I'm Beverly, and this. Ben, was interrupted by her boyfriend sitting next to her, and when he looked up, meeting Ed's gaze, he finally understood why his essence was in doubt. The iris color of his eyes was purple he is a witch. Wow. Kaspbrak has not met them for a long time, even living in a metropolis.
Witcher men are a very rare species in their time. Eddie, he shook his outstretched hand. Sit down, what are you worth? Nobody bits here. While... Ben grinned. Kaspbrak setted down nearby. So are you from New York? the girl exclaimed in surprise. Eddie nodded in agreement. Everyone had a strange reaction to this fact, amazing... What? Kaspbrak shrugged, understanding absolute nothing. Derry wasn't that far away from them, then why was it so amazing to everyone? It's amazing that you were swept into such a hole, Ben intervened again, all normal people are running away from here on the contract. Well, great then. So I'm crazy, smiled at Eddie. He didn't want to talk much about the true reasons for his arrival. Moreover, he only recognized these guys. Beverly giggled quietly.
Okay, nothing. It's high school, so you don't have long left, was unexpectedly gloomily said by Stan, who hadn't interfered before. But after waiting for a short pause, he contained, did not have long left to escape from here again, Uris clearly wanted to joke again. But Eddie didn't specifically apply the humor, but rather for personal reasons. In his situation, he was not at all sure that, however, he would be able to leave here in the near future. Seeing that their new acquisition was puzzled by something, Hanscom decided to defuse the situation. What did you have on chemistry? She is our last lesson. I taught all night, but still didn't understand anything, he began to complain, but Kaspbrak stopped grasping the essence of the conversion, freezing with the feeling that someone was trying to study it. Someone else's biofield pressed too hard, brazenly developing his conscientiousness in dark waves. They looked at him. Trying to understand where this was coming from, the guy turned in that direction. These were again the werewolves he watched from the window today. Now he was sure that he had been notified then. Ed looked up, feeling how one of them, the one who was black, had his nose up, and then what happened in the ear of that same tall brunette who saw too handsome to be a werewolf to Eddie. Nasty.
They store on the opposition side of the yard, at the fence. And their interest was far from friendly. Kaspbrak felt, but remembering their fight today, he didn't like it at all. They are both alphas and are also aggressive. As if the voices of Beverly and Stan could be heard through the vacuum, Eddie licked his lips and met with bright yellow eyes, boldly not taking his eyes off for seventh seconds. And this seemed to be in vain. But he couldn't do anything, he started it first. This strange guy bared himself predatorily, wrinkling his nose, said something sharply to another werewolf that he wood next to him, on who face discust immediately appeared. And when Eddie cut off eye contact with him, he finally heard Beverly's question. Eddie, what are you doing? the girl spoke in a whisper, but one could understand that she was excited about something. Kaspbrak turned to her, not understanding anything, and not noticing that they were always heading in his direction. But, afterwards, I suddenly felt it, since someone else's biofield had become even closer, literally hanging like a formidable cloud over it. What? he raised his eyebrow in surprise, what not. but did not have time to finish, being interrupted by a rude voice. Why the hell were you fucking staring?! Eddie shuddered and turned again in the direction from which he was coming. Several strangers immediately drew attention to them. Those standing nearby whispered about something, observing the beginning of the skirmish. Kaspbrak almost flew off the bench. Out of excitation and a feeling of fear, his eyes flashed red, and his fangs lightly sharpened .Oh no...Rising above him, the same guy stud, army bared and clenched his hands in his fists, clear ready for an attack. It emanated a strong aroma of musk, from which, oddly enough, I didn't want to flicker, but it was very scary. Kaspbrak opened his mouth, intending to make excuses (?) or enter into a dispute, albeit using diplomatic methods for now. The guy tried to get up from the bench, without interrupting eye contact. But Stan suddenly appeared in front of them, grabbing the evil werewolf by the shoulder, lightly restraining him from intending to attack such independence and ready seizing his attention. For seventh seconds they stud staring at each other, trying to cool the ardor or vice versa. But Uris was the first to get tired of this staring game. His voice sounded smooth, but the steel that was in him made it known about the real mood: Calm down, Tozier, this is new, and he doesn't yet know about our rules. And you seem to have forgotten about them a little, Uris bared himself, showing his long fans, and Kaspbrak realized that it was better to return silent now. Did an acquaintance of his know what he was doing, or do you want another disciplinary sanction? Eddie was silent as hard as he could, hearing blood sitting in his opponents' veins. The werewolf grimaced, still third for reprisals inside, but apparently determined not to continue. The yellow color in the eyes changed to deep dark. He was angry, too angry, but something in Stan's words made him stop. Perhaps Uris did have a lot of fluence at school. Or was the reason something else? Well, then I advance you to quickly explore everything to this pale-faced princess, he spat out with irritation, I just confused him from afar with a girl, I thought she wanted to play with me, he grinned, coming out from behind the child of the guy, at the turned away Kaspbrak, in vain. Eddie tried not to show his true feelings, but his heart beat at breakneck speed. But that guy understood everything, he contained to study it, interest ignited in his gaze. But when Kaspbrak tried to do the same — he wanted to attack. What is the logic?— Otherwise it will be bad. Moreover, I see that he is not initiated, the last words for Ed were like a tub of cold water.This guy didn't mean it, did he?... Can't they still practice this? The cold sweat slightly pierced my back from terrible assumptions. And Eddie no longer noticed how Tozier disrespectful threw Stan's hand off his shoulder, pushing him, and finally saying something else evil, he left the yard with his friend, so as not to cause trouble, to the slightly disappointed groans of those watching it. Apparently, such spectacles were loved here. God, what a strange guy this is...Damn Stan, haven't you told him yet? Beverly immediately became alarmed. Uris responded by shrugging his shoulders, blaring army at Kaspbrak. I didn't know he was so far from the real world. What's strong? couldn't stand Eddie, who still hasn't recovered from such a strange incident. He has already stopped understanding anything altogether.
What the hell is going on here? Eddie, Beverly looked at him a little condescendingly, playing her hand on her shoulder, — we still have the old rules between weeks and vampires long eye-to-eye contact between males or females indicates a call for a fight. and, seeing the surprise on his face, contained, — Maybe where you lived before is not like that for a long time, but here... she smiled sadly, okay, don't worry. You'll get used to it.
Eddie wanted to object to her, to say that he thought it was strange and stupid, but the bell rang. And they had to leave. Stan didn't talk to him again. Kaspbraka was saddened by this fact, because he was not to blame for that situation. They still had these wild rules, of which he seems to have to learn a whole host. But the number of views added to him has become even greater. Many openly discussed the fact that he dared to challenge this Tozier to a fight, but jumped off. What nonsense? Did he start anything at all? He didn't even know this guy! Just think, we played staring... Yeah, he really got caught in a terrible hole. In the evening his mother took him. When she asked about the first day, Eddie just shrugged his shoulders, answering that everything was fine. But when they arrived home, he immediately locked himself in his room, spreading out in the starfish position on the bed, trying to resolve the tension. And then I went on Facebook and talked a little with Bill. Eddie: Dude, save me! Bill: What's the matter, bro? Eddie: It's worse here than I imagined;