My name is Sofia Hazel , I'm 18 years old, I don't do anything with my life, besides playing futsal, I'm thinking of making it my profession, although it's still very difficult at the moment, but I've already done some tests in women's teams and I I got off very well.
I train from Monday to Friday at a sports association, and that's where I met Valentina, a rich, preppy girl with no talent for playing ball, there was nothing interesting about her, apart from her father, who almost left me breathless when he entered the court beside her, wearing a social outfit and with a perfume that took over the whole environment.
He caught the attention of all the girls in the association, including the coordinator who insisted on introducing herself.
I was never interested in older men, until the exact moment I saw Valentina's father, he wasn't just any man, he didn't look old, the guy's body was phenomenal, his appearance was impeccable, it looked like he had been carefully carved so there are no errors or defects.
The first thing I did was introduce myself to his daughter, after all, that was the easiest way to get closer to him.
- Hello? I'm Sofia Hazel , you're Valentina, aren't you? I heard the coordinator mention your name.
Valentina: Yes, nice to meet you.
- Are you going to sign up for futsal?
Valentina: Yes, I've always liked this sport, but I've never played it, I'm here to learn.
- If you want I can help you, I've been playing for about two years.
Valentina: Are you serious?
- Of course, we can be great friends.
The girl gave me a hug so strong that it took my breath away, she seemed to be a highly needy person.
Valentina: Come here, I'll introduce you to my father.
She pulled me out, and took me to her father who was already leaving the place, and that was all I wanted.
Valentina: Daddy wait, this is Sofia Hazel , she's going to help me learn futsal.
He held his hand out to me and smiled, and his smile made sparks fly in me.
"Pleased to meet you, my name is Kalel Carvalho".
I squeezed his hand and returned the smile, but I knew that was the starting point of getting him to notice me, I had hopes that would happen very soon.
I was still 17 when this happened, I had few sexual experiences, I lost my virginity at 15, but I never fell in love with anyone, but I knew that Valentina's father would awaken feelings in me that I had never experienced before.
The first time Valentina took me to her house, I wasn't so lucky to find Kalel at home, as he was working, but my visits became frequent, and our meetings started to happen.
He never looked at me for more than five seconds, he only looked at me to say hello, and that started to bother me more than I would like, and no matter how much I wore the smallest clothes, wore the biggest cleavage, he never looked longingly.
I took advantage of every moment when Valentina wasn't looking and stared at him, but he never showed that he noticed my looks and everything was making me impatient.
Being in his presence wasn't like in a club, where the guy is looking at me and I look back making it clear that I'm also interested, after all he didn't give me any freedom.
It was months investing in something that wouldn't leave the corner, it was bad nights sleep, and a lot of wasted time.
A few days before my 18th birthday I plucked up the courage to talk to Valentina about her father, our friendship was already firmer, and she already considered me her best friend, so I felt safe to ask.
- Your father is so quiet and serious.
Valentina: When my mother died he became a different person.
- And he didn't get involved with anyone else after that?
Valentina: I think so, but nothing serious, I've never seen him with anyone else, but he sometimes goes out and arrives at dawn, so I think that's when he takes the opportunity to have sex with a woman.
- And that doesn't bother you?
Valentina: Not really, he deserves to meet someone who will make him smile, who will remind him that he is still alive and that he has no problem being happy with someone else.
- And if that person is someone younger, wouldn't that make you angry?
Valentina: And since when is age a problem for someone to be happy Sofia?
We both started laughing, but I already had good reason to intensify my advances.
When my birthday finally arrived, I had to be away for a few days, I traveled with some friends and we celebrated my coming of age, after all I would be able to do many things, including going to a motel, something I always wanted to do , but he couldn't because he was a minor.
Kalel didn't allow Valentina to go traveling with me, because she hadn't turned 18 yet, and he didn't want his princess to be in the middle of the woods with a bunch of men and women with hormones on edge.
While I was drinking a beautiful caipirinha, I was thinking about the things I would do to reach my goal.
- Maybe I'm of age, he decides to look at me as a woman.
I told myself with a beautiful smile on my face, because within me there is the certainty that I would succeed.
The days following the trip were just to analyze my alternatives, I slept a few times at Valentina's house and paid maximum attention to Kalel 's routine , it was then that I discovered the days and hours he worked, the time he usually spends in the office, meal times and even the time he used to sleep, I confess that discovering all this without raising suspicion, was not something easy, but I managed.
When the day finally came that I would take the risks to get his attention, I replayed my entire plan in my mind, I was determined to get a taste of this man.
I had already arranged with Valentina that I would sleep there.
I separated a pair of tiny panties, a baggy and short blouse that I would wear to sleep.
My waxing was up to date, and all he had to do was put his hand inside my panties and I would take him to hell, that was the initial plan, but exactly nothing went as planned.
I waited for Sofia to sleep and stayed at the top of the stairs, waiting for the exact moment that Kalel would go up to his room, I heard the office door open and I hid myself waiting for him to pass, but that didn't happen, he didn't even go up the stairs, so I made the decision to go down.
All the lights were off, but there were small lights on the columns, so you could walk around the house without hitting anything.
I heard a sound coming from the kitchen, so I went there.
My heart felt like a bomb about to explode, I was notoriously nervous, but extremely determined.
Kalel was pouring himself a glass of water, and noticed when I approached .
He looked at my body quickly, but then he looked back at the glass right in front of him, but the three seconds he spent looking at me were enough for me not to back down.
I asked him if he wasn't sleepy, and he gave me a short and cold answer, like all the others he used to give me.
He tried to withdraw, but I put myself in front of him and started a conversation, I wanted to know if he was used to being with other women, but he made it very clear that that wasn't something he should talk to me about, and told me to sleep.
I knew he thought I was too young, he didn't see me as a woman, and I was willing to change his thinking.
I was never curious to have sex with older men, but I gave this excuse to activate his desire for me, I noticed that he got nervous, but he remained firm and said that I would find someone who would kill that curiosity.
Even though I put my body glued to his, not for a moment did I feel his cock get hard for me and that was frustrating, and even though he asked me to move out of his way, I wanted to go further.
I took his hand and took it to my panties, he stopped breathing for a few seconds, but was taken over by a wave of arrogance and nervousness and pulled his hand away at the same time.
He asked what that meant, I let out a slight smile when I realized that his voice was unbalanced, and that he was fighting his extincts.
I was clear and said that I wanted him to be the man to quench my curiosity, but he said that wasn't going to happen, but when I saw that finally his dick got hard, I knew that wasn't finally true.
He held my shoulders and forced me to get out of his way, he walked away, locked himself in the office and I stood still, in the kitchen, feeling my pussy pulsating with desire for him.
I hadn't felt his touch as I would have liked, but I wasn't going to give up that easily either.