....yeah of course she's coming. She's probably on her way now," he replied
" Oh, Okay. Bryan...." She said and walked more closer to him. " I know we haven't been good all these years but I just want you to know that am still your sister and would always love you, okay ?" Ava said and got Bryan completely confused. What has come over her ? Ava.... apologizing ? What is wrong ?
" Ava, what is the problem ? you are already sounding strange right now,"
" That's because am really sorry Bryan. Please forgive me and let's have a fresh start because today is going to be really interesting," Ava said with a wink of an eye and turns to leave but then remembered something. " Oh , and I want you to go welcome hopper too, he would be arriving anytime soon. He a has something in stock for you." She grins
'something in stock for me ? What does she mean by that' he asked himself and wanted asking Ava but she had quickly ran back to go meet her friends.
As he padded his way out to go wait for hopper, he brought out his phone to call sasha who wasn't still around and hasn't been taking his calls since last night, but she wasn't picking up and it got him worried, but stood outside with the maidens and large numbers of security who were all for Hopper.
In no time, Hopper's convoy was sighted driving in style. Though the reception was at their house since they had a very massive event hall in the mansion they stay but hopper had gone to lodge in one of the biggest 5 star hotel in town last night with the new girl he had been talking about, which no one knows yet.
The convoy halted in front of them and they all curiously waited for the popular hopper to exit the car. There was a smile on Bryan's face even though his mind wasn't yet settled on Sasha's case. Everyone lay their gaze on the convoy and the securities tries to restrict the journalists from going closer and suddenly, the long awaited celebrate stepped out of the car— holding a very beautiful lady that stunned everyone, and bryan received the greatest shock of his life.
" wait, sasha".....' Bryan called out as they crowd all hails hopper. He couldn't believe his eyes. how come the girl that step out of the car with hopper was Sasha, Or was he dreaming
He got confused to see both of them holding each other like they had known for long. " this is totally impossible!" he said as he wormed his way through the securities and journalists so he could get to hopper.
" Hopper..... What is happening here ? Where do you know her from ? " He asked, pointing at Sasha
" Hey Bryan...... what's up ? Oh, forgive my manners. meet my girl, sasha. Sasha please say hi to my adopted brother; Bryan," Hopper replied simply with a mischievous smile on his face and Bryan was shocked to see Sasha acting comfortably like everything was just normal. The shocker was that she was putting on the gown he struggled to get for her
" Your girl ? How do you mean your girl ? Sasha please what's going on here because am so confused right now, and tell me why you haven't been taking your calls." Bryan amidst confusion, asked Sasha who stood — staring at him saucily but got no response.
" Sasha I'm talking to you !" He tried to tap her but hopper hits his hands off angrily
" Hey Bryan, I just told you that she's my girl so fuck off and leave the way for us, hmmm.... don't cause a scene, people are watching." He pushed Bryan aside and walked passed with Sasha, into the reception, with the help of the securities
" What the hell just happened ?" Bryan asked as his mind got clouded with rage and confusions; he was in shock on what just happened and Immediately, he stormed passed the journalist too and entered the reception with an aggressive manner but paused when he saw hopper and his mom— Mrs pheona — hugging, so he waited till she left before he walked up to them to pour out his mind
" Sasha do no play dumb with me and act like you don't know what's happening here. Why did you came out of his car , holding hands ? What are you doing with him ? Answer me ! " He blurted with his face already turning red
" Hey take it easy bryan, people are watching," hopper mindfully said as he tries to avoid any scene that would disrupt his guest and softly placed his hand on Bryan's shoulder but he hits it off immediately. " Take your hands off me. I wanna know what's happening here,"
" Oh you wanna know ? Well, fine. Sasha here is the new girl. We have been together for some time now and I was also aware of your savings to get her the gown she's wearing. You couldn't afford a thousand dollar necklace still, lol.. ."
" What ? Is this true Sasha ?"
" Yes Bryan it's true. Now can you just leave us alone in peace, please ?"
Sasha finally spoke out and it really melted his heart. Here's the girl he had been planning so well to surprise.
" Why sasha, what have I ever done to you to deserve this ? You cheated on me with my brother who doesn't even love you ? ". He spoke in pain
" What, oh please, stop trying to play the victim here. I thought I promised to deal with you but you thought I was joking, right ? You started this and now you will feel the pain " her reply to him Immediately followed by hoppers own
" And what do you mean by " my brother " who the hell is your brother, me ? Haha... You are nothing but just an orphan who my father accepted and gave a life so do not call me your brother because you got nothing to do with royal blood. You are just privileged to be received by one. " Hopper proudly said and sipped his whine with a mocking smile on his face
" You are gonna watch him talk to me like this in front of you right ? So I now mean nothing to you anymore ? "
He turns to sasha and said pitifully while she acted like she couldn't even see him. He was so emotional and was deeply trying to hold back his tears but she never replied. Bryan stood for a minute and watched them hold eachother, till it lead to a kiss and he couldn't take it anymore.
" No I won't let him take you ! " He Swifty grabbed her hand and tried to walked away with her but a hot slap landed on his face that made him release her in shock.
Slaps** " How dare you touch me ? Are you mad ? ! ".
" Sasha, you slapped me ? " He asked; touching his cheek in surprise while hopper smiled in excitement (still sipping his drink
" Yes, you bastard !" She angrily hurled her drink on his face and left him in awe. At this point, they have suddenly became the centre of attention for the guest as all hell was let loose
" Sasha, you did this to ......."
" Enough Bryan, I don't like my women talking too much. You deserve what she did to you for holding her like that. I know you love her but don't worry, am gonna take good care of her. I did that last night by fucking her so good in the five stars hotel (somewhere you can't take her to) and I will do that again hmmm," Hopper said and placed his hand on Bryan's shoulder again and made him lost it as he called his fist and landed it on hoppers face aggressively
" I said don't touch me ! "
" OMG, Bryan how dare you ? " Sasha in shock, slapped him again as the crowd goes wow. Everyone; including the securities, were shocked of how a nobody like Bryan punched hopper who's an icon and got all powers in his hands then Immediately, Mrs pheona interrupted..
" What happening here ?" Mrs phoena asked looking disappointed
" Can you imagine this fool my girlfriend...."
" Take it easy bryan, what is wrong with you ? How dare you hit my son on his birthday and humiliate him in front of the public ? " She glared at him while the guests where already so confused. Bryan calmed down— seeing how his actions had already been noticed by the guest and got them wondering. Already, the journalists were already taking records of all that was happening and Suddenly, A tall muscular man walked up to them, wearing a face grimy smile on his face.
" Shhhh ... Why don't we go settle this in private hmm ? People are watching and we shouldn't scare the guest here." Mr Greg, who was the house keeper clasped Bryan's hand and walked him inside away gently. he already knows what was gonna happen. The crowd were calm but the guys who really knows who greg was, began to weep silently for Bryan as he took him away from the public.
" This guy is so dead today." A voice said from the crowd and Bryan sighted Darlington and Ava laughing mischievously.
It was all planned. The people he called family, plotted this just so that he could be heartbroken and Sasha who he trusted wasn't even moved by it..