I temporarily lost my mind.
I mean, that must be the only explanation to why I found my arms surging up to lock around Sebastian’s neck as he nearly lifted me off my feet, kissing me with torrid intent that I matched without pause.
His mouth was hot, moist and demanding, his tongue coaxing mine into a sensual mating.
My brain short-circuited, my heart sent a rush of fevered blood through every vein in my body.
Oh, God. How I’ve wanted this for so long.
It was true. I’ve learned to admit to a lot less in the last four years but one thing I wouldn’t, couldn’t deny was that Sebastian still stirred me with the same power that enraptured and crushed me that one unforgettable summer.
My heart ached with his nearness, with memories of the days when we held each other this close, kissed with tenderness and passion and promised each other love forever.
And he broke that promise.
The pain, dulled by the years, slashed me anew, and with a low cry, I tore myself away from Sebastian, stumbling back unsteadily.
He caught me by the elbows, allowing some distance between us without completely releasing me.
His hair was a tousled mess, his eyes bright with emotion, his breathing uneven.
“Cassandra,” he rasped. “I… I’m… I’ve missed you so much.”
His raw confession worsened the turmoil inside me and I closed my eyes briefly, waiting for the tears to abate. The last thing I wanted was to break down in front of him after four years of reining in my feelings.
“What do you want, Sebastian ?” I asked weakly. “What are we doing here ?”
His grip loosened on my arms, his thumbs gently rubbing my skin.
I pressed my lips together to fight the shiver that ran up my spine.
“We have to talk. This isn’t the best place and time to do it. We can go out for dinner tonight and talk then.”
“No.” I took another step back, shaking his hold loose. This time, he let me go.
“We’re not doing anything else other than be civil together at work. I think, despite the past or maybe because of it, we can at least grant each other that.”
His face darkened. “I have something more than civility in mind. I’ll pick you up at seven, Cassandra.”
“I’m not going out to dinner with you, Sebastian !” I insisted, my tone rigid with indignation. “You and I are no longer anything more than just boss and employee.”
“You very well know we are a hell lot more than that !” he growled, leaping to his feet and pacing briskly.
I stood defiantly in the face of his rising temper. “No, we’re not. You made sure of that.”
He stopped and turned to me, his jaw clenched, his eyes stormy. “You still hate me. You’re still angry.”
I sighed and turned away, staring out into the bright, clear day outside. “No, I’m not angry. Not anymore. And I never hated you.”
“You cast me out of your life. It couldn’t have been anything else but hate.”
I glanced at him and almost smiled. “It was self-preservation. And it was a long time ago, Sebastian. We’ve both moved on. Just leave me in peace.”
He perched on his desk, watching me intently. “You’re the one who decided to work here.”
I sighed. “I know. I’m not as wise as I thought I’d become.”
“It’s been four long years, Cassandra, but I don’t think either of us is anywhere near forgetting or moving on.”
I scoffed. “Are you serious ? You’re the one who’d been toting women around left and right. Did you even notice the last four years, Sebastian ?”
He scowled. “I noticed every single day, Cassandra. But I know a good, important investment needs time.”
He got up on his feet and stood in front of me, his hand reaching up to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. “You’re lovelier than I remember, Cassandra. You look more grown up, your figure more defined, your confidence more sensual. I knew time would only do you good.”
“Yes, time taught me to be less foolish and fanciful,” I snapped, extremely annoyed at his casual reference to me as if I were an item on his investment portfolio he’d patiently waited to yield over the years. “I thought I grew up a long time ago. But you gave me an entirely different kind of education I will never forget.”
He flinched as if I’d slapped him and a part of me secretly regretted my outburst.
That summer was a catastrophe of both our making.
He stepped back, his jaw clenching in an effort to restrain his temper. “And so did you, sweet. I laid my heart out to you and you flung it back in my face. I can’t say that the experience had been pleasant.”
“Would it have made a difference, Sebastian, whether I agreed to marry you or not ?” I demanded bitterly. “How do I know that you weren’t just going to sleep with another woman anyway days after we get shackled together ?”
“Because I didn’t sleep with Natalie, dammit !”
I stood absolutely still, staring at him blankly.
He raked a hand through his hair as a string of curses ripped from his mouth, his eyes squinting close briefly, his lips clamping together.
“I hadn’t slept with her when you walked in on us,” he said slowly, his bright green eyes gazing down into mine. “She came that afternoon to apologize for turning you away. I needed someone to talk to so I asked her to stay for coffee. When I blurted out that I proposed to you, she dropped her cup and spilled coffee all over herself. Percy had to throw her dress into the washer so I lent her a shirt.”