Half Vampire and Half Werewolf, meet Von Vaughn. The twin brother of Van Vaughn. He was waiting for someone to come back...
I took a deep breath and looked down the middle of the aisle, I saw her. She's the one I've been waiting for. She's the one I've been hoping to come back for.
I still remember what she told me 5 years ago before I left Vampire High.
She once said "you know 5 years from now, let's meet again, we're two for each other"
It was 5 years ago today and I saw her walking in the middle of the aisle, wearing her white gown and holding the wedding flowers, she stop walking when the man in front of her held his hand and guide her to face the priest.
My tears flowed. I wiped it immediately while looking at her.
She's getting married to my best friend.
I turned back to them and start to walk slowly.
She's deceit, she's deceit. She said after 5 years we will meet again and we will be for each other. Now we see each other but she is already with someone else.
I stopped walking and looked back in their direction.
I'm seeing her Happy now with her husband.
"Congratulations ..... Mon Amour ......" With that my tears flowed again.
I walked back to my car and when I got on I hit the steering wheel and then cried.
I waited for almost 5 years for her, I waited 5 fucking years to be with her again but now .... She's getting married to my best friend.
"I hope you are happy now .... Lit Tallulah Fuertez."
"Sorry, I'm late," Van said reluctantly and sat in his chair next to me. Our brother looked at him so I remained silent. That asshole bastard is not in the mood today.
"What happened to your face?" Fin asked.
"A stranger came and punched my face." He replied. I began to eat quietly while listening to them.
"What? Why didn't you call me right away?" Fin asked again.
"As if you care?" Van replied so I look at him.
"What is happening to you Van?" Creed asked. Van didn't answer so I answered.
"He's not in the mood," I said so they looked at me.
"Why, what happened?" Dad asked. Van didn't answer again so I answered again.
"Ugh ... his date with Aphrodite was ruined," I replied. They all looked at Van.
"What?" Leona asked.
"And then, there's a stranger who came here and punched his face," I added then drank wine.
"The fuck?" Leana asked wrinkled.
"Let's forget about that." Said, papa.
I just quietly ate while Dad talked to Fin and Clementine, They said that Clementine was about to give birth so that gave excitement to all of us. Until we got to know Creed. They said that Rizden was pregnant so we were even more excited because someone would add to the Vaughn Clan.
Until the conversation between Leona and Leana ended.
"I think I'm going to have a boyfriend soon," Leana said.
"Who's the lucky guy?" Dad asked.
"He's a merman dad," Leona said so papa looked at Leana.
"Really? A merman?" Papa asked.
"Did I think witches and mermaids would fight?" Van interjected.
"Van is right," Dad said.
"But dad, Darko is good. He's different from all the mermaids like him. He didn't judge me." Leana defended.
"I want to see that merman." Said papa so Leana smiled and nodded.
"Leona. Find your future husband." Said papa and ate the steak.
"If you can't imitate Von." I looked at papa and frowned at what papa said.
"Huh?" I asked. Dad looked at me and smiled.
"Since you and Van turning 99 next week. I arranged you for marriage." I let go of the utensils I was holding.
"What?" I asked in shock. Did he arrange my marriage? What the Hell?
"Why? You're already turning 99, you need to be married." Said, papa.
"And why me?" I asked annoyed. I don't like everyone leading me. I'm waiting for a girl! I can't marry a woman I don't know!
"Because you're the only one of my sons who isn't married yet. Look at Van, he's chasing his soon to be-"
"But I don't need to be a married dad. I'm not yet ready and I'm still enjoying my life!" Annoyed I said. I never thought this would happen to me. I'm going to be tied to a woman I don't know!
"You can enjoy your life with your soon-to-be wife."
"The hell dad? I don't even want to know who that is." I said angrily. I want to answer him harshly but I can't because he is still my father. I have lost my appetite.
"Dad, I think Von can also find a wife for him." Van defended me.
"And when else? When I'm at the grave?" Dad asked and shook his head. "We're better prepared, we should multiply our race because we're one Vaughn."
"In what way Dad? arrange a marriage with someone I don't know?" I asked annoyed.
"You're soon to be Wife is nice. You'll like her."
"Dad I don't want to!" I shouted and stood up in great annoyance.
"If you want, you can get married to her. I don't want to." Annoyed I said and teleported to my room.
I was so annoyed that I threw away everything I could find. I threw away the vases I could see and sat up in annoyance.
Why do I have to arrange marriage, I'm waiting for a woman so I can't marry someone I don't love and I don't know.
Annoyed, I walked to the terrace and shouted.
It never entered my mind that Dad would do this to me.
"Do not Cry." Van's voice. I did not say a word. He approached me and stepped aside.
"Are you scared because of what dad said?" He asked. I looked at him and sighed.
"I'm waiting for someone, Van," I said and remembered the woman I was waiting for who promised after 5 years we would meet and said we were destined for each other
I did not answer him. I don't want to tell him.
"Dad said, in the next two months you will be married. And on our birthday he will introduce who you will marry." I clenched my fist at the anger I felt. What papa said really won't change.
"I don't want to marry, Van," I said hoarsely and my tears flowed.
"I'm not ready to be tied to another woman yet," I added and thought of Lit's face.
"I know I'm a twin, but we can't do anything." He said.
"What Dad said nothing can be broken unless he takes it back." He added.
"I'm starting to hate dad. "I whispered. "He's not asking for my opinion," I said and cried. He came up to me and hugged me.
I'm waiting for a woman, I'm waiting for the woman I love. I'm waiting for Lit.