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Her father’s insensitive remark about her blindness had affected her, and in doing so, had struck him awash with anger. He could have rung the old man’s neck for it, and her sniveling siblings, no better than their cowardly father, had been more than eager to sacrifice their frail sister in exchange for their freedom.

In spite of that, his decision had been sealed the moment she appeared to him.

And for a moment Don pondered as to why he had chosen her. Was it simply because, like him, she too was cast as something other than the norm, or because she was the most enchanting creature he had ever happened upon ? Mayhap the obvious – she lacked sight, therefore she was unable to bear witness to his beastly face. Or perhaps, was it because she had revived a miniscule heat in him that threatened to thaw the hailstone that had become his heart ?

But he was also captivated, enthralled by the lovely maiden who had dared the impenetrable darkness without a single trace of light to guide her. Her innocence and gentleness appealed to him in a profound and most unsettling way. And now he had her in his possession, to do with as he pleased.

Don emerged from his thoughts as they approached a set of wrought iron gates. His guard, Givens, abandoned his post to admit them passage and the portcullis raised with a groan. He gave the old man a concise nod and nudged their horses through just as the stable boy, Ives, bounded towards them.

« Good evenin’ to ye, Lord Rossetti. May I take the horses for ye ? » The lad gazed with large, amber eyes that dominated a freckled face smudged with dirt. He craned his neck and those amber eyes flickered with rapt curiosity on his quiet captive.

« Rein your meddling, boy, » Don snapped and the boy quickly averted his gaze. « Take the horses to the stables, » he commanded as he dismounted.

As he stepped toward Elle, prepared to lift her from the saddle, his heart strangely jolted in anticipation at touching her. The feeling itself nearly rent a gasp from him, stalling him in stride.

Her cloak concealed all of what lay beneath its coarseness and Don had a vague curiosity as to the feminine curves underneath. He should feel nothing for this girl but the mere thought of putting his hands to her small waist kindled an incredulous, unwarranted desire that he could not shake. She was small in ways like a child but he knew she was anything but. He lifted her with ease for she weighed next to nothing and lowered her gently to the ground. His hands lingered no more than necessary and the moment she gained her footing, she retreated.

She cleared her throat. « May I have my wooden staff ? »

« I will see to guiding you, » he assured, noticing the stiffening of her shoulders as though the very thought of offering his arm repulsed her.

« Sir, I should make my own way, » she protested with a rising of her chin.

« I insist, » Don growled.

She pursued her mouth but said nothing more as he took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm.

Don scowled as he quelled a mounting of anger. Was she repelled by his touch ? And yet as he glanced down at her she appeared anything but. She was rousing an assortment of feelings he had long thought dormant. He could convince himself that there was no real impulse behind those feelings, but that fleeting thought was without conviction.

How could her father relinquish her so readily without a fight ?

He led Elle through the entrance hall of the keep into a darkened corridor scarcely lit with candles braced upon sconces suspended from the wall. Her small hand clung to his arm, dousing his earlier suspicion that she may repulse his touch. Mayhap she cared nothing for the supposed rumors of his ghastly appearance ?

« Is your home lovely ? » she asked suddenly, the gentle lilt of her voice jarring him from his thoughts.

« I imagine it was at one time, » he answered gravely, gazing at her.

« Could you describe it to me ? »

Her inquiry surprised him for it teemed with sincere curiosity and not fright as he half expected.

Don studied her in the shadowy light ; grateful that he needn’t worry about adjusting his hood for there was no need. Not with her.

She tilted her head to an angle, her expression set in absorption as she listened to the sounds presented to her.

The scent of jasmine hovered just beneath his nose and he drew it in, marveling at how quickly he’d grown to like the flowery fragrance that was all her own.

Gazing upon her face and inhaling a scent he should not relish, was a dangerous combination. He felt a jolt of remarkable hunger ; an unforeseen awakening that the onslaught of it nearly drove him to his knees. It was perplexing as it was mind-blowing, for he could not recall having felt a thing before, not even with –

Don hardened. What in the hell was happening to him ? She was disturbing him in ways that made him feel … unlike himself. How quickly her beauty disabled him.

« Nay, » he muttered more harshly than he intended, watching as disappointment flashed over her face.

As they advanced toward the stairwell of winding, stone steps, Edmund stood at the foot of it to greet them ; the faint lighting of the room casting shadows on his wizened face. His knowing eyes passed briefly over their guest before rising reverently to the hood of Don’s face.

« May I assist you in any way, my lord ? »

« Nay, Edmund, thank you. » He motioned to Elle with a wave of his hand, « This is Miss Duncan. She will be staying with us for awhile. »

The steward gave a slight nod of acknowledgment before saying, « A pleasure indeed to have you here, miss. » If the old man had any inkling as to her blindness, he gave no indication of it. « If you have no further need of me, my lord, I will retire for the evening. »

Don dismissed his steward and watched as the old man slipped away as he was prone to do. He was a ghost of a man ; an infrequent presence blending to and fro among the shadows. He seldom lingered and Don liked that best about him.

He turned towards the stairs knowing this would prove difficult, not for her, but him. His jaw tightened as his hand moved to the small of her back, « Step up, » he commanded, and she complied, stepping as he instructed once more, « Step again. »

She relied on his voice and that unnerved him. Shouldn’t she be wary of him rather than perfectly compliant, listening intently to his every word ?

When they reached the top of the stairs, the chambermaid waited eagerly to greet them. He couldn’t help but notice her state of unease at his presence.

He glowered at her from beneath his hood and as if sensing his glare she hastily averted her timid gaze. « Good evening, my lord. How can I assist ? »

« You will see our guest to her chambers, Lucy. » He paused, handing the maid Elle’s satchel of belongings, before adding, « See to whatever she desires. » And then he dropped his arm from Elle, the warmth of her snuffed like a candle.

He peered at her, noticing the rigidness of her spine and frowned. Then, recalling her wooden staff, having carried it all along, handed it over to the chambermaid.

Realization dawned in the maid’s eyes as she gripped the unusual length of gnarled wood before timidly reaching for Elle’s hand. « This way, miss. »

Don stepped into the darkness that enveloped the corridor, somewhat comforted by its covering as his hands curled at his sides, his fingers tingling from where they had touched her.

How the bloody hell was he to endure this ? His attraction to her was somewhat troubling. Sure, he’d felt something when he first saw her, but that something was rapidly evolving to a greater more.

The feeling didn’t sit well with him.

He was brooding, dark and feared for valid reasons. Elle Duncan was merely a means to see his debts settled, nothing more, and she would soon realize he was not a man to be trifled with.


Elle realized as a draft arose in Rossetti’s departure, eliciting a tremor down her spine that she had adapted to his nearness, so much so that she briefly mourned the loss of his warmth, taking her completely by surprise.

« May I have my staff, please ? » she requested of the maid.

« Aye, of course, miss. »

She felt a rush of relief as her fingers curled about the gnarled wood, feeling a semblance of security once again.

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