Chapter 4
He ignored my question. He just took out his phone and walked away from me a little.
Hello! Where are you? I'm here today at your house and good news I found him awake, sitting on the bed and removed all the needles hanging from him He whispered but I heard it. he was still looking at me while whispering to the other person.
who are you talking to? Is he surprised that I'm awake? Hurry up! He has a lot of questions and I don't want to be the one to answer them. Hurry up, but I'll leave him here.
he immediately hung up the phone.
He approached me and put something on my arm and looked at my blood.
My God, it's good that you're ok! She said
Who are you? Why am I here? Who brought me here? Where am I? I asked even though I knew it would answer me.
I'm sorry I can't answer your questions, when my cousin comes he will be able to answer your questions. You'd better lie down and I'll get you something to eat and then when he comes, ask him whatever questions you want.
I just followed him because he's not mad at me yet.
He went out and when he came back there was a tray full of food and water Sit down and eat and then take your medicine.
I didn't speak and just ate and then took the medicine, he just sat on the couch.
Soon there was a knock on the door.
It's open! the woman shouted
The door opened and a tall man in full black appeared to us He must have just come from work or something.
It's obvious he's tired because he's still sweaty but God knows he's so handsome.
He stared at me and then he approached the woman who was sitting Is she okay? He asked the woman
Relax He's ok, I've fed him and made him drink medicine. That girl.
They didn't even pay attention to me, they were talking as if I wasn't here.
The man stood up and the woman also stood up, let's talk outside that man.
Before going out, the woman turned to me you stay here and we'll just talk. She said goodbye
I just nodded.
A few minutes passed but the woman did not return.
I stood up and approached the door.
I was about to open the locked case.
what will they do to me? I felt fear.
Mis. Please open the door! I shouted but no one could hear me. Did they miss you? Did they leave me here?
I sat on the bed again.
It took maybe an hour before the door opened and the man entered again.
Earlier he was wearing a full black formal dress and now he is also wearing a full black T-shirt and short pants. His hair was still wet with a white towel hanging over his shoulder.
How are you feeling? he asked me
I was about to answer when his phone rang I'm already at home so you take care of it, I have something important to do now..ok thank you.
He hung up the phone immediately and then returned to me.
You alright? Don't you feel anything else like something hurts you? There was a hint of worry in his voice while drying his hair with a towel.
I just shook my head, because I was lost in his eyes so I couldn't look at him directly.
Are you sure? Don't be shy to say I'll take you to the hospital.
Hospital? Isn't it a hospital? And why was there a nurse here earlier?
You're not at the hospital anymore, this is my house, I'm sure you're wondering why there was a nurse here earlier. That's my cousin, I hired her as your personal nurse. I brought you here because there is no one to look after you at the hospital because I am always busy so you are always here at my house with my cousin. You've been asleep for 2 months and you just woke up now.
What? did i hear right? 2 months? Well, I thought my wedding was tomorrow, but it turns out 2 months have passed.
No one even looked for me? They didn't even look for me to see if I was dead or alive. Maybe they want me to disappear. I didn't realize that my tears were falling.
are you ok miss? Is something hurting you? wait, I'll call Faith to check on you!
He panicked and was about to call when I spoke. I'm Okay.
Then he hung up the phone really? Don't lie. I just nodded.
He was just staring at me so I avoided looking at him Mis. Do you remember what happened? He asked so he also looked at him
No. Where am I? Why am I here and who are you? I asked
I was the one who bumped into you when you were crossing the road, you were running on the dark road while it was raining, I didn't notice because I thought there was no one on the road and the rain was heavy. Do you remember that?
Yes, I remembered that but I won't admit it I immediately shook my head.
What's your name? Do you know anyone to call in your families? So I can call them so they can come to you here or maybe you remember where you live so I can take you there.
I have the number of dad and mom but I don't want to be angry because if they loved me they wouldn't have looked for me or they could have asked me to look for me but they didn't even ask me to look for them.
I don't know who I am, family and even place! I answered, his eyes widened at what I said.
Couldn't you have amnesia? My God, I don't want to take care of someone who won't remember.
I wanted to laugh at the look on his face but I held it back.
Hello Faith, she's dead, she won't remember anything.
I can't hear what the other person said But what if he has no memories for the rest of his life? What will I do here?
He was silent while listening to the conversation Ok, keep quiet, thanks for the help.
He came back to me "Mis, think carefully, maybe you will remember something, even if you just lived there, you can say it.
I just shook my head.
He sat on the couch, obviously thinking Soon he spoke. I can post you on social media so your family can find you easily. He came to me with his phone and was about to take a picture of me.
But I immediately covered the bed with a blanket.
Mis. Delete that so your family can find you, don't you want that so you can return to your family?
I didn't speak.
Mjs don't be afraid, hurry up.
I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it! I screamed so he was surprised.
He came to me and pulled the blanket that was covering my face.
I cried I don't want I don't want!
If necessary, I will do drama, just don't let me go back to the family that doesn't value me.
