In a restaurant, Amrish was with Kamini… The two were chatting and laughing out loud you could see the bond they shared. Kamini had a truly radiant smile:
Kamini: go cava Amrish I have enough laughs! I feel like my stomach is going to explode… (Keep laughing)
Amrish: but what can I? You're my best and it's been a very long time since we saw each other so I'm bringing back the good memories we were still crazy
Kamini: yes Amrish you're right… I really want to see Richa and my aunt I really missed them! When I was in Canada I only thought of them
Amrish: HMMM I know they will be very happy to see you again especially my mother and I know how you will make your entrance come let's go
They get up and leave. You could see how happy Amrish was for his best friend to come. In an ice cream shop, Shivani was with a girl. The two were chatting over ice cream:
Shivani: you know everything worries me at home! My mother no longer wants to speak to my father and my sister, and she forbids me to speak to Survi.
- I really don't understand your mother's behavior! How can she get so carried away for so little?
Shivani: I confess that I don't understand… She must have Survi accepting the fact that she was the one who poisoned our sister-in-law's coffee.
- well here is something that you have to understand… If it is not you who did it and even less Survived then it is surely your sister-in-law herself
Shivani: (shocked) what are you saying Jyoti? Do you realize what you're saying? How could Kavita do such a thing and moreover against herself? What would she have to gain?
- she has a lot to gain… I watched a series identical to your situation at the beginning the daughter-in-law sets up a plan to monopolize the property of this family but to achieve this she has divided this entire family so I advise you to watch your sister-in-law closely
Shivani: (thinks “Jyoti is definitely right! Kavita could be both the culprit and the victim I have to watch her for proof… If it's true that Kavita is really the one responsible I won't spare her she can trust”) uh Jyoti we have to go recess is over
They go to the cash register to settle the payment but against all odds the sum they had did not reach they were surprised. Shivani rummaged from top to bottom in her bag but she found nothing there and it was the case for Jyoti suddenly a person handed some money to the manager:
- Here is the amount they owe you...
They were surprised, Shivani looks up and realizes that it was the young man who ran past her with his motorbike the day she ran away from her wedding. Their eyes meet and they start to contemplate each other Jyoti next to her starts to smile then ends this moment:
- uh thank you really you just helped us without you we can't imagine what we would have done! Are you coming Shivani shall we go?
Shivani: (stammers) yes… Yeah!
They leave, the young man looked at them and dodged a cute smile. At the Vandhara house, Survi was cooking dinner, she was really diligent in the task, she devoted all her energy to it. Ashoka arrives and sees her like this, she approaches her and violently snatches her skimmer which leaves Survi in shock:
Ashoka: what are you doing? (she asks angrily)
Survived: I…I
Ashoka: have you lost your tongue? I just asked you a question that is in no way complicated and as far as I know you have to give me an answer so answer—me! What were you doing?
Survival: Mom I was just preparing the evening meal...
Ashoka: and who gave you the right or permission to do that? Ah, so I see how you want to poison us all like you did with Kavita… You are shameless little one
Survived: (sad)
Ashoka: what do you think no one will see you cooking? Well, you are wrong, dear, I never want to see your hands on these utensils again, is that clear?
- she will touch them as much as she wants…
Ashoka is shocked and turns around. She is surprised to find her marriage in front of her, Survi smiles shyly with tears that were filled in her eyes. In a car, Amrish and Kamini were constantly discussing their childhood and all the memories they shared together when suddenly a car blocks their way. Amrish is shocked. He opens the door of his car and gets out, the man also gets out and the two find themselves face to face. Rishab, his father:
Rishab: so how is my boy? I see you are in the company of a beautiful woman...
