« How did his wife pass away ? » I casually asked while brushing the flowers with my hand.
Jamie’s shoulders became tense, his jaw tightened in discomfort. I studied the body language between humans, I know exactly what was going on. He wasn’t going to tell me because it somehow was a secret.
« It’s not my place to say. » He whispers.
I nodded in agreement, after spending a few more minutes in the garden we made our way back inside. It was already getting darker outside and the air was getting crisp. Jamie dropped me off in my room and left, I continued to unpack my stuff. I closed my window not wanting any of the cool air to enter, I changed into my silk pjs.
I laid on the bed trying to relax my body but it was no help, I kept thinking about what Jamie revealed to me. I couldn’t stop thinking about Laurie, he’s so mysterious and gorgeous. Frustrated on my new addiction I got up and yanked the blanket off of me.
My body was dripping in sweat, I cracked opened the window just a little to get some air. My throat was dry and in need of some water, I grabbed my robe and tied it around my waist. I walked down the stairs in complete darkness to get to the kitchen, I opened the fridge and grabbed a cool water bottle.
I leaned against the island table while drinking my water, the cold substance leaked in my mouth making my mouth moist.
The only light that was provided was from the moon itself, the light blue moonlight shined from the sliding glass doors. This man was driving me nuts and I bet he hasn’t thought once about me since meeting me.
I rolled my eyes at my own very thoughts, I threw the empty water bottle in the trash before heading towards the room filled with art. I turned on the little lamp that was on the table, the art was way better at night for some strange reason. There was a piece of art that immediately caught my attention, there was a girl painted in a room that was empty and dark. I tilted my head trying to study the art and the meaning behind it.
« Cén fáth an fuck atá tú anseo ? » His voice shouted, I jumped up frightened by his sudden outburst. (Translation : why the fuck are you in here ?)
His eyes were a darker hazel now, they had a hint of vile anger. I didn’t understand one word he said but I could tell he was angry from his face expression and his tone. I probably looked like a deer in headlights, I subconsciously let go of my robe letting it open in the front.
His eyes trailed down my body, my body grew stiff when I realized that he was starting at my tiny shorts and crop top.
That’s unprofessional
I quickly tugged my robe under my arms making sure to tie it tighter, his eyes didn’t leave my legs. I shifted my weight on my legs as I cleared my throat making him look back up at my eyes.
« Eariler Jamie was giving me a tour and-« I pointed behind me towards the paintings showing him the reason I came in here. « Well this room is gorgeous so I decided to take a second look at it. » I stuttered quickly as I purposely left out the dead wife part, it would be weird if I mention that.
Laurie nodded calmly, to calmly for someone who was going to explode a couple seconds ago.
He walks closer to me causing me to hold my breath, my hands started to sweat and my mouth suddenly became dry again.
« Daughter of a Russian prostitute became a doctor, what a weird world we live in. » Laurie stares at me while only standing a few inches away from me, he gently lifts his finger up to push back my strand of hair that was blocking my face from his view.
I gulped at the contact of his skin on mine, my eyes shifted to look at his hand.
« That’s none of your business. » I said.
« You’re my doctor, níl ? » (Translation : no)
« My personal life has nothing to do with you, this is a professional relationship Mr. Fraser. » I said in a serious tone, how did he even find out about that.
I made sure many years ago that my past was covered up, I went through several background checks and not once have they held me back because of my past.
« I do wonder, if your mother had no clue which client was your father than how come she knew your grandfather. » He says while lifting a paint brush, my eyes followed his actions.
I never thought about that, I just assumed that he was my mother’s dad. I never questioned my mom on anything, I trusted her with almost everything.
« Keep your nose out of my business. » My voice deepened, and I took steps towards him making our noses touch.
He brought out emotions that I’ve buried deep inside of me, the pain of losing my mother made me cringe in pure agony. His chest was heaving up and down while our bodies were almost touching, I could feel the electricity sparking between us. The untouched feeling of desire burns within us, he searched my face for any clue of anything but as stubborn as I am I didn’t let him see anything.
« Please tell me you guys aren’t going to bang against his dead wife’s desk. » A voice bloomed behind us, I peeked over his broad shoulder to see who it was.
Laurie kept his glare on me not even flinching when he heard the strangers voice. I pulled back taking many steps away from him, I just realized it might’ve looked like we were doing stuff.
« Reian, this is my doctor Nimfa. » Laurie tells him while still staring at me.
My body shivered under his watch, I squeezed my legs shut feeling a certain pulse down there. His eyes trailed down to my legs, his eyes darkened while a smirk took over his lips.
« Nimfa, I think it’s time for you to head upstairs to maybe release some-«
« Stress. » He slowly licked his lips, coating them with his salvia.
I watched it happen, my core was basically shaking.
I nodded my head innocently, I gently pushed past him but before I could leave he gripped my wrist.
« I don’t want to see you in this room ever again, understand mo stór ? » He leaned in towards me, whispering against my ear.
I nodded.
« Good girl. » He whispers making his voice even deeper than before.
Those two words were so innocent yet made my legs shaky. I pushed those feelings away and climbed up the steps to leave, that Reian guy didn’t move so I had to brush past him, he looked me up and down while biting his bottom lip.
I felt like they were both dominant lions and I was the scared weak, little antelope stuck in their pride.
I headed upstairs to my room and slammed my door close while leaning against it. My breathing was uncontrollable, I felt hot very hot. I ripped off my robe and threw it on the floor, I ran my hand down the valley of my breast to my lower stomach, my body buckled when I got to the spot between my legs.
I shook the lust out of me and lowered my hand back to my side.
He was driving me insane
I woke up before everyone else did, I sat outside on the table while drinking my tea. I watched the birds fly by and the flowers bloom in the wind, it was so beautiful here but then I remembered how much of a prisoner I am. My smile faded away as I brought my mug up to my lips taking a sip of my healing tea, Diana left me a schedule in my room that Laurie follows while I was asleep last night.
He should already be awake by now, I had to take notes of his heart movements, his strengths and weaknesses. I was dressed in my normal high waisted pants and long sleeve shirt, I had very little makeup on and my hair was clipped back. People would take one look at me and call me boring, I’m just a simple girl with a simple life.
I’ve tried dating in the past but my work has always gotten in the way, I don’t have time for love.
I grabbed my examination bag and climbed up the stairs to his office, the smell of cannabis filled my nose. I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what was going on in his office, I barged through the door not caring for his privacy.
The scene itself almost made me erupt, Laurie was sitting on his desk with a huge blunt laced through his fingers while a blonde chick was on her knees in front of him giving him a blowjob. His jeans were hanging off near his shoes as his other available hand held the back of the girls head slamming his dick deeper into her mouth.