Ok ok, calm down, I won't do it if you don't want to Then I removed the blanket when he said that. I glanced at him and he was no longer holding his phone.
do you really have amnesia or maybe you have a problem with your family? So won't you come back?
I shook my head and cried I have no family, I'm gone, they don't love me anymore. My chest hurts because I'm angry, so I can't breathe properly, this is how I feel when I cry so hard, my breathing becomes heavy.
He went out in a panic and came back with water. Miss are you ok? Take it easy, sorry for the question.
He made me drink and then laid me on the bed Ok, just stay here while you don't remember anything because I'm also the reason you have amnesia.
My breathing is still heavy even though I'm lying down.
But if you remember something, please tell me so I can get back to you I just nodded.
Alright relax now, I'm just outside and just call me when you need anything.
I answered and he left the room.
I would rather live with other people than go back to people who only think about themselves.
I fell asleep again when I woke up I was still in the room.
I felt hungry so I sat down.
Where is that man? Just as I was sitting on the bed, the door opened.
He came in you're already awake, can you walk downstairs before you eat or I'll just bring it here. It's soapy
It's ok I can walk. I answered
My knees are shaking maybe because of hunger He immediately came to notice that.
He supported me to walk, I was separated from him because he held both arms to support me.
We go down the stairs until we reach the kitchen.
He made me sit on a chair at the table. You're sitting now, just get me some food.
He took a plate and put rice on it, then there was chicken with it. then there was a box of pizza on the table. He also made milk and put it aside for my food.
Also drink milk so that you can quickly gain strength.
I nodded shyly, I've become a burden it's embarrassing.
Are you going to eat? I asked shyly
I finished a while ago. Go ahead and eat.
Suddenly his phone rang in the living room so he said goodbye saying he would answer it.
I was left behind so I ate my food and drank the milk, I took two pieces of the pizza and ate them.
I stood up and put away what I ate and put it in the sink, after wiping the table before I washed the plate.
Leave it alone, he said standing at the table while eating pizza.
It's ok, I can do it. I said
Faith called to say how are you. I nodded to her.
I put what I washed in the plate holder then wiped my hand on the hanging hand towel.
I was about to leave the kitchen when he spoke.
Go there in the living room, the doctor will come soon. He said while chewing
What doctor? I'm fine.
Yeah, it's ok, but I want to make sure if it's really ok, maybe something will happen to you later, and your parents will blame me.
I can't remember who I am, so how will my parents know if I even have parents.
Even so don't be naughty and follow me I want if you don't want me to post you he told me so I couldn't do anything but go to the living room.
Wow, the design of his living room is so beautiful. His clothes are all green, and the color of the house is green. It's obvious that he doesn't like green.
He has pictures on his wall.
I was surprised to notice that the clock on the wall was 8:00 pm so it was already night.
Soon someone rang the doorbell so he came out of the kitchen.
Doc is probably already there, you're welcome
I'm nervous, what if he finds out that I didn't get amnesia, he will kick me out. Where do I go if that happens?
My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened again and he entered followed by a man carrying a small bag.
The man immediately looked at me.
Is he the one you're talking about? That male doctor Yes I would like to know if he is ok.
The man immediately sat in front of me and took out something. What did he do?
After 30 mins. He's fine, no pain!
I got nervous. What if he doesn't remember anything? Can't he even remember his name?
Is that a problem? Don't give him a name.The doctor laughed.
Crazy seriously is he sick i mean he has amnesia? he asked
To be honest, I don't know. The doctor said with a smile
He is also handsome and tall, Iwan is taller than him, I don't even know his name. Are you really a doctor? Why do not you know? He said annoyed that Doc just laughed at him.
It's simple, can I work in the hospital if I'm not a doctor? You're crazy, you're too serious.. I can't see anything wrong, I'll leave it to miss beautiful if she doesn't remember anything. But......I didn't hear him because he whispered
then he pushed him.. doctor Gago just laughed! When will you really come to your senses? Is it also your job to do it? Still annoyed
It's not serious bro, he's ok, there's nothing wrong, maybe he has amnesia from nowhere but let it be temporary and he'll remember too. but all in all he's not ok anymore. He said seriously
He fixed his bag and his phone rang.
He also said goodbye immediately because he said he was going somewhere.
He accompanied her out of the house.
I returned to the room when they left.
Does he know that I'm pretending that I don't really have amnesia anymore? I hope I don't want to leave yet.
Soon he knocked before the door opened.
Sleep in the other room. I will clean it tomorrow.
I stood up and followed him.
He opened a room and entered there with a bed inside there was a cabinet table with an alarm clock and a lamp on it.
Here you are. Just put it on if you want to change clothes because that's the only small of my clothes. Don't worry, it was washed after not being used for a long time, so it smells different.
Thank you. I said
By the way, what do you want me to call you? I don't know your name. He said
I thought about my pwding name. But before I could think
Athena! Ok Athena nalng, Thena for short Hey, what's your name?I asked again
Travore Dan, but whatever you call me. Wow, the name fits.
To Be Continued...