Amrish: I'm not surprised that you don't recognize her anymore because people of your kind forget their loved ones very quickly… It's Kamini, Uncle Satish's granddaughter
Rishab: Wow! She has grown very well… But that's not the point! I just want to remind you that there is a challenge between you and me and I hope you haven't forgotten it
Amrish: Even in my grave I will never forget this challenge! You underestimate me because you think you are a pro in this game, but Mr. Rishab Pathania, known as my progenitor, I am going to prove to you and the whole world that your blood does indeed flow through my veins… And that I am capable of do what you do...
Rishab: That's great! Nice speech a moment ago listening to you I was very scared because I thought you were victorious but my son let me point out something to you the game you are playing with me is not a game you 'we win with words but with deeds and sometimes stuffed
Amrish: you don't need to tell me again because I certainly didn't inherit your cunning but I inherited your intelligence and your malice so as long as you can laugh at me... Me Amrish Pathania son of Vaishnavi Pathania I will fail you
Rishab: I'll see how you're going to take me down! Bye son…
He turns on his heels and gets in his car, his driver starts the car and they leave. Amrish clenches his fists so much he was angry. At the Vandhara house, the atmosphere was paradoxically at its height:
Ashoka: I don't wonder when I hear the saying that "like daughter" if the daughter poisons her own family then the father must actually do worse
Jatin: you can say whatever you want Ashoka but be sure that your words will not make me hot or cold… Remember one thing if my daughter poisons me I will consume this poison with delight and I will even lick my fingers if need be and die proud
Ashoka: (pause)…
Jatin: Survi can touch these utensils as much as she wants because this is her father's house and I am the head of the family… If you feel too embarrassed by this you can refuse to eat her meal but I his father I will savor this with joy
Ashoka can't stand these words anymore, she puts down the skimmer and leaves. Jatin takes her daughter in her arms. Consoling her:
Survived: dad I don't appreciate the fact that you talk to mom like that
Jatin: you're not the only one, darling… It hurts me as much as you do, but we deal with it! I hope she will regret all this later
They embrace. Shivani who was on her way home, saw Kavita going to a strange and infrequent place, Shivani was surprised by this, she then follows Kavita without her realizing it. Kavita enters a warehouse, Shivani also enters. She hid directly behind barrels. Kavita was walking and finally arrived in the center of the warehouse, there was a man sitting in a chair. It was the doctor who helped him but unfortunately Shivani couldn't see him but on the other hand she takes out a wad of money which she throws at the foot of the doctor:
Kavita: here is three hundred thousand rupees for the moment you will have to manage with that! I'll give you the rest later...
- No ! No Kavita we had concluded and today you should give me my money in full…
Kavita: I know you don't need to remind me! I would have given it to you if I had that amount, but unfortunately...
- I don't want to listen to your half-hearted excuses, I want my money (he interrupted her)
Kavita: Hey! What gives you this courage to speak to me like this? I do not accept that one speaks to me on this tone understood? For the rest of your money you will have it by the other week...
Survived: but what do they say to each other? I really can't hear anything and I can't get any closer or I'll get caught! Why is Kavita offering this man a wad of cash? And who is he exactly?
- for this time I accept the money but soon I will not give you a gift
Kavita: (thinks “yes and that I know it! Here is why I took care to put a bomb in this damn place! You were a great help to me but here I am sorry because I have to compromise ")
Kavita held something in her hand, she pressed the button and the hidden bomb started counting down, we were at 59 seconds. Shivani noticed the bomb and without wasting time, she ran away from that place. Kavita also turned on her heels and left the place. The doctor took the money from the floor and began to count:
- Tsutsutsutsu Kavita, do you think that if you give me my money, I'll definitely leave your life? No you can always hope for it but I will be there forever! You are a very useful way for me to make money! (smells the banknotes) money has no smell but it bewitches!
The doctor was leaving but he was walking very slowly and… 5,4,3,2,1… BOOM the bomb had exploded with the doctor inside the warehouse… Holy Kavita she just hit again.
According to you:
Shivani will know the whole truth?
Amrish will be able to defeat his father?
The dispute between Ashoka and Jatin will last long?