I tried not to let my shock show, I was shocked at how close to reality he came.
We stared at each other his blue eyes looking into my grey ones.
I noticed all the details in his face.
He had a dimple in his cheek, and a slight stubble covering his jaw.
His jaw was strong and firm, his lips looked full and petal soft. I suddenly had the urge to….
I looked away quickly, what was I thinking ?
« Let’s begin with Chris and Sam, who would like to go first ? »
« I will » Chris spoke up.
Oh ! Uh ! what was he going to say ?
I don’t know why, but something got into me.
It bothered me the way she saw me, and I had to change that.
I also saw the shock on her face as I told her what I thought, which means I was right.
I stood up and looked at the class and cleared my throat.
« This is Sam Wolfe, she likes to spend her time studying and reading. This summer she completed a dual enrollment class and did very little partying. » then added « She doesn’t want to admit it, but she has a secret crush on me. »
I heard an angered gasp and I winked down at her.
« Very…interesting » Mrs. Spencer muttered a look of disapproval on her face. « Mrs.Wolfe ? »
I watched as she stood up confidently.
Something I’ve never seen in her until now.
« This is Chris Wayne. He likes to spend his time using his popular status to get away with thing’s and make us less popular feel horrible. This summer he went partying and went through many, many girlfriends » She looked down at me and smirked « He doesnt want to admit it, but he wants to stop dating dumb blondes and start dating smart girls. «
Laughter erupted throughout the class and I heard a sharp inhale behind me, and knew Chelsea thought Sam was talking about her.
Which I don’t know if she was.
« Chris, Sam meet me after class ! » Mrs.Spencer gave us a warning look before continuing.
I saw Sam retreat back into herself as she slouched in her chair her hair covering her face.
Oh great, so much for getting her to open !
After class we went to Mrs.Spencers desk.
« Those introduction were really disrespectful and crude. I don’t allow that in my classroom, so decide detention or lunch duty ? »
I knew what I had to pick, I couldn’t afford another detention.
I reached for the pink slip as Chris reached for the blue.
I politely said good bye and got out of the classroom as fast as I could.
A few moments later I heard Chris following behind.
« Sam hold up ! »
« What do you want ? » I exclaimed angry « This is the second time you’ve gotten me in trouble ! Anything else you want ? »
He flinched a frown marring his handsome face.
« Im sorry for that, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble. »
« Look » I sighed « I think it’s best if you try to stay out of my way from now on. »
With that said I turned and walked out of the school.
I’m glad I said that, I didn’t need anymore problems in my screwed up life !
The next day, I reported to Mr.Greene, the administrator during lunch.
He handed me a neon vest and put me in charge inside.
The outside patio was mostly for those who did something extremely bad like cuss at a teacher or skip class, after all there weren’t any administrators outside to tell people to throw there food away. Therefore food ended up in all places, sometimes even the trees.
The first thing I noticed was the jock’s table, so I tried to steer clear of it.
Just as I was turning away Mr.Greene called out,
« Wolfe your on the other side «
I cursed silently then headed to their side, but as far as I could. It was hard since more and more people kept leaving throughout lunch and I started getting nearer and nearer to their table.
« Yo, Lunch Maid ! « someone yelled.
I ignored them, and continued to wash down the table I was at.
« Lunch maid ! » The guy yelled again.
I gritted my teeth, restraining myself from turning to him and throwing the nasty wash rag so he could clean his own table.
« Lunch maid ! Im done with my lunch » He yelled again. « Isn’t this what you’re suppose to be doing ? »
I took a deep breath then stomped over to the jock table.
The guy was actually John Hillary, a football player in my English 4 class. He mostly just fooled around in there, of course being a jock he thought his grades would just magically remain an A without having to do any work.
He was built like a machine with short brown hair and green eyes. He grinned as I rolled over the trashcan.
« Took you long enough ! » He scowled « My trash was getting cold ! »
I couldn’t keep my mouth shut any longer, someone should teach this prick a lesson.
« Well if you would shut the hell up for a second maybe I would’ve come quicker ! » I gritted out through clenched teeth.
His eyebrow raised as if surprised I had the nerve to talk back. His eyes narrowed to little slits as all his friends laughed their ass off.
He grabbed his open bag of chips and dumped it all on the table.
« Go on clean it, bitch ! » He gave a twisted smirk.
My teeth scraped together as I tried to get a hold of my temper.
What was up with me lately ? It was as if the old me had been replaced with a much brave me.
« John clean that up ! » Chris’s voice rang out from my right.
I turned shocked.
I had seen him get up but I assumed he had left.
Next to him was Don, another soccer player.
« It’s not my duty to clean, it’s hers ! » John scowled deeply, his face twisting up.
Chris’s eyes narrowed to slits, and his nostrils flared.
Fear washed over me, as at that moment he looked a lot like my father.
I took a step back, and his eyes flickered to me but I looked away.
« Clean it up ! » He said gruffly.
It looked as if they were having a silent conversation as they stared each other down.