A girl friend of mine once told me the joke about men being born with two heads and only having enough blood to operate one at a time. It’s a true thing. The guys must have all thought it was the girl’s responsibility to protect herself. I guess they figured that it was my job to carry around condoms just in case.
Yeah right!
Mom would have gone nuts if she had caught me with one. Besides, I figured if a guy wanted me bad enough, he should go get them himself. If not, then he’d have to settle for a blow-job. That’s another thing while I’m at it. Can't you guys shut the fuck up about stuff like this? If I even touched a guy’s wiener, it was all over the place by the next day. Then I had to put up with all the guy’s loser friends making comments about "when is it their turn?" Really? So, when I broke up with my latest boyfriend, Brian, I really wasn’t all that upset. I had a reputation already for at least giving good blowjobs, and I knew that another guy was just a weekend or two away.
Weeks before school would restart I started waking up from some really wild dreams. I never did this before. I thought it might just be the stress of starting my last year in school. At first I didn’t remember much of them, but after a while I began to have the same dreams over and over. This wasn’t willful on my part, and I had never even considered it, but I began to realize I was having dreams about Mr. Cleff. At first, I think they were innocent. Some had me back in Mexico, living with him and his family; then they started to focus on just him and me. Then, it started to be sexual. I dreamt he was making love to me in a beautiful and secluded place, tropical at first, then in places I was familiar with.
One very vivid dream had me vigorously bouncing against him in an effort to reach my orgasm. I think I actually had a cum as I slept. I woke so suddenly that I could almost feel him still inside of me. I felt myself, and I was completely wet. This had never happened to me before. It was about this time that I began to actually look forward to getting back to school. I knew it was about seeing Mr. Cleff again.
I was tempted, and I actually did go out to the school to see if he was even still with us. I knew his work permit was only temporary, and I guess I just had to know if he had been hired back on for another year. Under some other excuses, some friends and I cruised out to the school campus.
While the others were scoping out new changes and stuff, I was scanning the place for Mr. Cleff. There was no sign of him around the buildings. The other girls were ready to move on and head back into town. Just as we were leaving the school property near the highway, I spotted Mr Cleff He was out along the frontage road, mowing grass. The car I was riding in was full of girls, so I knew he probably wouldn’t even see me. He was focused on the path ahead and steering the mower. As we passed by, my heart skipped a beat.
It was really hot outside, and I had never seen Mr. Cleff do this while school was in session. He had taken his shirt off and was wearing just khaki shorts and a Panama hat. I had to take a hard look to make sure it was really him. His physique was incredible. Even though he wasn’t all that tall, I was shocked to see the ripped stomach muscles and massive chest. His powerful thigh muscles and calves were like those of a young football player. His upper arms and shoulders were huge.
Even a couple of the other girls in the car gasped and hooted. I’m pretty sure they didn’t even recognize who that was. They probably thought he was some nameless worker hired for the summer. None had ever even paid enough attention to Mr. Cleff to recognize him out of his normal work clothes. I was utterly speechless. My emotions caused my skin to flush, and my heart rate pounded the whole way back to town.
Needless to say, my dreams then took on an overtly sexual tone. I swore the intensity of my dreams was leaving me hornier than I had ever been before. I even started masturbating just after I woke up. I knew this wasn’t a good idea because Uncle Xander was always around, but I couldn’t just walk around horny all day long either.
One of the perks of senior year was the option of having a study hall either just after lunch or for last period. If you chose last period, you got out of school early one day a week. Since Mom needed our car for work, I would still have to stay around anyway and ride the bus home or wait for other friends to give me a lift. The only other option would be for Uncle Xander to come pick me up. Being alone in a car with that creep was not going to happen, not for all the money in the world.
I made the choice of having a study hall period just after lunch. No one cared where you went or where you hung out during that time. You just couldn’t leave campus, or disturb other classes. It was just fifty extra minutes of free time after lunch. Wednesday was assigned to me as my extended lunch break by a random drawing.
When school resumed, everything got back to normal rather quickly. Same old faces, same old teachers. Not much ever really changed that much around there. I went out of my way to find and say hello to my buddy, Mr Cleff I couldn’t ever mention anything to him about seeing him that day when my friends and I drove out. I think I did actually start to imagine myself with him about then. I tried to ignore the fact that he was married and probably a good husband. He was, however, a man in every sense of the word. I tried to look past his loose-fitting clothes and remember that five-second glimpse I had gotten while he was on that mower. All this was floating around in my head when we met for the first time again.
Then, I did something really stupid. He and I were talking in a small nook of an empty hall. As our casual conversation ended, some impulse just came over me. I know I caught Mr Cleff off-guard too, but I reached for him with my only free arm and gave him a huge hug. As my head came to rest on his chest, I realized what I was doing, and I quickly pulled away. I didn’t have the nerve to look him in the face, and I quickly walked away. I could feel my face flushing all the way to my next class. "Stupid, so stupid!" was all I could mutter as I walked. "God," what an idiotic thing to do!