“Lost, little wolf?” said he, his voice all a cruel mockery.
A low growl emanated from behind her, wrenching Zara into startling fear. With her heart racing, bronze eyes widened, she turned, only to stop cold at the sight of glowing, yellow eyes gazing back at her. The shadow looming was that of a massive rogue wolf, snarling, fanged teeth laid bare, eyes fastened upon her.
Though her heart raced loudly, Zara willed herself to stand her ground. “I'm just passing through.”
"Oh, I don't think so," the rogue replied, advancing on her. "Wander too far away from your little pack, and you will soon be a snack."
Fists clenched and anticipation rising as muscles stiffened into coiled springs, Zara readied herself for battle.
It was obvious that the odds were against her, she was outnumbered. She was no match for them but would not take it lying down.
She sprang forth, claws a flash as she swiped at his side, surprise etched on his face. Pain snarled out of him, but before she could go on, two more wolves slipped from the shadows, circling her.
With a rush of panic cursing through her veins, invisibly she was encircled, and there remained no escape. Gathering herself for the inevitable blow, her gaze bore across the rogues while they drew closer.
As one of the wolves lunged for her, a dark blur took to the air and smashed hard into the rogue, sending him crashing to the ground. A fearsome figure of a wolf appeared with a presence demanding respect. His piercing gaze bore through her, in icy blue.
The rogue wolves froze, eyes wide in recognition of the newcomer. The one who'd taunted her let loose a low snarl, though mirth with a slight glimmer of uneasiness flickered, wreathed in fear at what he saw.
"Kael," he hissed, taking a step back. "This isn't your territory," he said angrily
In a low, dangerous voice, Kael made it clear. "I am to decide my boundaries, not you"
Feeling defeated, without uttering a word, the rogue wolves turned their tail and melted into the blackness, leaving Zara and Kael in the silence of the quiet wood.
She stared at him, her breath coming in short gasps as the terror and adrenaline took their toll. It was a stare that took the man's breath away.
He was taller than anyone else in their pack, intimidating but magnetic. With his physique all magnificent, the gazes collided between Kael and herself for a brief moment, and Zara felt as though he could easily look through her heart.
"What are you doing here?" he snapped, his voice frigid.
Zara lifted her chin, vowing not to let him see her fear. "I could ask you the same thing." She said trying to be bold.
Kael's lips curved into a faint and humorless smile. "You're all by yourself out here, little wolf. Did they send you spying on us?"
"I'm not spying on anyone. I left on my own." Zara bristled
The expression that flickered over his features was brilliant, one that perhaps suggested interest. "You left your pack?"
"Not that it is within your purview," she replied, crossing her arms. "But yes, I did"
He scrutinized her for a while as if assessing if he should believe her. "And now you're alone in the woods full of wolves who would not think twice before tearing you apart."
"I can take care of myself," Zara retorted, though the words felt false as she had barely escaped the rogue wolves. Had Kael not come...
Kael's eyebrows were already raised in an unimpressed fashion. "You can barely stand."
Zara gritted her teeth, refusing to acknowledge her weakness. She straightened herself, but a wave passed through her mind. She stumbled, and Kael's hand firmly held her upright in a surprisingly gentle way.
"Careful," he said, his voice softening as if to offer comfort.
That touch sent a strange electric thrill down her spine, and for just a moment, their eyes locked. She was inexplicably attracted to him, a bond she could not define. But just as suddenly, he withdrew his hand; his gaze became an iron stare again.
"Sick and tired of saying this," he traced, his voice failed to ventilate anything but coldness, "you shouldn't be here. Get back to your pack before you get yourself killed."
Zara raised her chin defiantly. "I won't go back"
“and you can leave if you won't help me.” She blotted
Kael sighed, not even trying to hide the irritation in his voice. "How stubborn!"
She crossed her arms, defiant. "That's not your business."
For a moment, Kael strayed closer to the woods, staring at the woods for any remnants; with her tension crackling in the air, Zara wondered how a lone wolf's strength could scare a whole dangerous pack away.
She sensed that there was more behind Kael than his dark exterior, but only he knew he hid it, as Zara herself did know.
"Fine," Kael said finally. "You can stay tonight. But come morning, you are going."
“What!, just a night? Do you….!” Zara tried to protest, But something in his gaze rendered her silent.
With a reluctant nod, she consented, but not in the least for the reason of leaving in the morning. She needed answers, and she was not stopping until she got them.
As Kael led her deeper into his territory, she caught glimpses of his pack in the shadows-wolves with piercing eyes and wary expressions. She could feel their distrust, and yet she held her head up high and refused to show fear.
They arrived at a small clearing where Kael motioned for her to sit. She complied with hundreds of questions bubbling up in the back of her mind: who was Kael? Why had he rescued her?
But before she could think more about it, Zara, using her powers, sensed Kael watching her with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. His expression was guarded as though he were weighing a decision.
"Sleep," he said, his voice leaving no room for disagreement. "You will need your strength."
“Need my strength?”, Zara wonders within herself
With no small reluctance, Zara closed her eyes, with curiosity taking a whole part of her.
Although sleep was so very far away with him so close beside her.
But the words following that come up, quite easily, few murmurs might be heard, following those murmurs before sleep overtakes them.
Zara, drifting into sleep, overhears one of Kael's pack members converse in hushed tones.
"Does she know who he is?”
“Does she even know she has been saved by the banished alpha?".
The murmurs in her dream baffle her as she hopes it is just a dream.